Making Up After An Argument (TWO SHOTS)

Making Up After An Argument (TWO SHOTS)


Making Up After An Argument


     The night before you and myungsoo got in an argument. You were still upset, at the time myungsoo wasn't home because he had a busy schedule and wouldn't come home till almost midnight. You were thinking of a way to make things up with him, "Ah I'll make him his favorite snack, and I'll tell him how sorry I was."


Myungsoo was worried you were still upset. The whole day he was thinking of how to apologize to you. He went to the bakery shop near by their dance studio and bought you the most prettiest cake there. s asked him why he was buying a cake, but he wouldn't tell them. 

" Aww L are you buying it for me" sungyeol asked and being his chodling self. L laughed, "Ani" sungyeol gasped "You couldn't be buying it for sungjong, could you?" 

"Ani, it's none of your business."

L thought maybe the cake wasn't enough to make it up to you, and went to a flower store near by and bought a bouquet of your favorite roses.

"This should do. The ice cream store is across the street minus will get us some ice cream too."


Soon, you noticed it was time for myungsoo to come home, and you were just  about done setting the table with his favorite snack, spicy rice cakes. He always said you made the best spicy rice cake ever. You heard the door bell ring and hurried to open it.

" Bowyaa"

You said as you opened the door to find myungsoo holding a bouquet of roses in front of his face. You took the roses from and told him to come in. While you were in the kitchen looking for the vase you had to put the roses in, felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

"What are you doing?"

"I just want to tell you that I'm sorry, I don't know what was going on yesterday." You knew how sorry he was by how he said it and the tone of his voice."It's okay I also don't know what was going on too let's just forget about it, okay."

You turned around while he was still holding your waist and hugged him around the neck. You let go of eachother and looked eachother in the eyes not letting go,he then leaned down to give you a quick kiss on the lips. You told him you made some spicy rice cakes and told him to go have some.He was walking towards the table but turned back to you and told you that he bought a cake and ice cream, you went to the living to get the ice cream and put it away before it melted.You then went and sat down at the table with myungsoo, you two were eating the spicy rice cake, before you noticed, you saw myungsoo crying and sniffing, you didn't know what was going on and why he was crying.

"Are you okay?" He looked up at you. "It's really spicy, but oh will my baby made it, so going to eat all of it."

You didn't understand what he was saying but soon realized that it was too spicy for him. You got up and got him a glass of cold water, you remembered about the ice cream that he got you, and went to get it for him. He started eating it like crazy trying to cool off his mouth. You didn't know what to do.

"Sorry for making it so spicy."

"What? Is this some sort of pay back for arguing with me yesterday?" He said jokingly. 

"Noo, I would never do that it didn't seem spicy enough to me, I- I guess I added to much chili powder and paste, I'm sorry I didn't think it would get this spicy."


Later he said it was delious despite that it was so spicy. It was nearly 1am you both went to wash up and went to bed.

"Let's not ever have an argument ever again." Myungsoo said.

"What  did we argue about in the first place?" you questioned him.

You both laughed, you felt his arm wrap around around your waist, and you turned to face him and wrapped you arms around him.

"I love you." Myungsoo said and you said the same back to him. He kissed you on the forehead and pulled you closer to his chest. Soon enough you guys fell asleep in eachothers arms for the rest of the night.






Authors Note: Okay you guys that are reading this, this is only part one. I wanted to make it longer and I felt like chapter one is long enough already so I'm going to making a chapter two on the story, so look forword to it. Sorry if there was any confusions. Hope you enjoyed the story and look forword to part two.  :D Comment and Subscribe!




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Chapter 2: Awwwww.... So cute!!! :D
Chapter 2: So sweet <3
iHeartKMS #3
Chapter 2: so fluffy x3333
Chapter 2: very fluffy ^^