Here Goes Nothing

Another Chance

Misty groaned as she turned over. She blinked a few times before she could fully take in her surroundings. A wave of anxiety washed over her for a split second before remembering the night before. She got out of bed and headed to the bathroom before making her way downstairs. It took her a few minutes to find the kitchen where Lay was, cooking something delicious just from the smell of it.

“I didn’t want to wake you but we have to eat quickly. We’re kind of running late for today’s pre-wedding activities.” Lay said as he placed a plate in front of Misty. He made French toast and eggs.

“You eat eggs right?” Lay asked.

“Occasionally,” Misty said digging in. “Wow Lay! This is delicious. Thank you.” Misty said after finishing her first bite.

“You’re welcome. Oh! And I called Baekhyun, he brought your stuff. They’re by the dresser in your room.”

“Lay…I can’t thank you enough.” Misty replied.

Misty and Lay arrived at Danni’s parents’ mansion for a gathering. Misty didn’t want to believe that Danni actually lived in a mansion but alas she was wrong. This girl is officially Malibu Barbie. When they entered Misty wanted to just walk right out. There were so many guests.

“MISTY! LAY! FINALLY! MISTY COME HERE AND MEET MY PARENTS!” Danni yelled from across the room. She could run out the door but of course she didn’t, this was all for Chen Misty repeatedly to herself. Danni suddenly appeared in front of her and started pulling her towards Danni’s parents.

“Mom, Dad, this is Misty! She’s ChenChen’s best friend and my maid of honor.” Danni said. Misty smiled at the couple.

“It’s very nice to meet you.” Misty greeted and extended her hand. But instead they both drew her towards them and hugged her. Misty was caught off guard by their gesture. No wonder Danni was the way she is. When they finally let her go, which felt like an eternity she immediately spotted Chen talking to Xiumin and Kai and excused herself.

“Aren’t Danni’s parents wonderful?” Chen smiled at her.


“Yes. They’re one of a kind.” Misty said faking a smile. They seemed like a nice couple but ugh we’re they kind of already annoying her. Xiumin and Kai just laughed.

“Hey, you want a Mimosa?” Kai asked

“Yes please!” Misty said a little bit too desperately. As soon as Kai handed her a glass, Danni once again was beside her. This time she led her to what Misty assumed was Danni’s room. Danni sat on the edge of the bed and patted the space next to her. As Misty sat down, Danni took both of her hands and held it.

“I know Chen is in love with you. The way he talks about you, the way he looks at you heck he laughs at all your jokes and he barely laughs at mine. And I just wanted to tell you that you won.” Danni said right into Misty’s eyes. Misty didn’t know how to react to what she just heard.

 “Danni, Chen is marrying you, not me, but you…”Misty started but was cut off.

“No. The man has you on a pedestal. He will love you always. And I accept that.”

“Danni…Chen loves you. He wouldn’t be marrying you if he didn’t. And I would know. Trust me, he will come around and you will see. He and I are just…familiar. That’s all.” Misty said as Danni started to sob.

“Thank you Misty. Thank you so much.” She stuttered and wrapped her arms around Misty.

The little gathering took way too long for Misty’s liking and she probably drank too many Mimosas. But after a long day of meeting Danni’s relatives and friends, she was finally going back to the hotel with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. The car ride to the hotel was completely silent; the two most talkative of friends were silent. From what Misty gathered the party was probably as exhausting as it was for her.

“Misty, Chen isn’t going to be Danni tonight. This is probably your only chance.” Baekhyun said once the car was parked at the hotel.

“Tell Chen what?” Chanyeol asked.

“That she is in fact in love with him.” Chanyeol let out a gasp and his eyes widened and that toothy smile appeared, Misty just rolled her eyes at him but was smiling. She didn’t realized she missed seeing Chanyeol’s facial expressions.

“Thanks for the ride; I’ll see you guys tomorrow at the rehearsal.” Misty said as she started making her way to the lobby.

Misty  went straight to her room to contemplate whether she should go to Chen’s room. After a few minutes of pacing back and forth her room, she made her way up to the next floor. She knocked on his door and waited. A few minutes passed and he hasn’t answered. Maybe he wasn’t here yet, she thought. So she sat crossed legged on the floor and leaned the back of her head on the door. She fished out a cigarette and lighter in one of her cardigan pockets. She was about to light it when the door swung open, her upper body landing on the floor right above Chen.

“Misty…what are you doing?” Chen asked. Misty didn’t say anything for she was still in a bit of a daze. “And didn’t I tell you to quit this,” Chen said grabbing the cigarette and lighter out of her hands. “You’re going to kill yourself, you know that.” He finished.

“I only do it once in a while.” Misty said defensively not bothering to get up.

“I think more frequently than you think. Now what do you want?”

“I need to tell you something.” Misty murmured.

“Okay. But first, you still have the ring right?”

“Yes. Of course.” Misty murmured again causing Chen to raise an eyebrow.

“Where is it?” Misty closed her eyes and raised her left hand; the sapphire ring was on her ring finger.

“Misty! Why are you wearing it? Take it off.”

“I just wanted to try it on…but…now…its stuck. I was testing if it would make me turn invisible. You don’t want your bride to randomly disappear at the altar, right?” Misty said lowly. Chen groaned.

“What am I going to do with you.” Chen said chuckling a little before kneeling beside Misty. He grabbed her arm and brought her fingers in his mouth and slowly took the ring off with his teeth.

“Now put this back in the box and don’t wear it again.” Chen demanded placing the ring on the palm of her hand.

“Okay.” Misty sighed.

“Now tell me why you’re here.”

Misty got up and went in the room. She sat on the edge of his bed; Chen followed her in and stood in front of her.

“Do you remember that night in New Zealand? When we promised each other that when we turn 25 and we haven’t found anyone to marry that we would just marry each other.” Misty started.

“Yes. Not a day goes by when I don’t.”

“Well what if…what if…”

“ Why are you suddenly bringing this up two days before I’m getting married?!” Chen yelled. His tone wasn’t angry, it was probably disappointed.

“I know this is the tiest timing but I’ve always loved you. I was just too much of a coward to admit it and I didn’t know…..” Misty trailed off as she took a deep breath trying to keep the tears behind her eyes.

“Didn’t know what?”

“I didn’t know you could love somebody else,” Misty started. She couldn’t stop the tears. “You’ve loved me for so long and I was dumb enough not to have realized it sooner. She finished. Chen walked towards her and embraced her. She was shaking underneath as he her hair.

“Misty. My Misty. I think you and I both know that I would marry you in an instant. I’ve love you since we met and I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you. But Danni, my love for her is different. I think once that person comes in your life, you’ll understand.” Chen explained as he tilted Misty’s head. He wiped the tears on her cheek and she chuckled.

“I don’t want to lose you, Chen. I just want you to be happy.” Misty said.

“You don’t have to worry about losing me, I mean we already see less and less of each other each year but I’ll make time for you when we’re in the same country. And I am happy,” Chen whispered before kissing Misty on the cheek. “I’m happy I found you and you’ll always be my first love.”

 “It’ll be our two days affair.” Misty chuckled and winking at Chen.

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Chapter 3 is almost up!! I always love to hear your comments!!!


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Chapter 25: Whoa was not expecting all that!!!

As usual, everything was well written and enjoyable!!! I really like this little storyline you created for misty and lay! Its a very good one and it seemed like the story could have been about them all along lol!!!

Huuu, i really enjoyed this story!!!
penielhyunsik #2
Chapter 24: oh my god...its awesome ... fantastic .. amazing.. idont know what to say...i really 100x love it
Chapter 24: Love it!!!!
Chapter 24: Oh i loved it!!! And i am glad chen a misty ended up together, but im honestly looking forward to that lay/misty ending as well, cause lay and her could have def been something together...!!

Im still excited and its supposed to be over!!!
kaisoosfault #5
Chapter 23: gaaaaaaaaahhhhhh
this is adorable.
I'm emotional rn, sweet baby jesus on a stick this was cute af. I'm so glad they are together now, Misty might have been a bit of a sometimes but she deserves to be with Chen. They say your first love marks you for life, guess it's true uh? *wipes silent tear* congratulations! Very well written!
Chapter 23: Oh no, was this the end!? In all honesty, you can end it here, cause otherwise it will go through a whole bunch more chapters lol but please do an epilouge to smmooth things over and work everything out for us readers instead of letting us speculate...

I loved the ending so much!!! And Lay! I really loved him! Lol he is too sweet!!!
kaisoosfault #7
Chapter 22: I'm not even kidding, update this as soon as humanly possible, I'm dying here!
Chapter 22: I wonder how jongdae feels about danni, i mean, he is the one thats married and literally tied down now. Whereas misty and mario would be an easier breakup but shes the one that seems so crushed...

I look forward to seeing where this goes now...
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhhaha!!!! Its an update! Oh happy days!!!! And as usual i loved it!!!

Soooo mario has convinced danni to cheat on chen mere hours after their wedding...GREAT! She didnt deserve chen anyway!!!! Lol

I cant wait for the next chapter which im sure will contain some chensty action/conversation!

Thank you so much for the update!!!
Chapter 20: I can see where this may be going ahuhuhuhuhu...!!!!!!!

Im excited for it!!!