Familiar Faces

Managing You & Me

At Dakyung unnie's office, doing the basic paperworks really made me feel like I was a sleep deprived zombie..

I so need a wake-me-up. I used my golden break time to spend some time at the café just around the corner.

I just stared at the window till my order was called.
I memorized each and every building I could see, since I need to get used to this area.
"Order number 29, strawberry smoothie"
Oh there it is ~ finnaallyy smoothie timee!!
As I pretty much tumbled out of my seat toward my glowing smoothie , I gracefully bumped into somebody.
"Ah! Jwesonghapneeda*!"
I looked up into a somewhat familiar face , a guy looking around my age. 
"Ah- sorry- it's my fault."
The guy chuckled, a mysterious grin formed on his face.
"Guess this is yours?"
He handed me my smoothie.
"Uh yeah, thanks!"
I replied, trying to figure out where I've seen him.
" See you next time then." He responded casually, then swiftly left the café.
Hold up.. Did he just say "next time?"
Second day of job. First day to know exactly what it is. 
Excited? I don't even know.
I have absolutely zero clue to what's going to happen... Is this feeling good or bad? 
Dakyung unnie and I arrive at the WM entertainment headquarters, and we entered the building. 
Yes, I'm nervous. For no reason.
Unnie is explaining each rooms and offices as we walk down the main hall.
As we giggle and joke around,I bump into something of a wall. I turned myself around and had a total WHAAA?? moment.
I bumped into the guy at the café .. again,
except he was smiling at me like he expected this to happen.
I stared at him in total disbelief as I mouthed more to myself than to him- "how are you here??"
Dakyung unnie breaks the whole dumbfounded moment with formal introductions.
"Ahn-ah, meet your new clients, B1A4. I'll introduce them in order."
Oh.. maybe that's why they were familiar and all. I listened to their song a few times. I just remebered I really liked the songs.
But something still made me glance towards the guy from the cafe a couple more times.
A person among the 5 whines,
 "Noona, why do we always go in age order? Introduce me first!"
Unnie laughs that unnie-laugh and says "fine fine. Okay Ahn ah, this whining little puppy here, his name is Gongchan, he takes the vocal and maknae* position."
I look at Gongchan and he looks just like a cute puppy.
A legit puppy with a double eyelid and a suspicious ulzzang aura radiating from him.
Gongchan seemed really happy as he spoke, " Don't laugh, but my real name's Gong Chanshik"
 Chanshik sounds like a name my next door neighbor would have. It was such a contrast to his pretty face.
Unnie contiunes, "Next up is the main vocal, Sandeul, and the one next to him is the B in B1A4, rapper Baro." 
"I'm Junghwan, and I hope you're ready to deal with our stupidity. " Saudeul said with a childish expression laying on his entire face.
Baro commented,"'Sup- My name's Sunwoo, but Daramjwee* works too!"
Unnie continued the intro. 
"Next is CNU, our sunbee* (not sunbae lolz), vocal and rapper. Then, it's Jinyoung, B1A4's leader, vocal, and  sometimes songwriter and composer .
"Speaking of which, have you guys met before? You were staring at him like something hit you on the back or something. He's the romantic type so he likes to mess with the whole coincidencidential -things."
I shyly whispered ,"uhmm I met him at the café..."
Jinyoung grinned widely and said,  "I really couldn't help sneak a peek at our new second manger."
Rest of the B1A4 members grumbled, "Without us?" "How could you hyung!"
It felt so staged- the whole thing.
Dakyung Unnie and Jinyoung exchanged a knowing glance that I obviously wasn't notified of.
It made me question the whole scene- Do I know this people already?
I just felt so comfortable, almost at home already despite the whole foregin idea of this new job.
After the arguing, whining, and bickering, Dakyung unnie nudged me, giving me a look towards B1A4.
It's time to introduce myself, so I turned facing B1A4.
"Hi- the name's Ahnah, and I'm going to be your new second manager from here on out! I'm nineteen years of age so feel free to drop the formalities. If there's anything interesting about me, I'm currently an orphan, and I lived in America for six years and my blood type is A positive - just in case you were wondering."
I explained with ease.
They just seemed like they already knew all of those facts.
The crowd welcomed me with warmd smiled and loud cheers-
This is my second time feeling welcomed and all since I lost my mom and I really have a good feeling about this.."Job".
So to ask the question again, Am I excited?
And that's when I got to know my job. Officially.
After all the intros and goodbyes,
I headed into a music shop and bought every single one of B1A4 CDs, and got like, gazillion posters.
As second manager, I feel like I should support my clients to the fullest.
(Yes I am in denial that I'm already fangirling over them)
I'm going to work really really hard, so I can be proud once in my sappy life.
 I came back home and I slowly unraveled the sudden blam-in-my-face surprise of today and every detail that's happend  
...yup...still can't believe what's happend ...
thought this stuff only happens in like.. fanfics  (ha...ha..ha) .
I fully decorated my room B1A4 style with the things I bought.
Also, I bought a new alarm clock while I was shopping.
Hopefully this one won't suffer from my unconsious attacks.
I winded the clock to its rightful time and decided to keep it as my new-life reminder. Like a good luck charm.
Anyway, I took a long relaxing bath and cleared my thoughts.
But somehow I just couldn't shake off Jinyoung's mysterious looks-
Like he had something to say.
He just seemed so sad.. so desperate.
But you could only notice it if you looked carefully.
How did I know to observe him like that?
Suddenly, my phone went off. It's a message. I opened it up to look at a text from... Jinyoung? How do I have his number?
The text read: 
'This is Jinyoung, sorry to text you late but thought I should give you all of our numbers . ~~ jaljayo goodnight!*'
Jinyoung sent me a list of the B1A4 members' numbers.
Huh.. Jinyoung really takes care of others.
The soft words caught on to my fangirl-smothered heart and labeled : Jinyoung is sweet and thoughtful like a oppa*.
I cuddled into my bed , staring at Jinyoung oppa's face on my B1A4 poster, and dozed off smiling.
 *to be continued ;) it has a lonng way to go b4 the end *
   ______Glossary ^.^ ______
- Jwesonghapneeda : "I'm sorry" in Korean, more formal than mianhae or mhian 
- maknae : u guys already know >ㅂ< but for newbies, it means the youngest in a group, or the youngest person. 
- Daramjwee : squirrel in Korean. All BANAs should know tht Baro's nickname is Squirrel
- Sunbee : refers to ancient korea, gentlemen with knowledge are referred to as sunbees, ad they usually have patience and rarely any temper. CNU's nickname is sunbee, for he's the calm and quiet of the B1A4 members 
-  jaljayo goodnight : all BANAs should be familiar with this, jaljayo means sleep well, or goodnight to be more "culturally" correct. B1A4 has a song called jaljayo goodnight, so there ya go :D
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DONE :) the last chapter will be for my awesome subbunnies >.


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Chapter 13: ...'Not my style.'... LOL GALAXY KRIS REFERENCE! XD HAHAHA (sorry, i couldn't help it kekeke >_____<)
zldhwyjh_98 #2
Chapter 27: so..... this is my second time reading this story and can I just say that its still amazing?? I know what happens, I know what to expect but it still surprises me. I LOOOOVEEEE this story. best one I've ever read and trust me I read a LOOOOTTT
Chapter 43: Ha I was on the 15th chap. and I skipped to the end. When I read to the first few lines I was like, "NOOOO WHY DAEHYUN" But then I read it through and realized it was Jinyoung all along. So my reaction was, "YUSSSSSSS IN YOUR FACE DAEHYUN *FIST PUMP*" (No offense)
Chapter 42: Hsdbsfjsnjsufsn !! I love this story so much miss author ! ♥♥♥♥♥ . I'll give you ... ★★★★★ ! See .. hihihihi
frostysnowprincess #5
Chapter 43: YAY DAEHYUN IS HAPPY!! Now this is actually over...wow. I can't wait to see what you write next!!
frostysnowprincess #6
What should I call you? I feel like we've become good friends through this fanfic!
But seriously, even though this fic had it's highs and lows, it's fantastic. I find myself reading it again and again. You really have a lot of talent and I know for certain that I will always support you, no matter what.
I'm so happy I found this fanfic, because it is perfect. Seriously. It did become confusing, but I could never stop reading because I always wanted to know what would happen next. All of the loose ends were tied up and nothing was confusing in the end \(^o^)/ I was/am addicted to this fanfic oh my gosh XD
Thank you for writing this, thank you for never giving up, and thank you for just being adorable. This fanfic makes me smile, and your comments make me smile ^o^
On a slightly different subject but I just want to make sure you know...
HAVE YOU HEARD THAT B1A4 MIGHT BE COMING TO AMERICA?! (I remember in an author note you said that you live in America...right? I could be wrong OTL)
Chapter 39: Thank you author nim for your imagination! I love your story the best here on aff tbh. I cant wait for the next flight, please say u will do another ff, I will read it!! :)
zldhwyjh_98 #8
Chapter 42: thank you for this amazing fanfic. literally i read this until like 3 in the morning even if i had school the next day because i just couldn't stop. around the part when she was getting her memory back hahah :) you're the best!! please write moreee!!!!!
Thank you for finishing~~~