The Cell Phones

The Olive Branch

"Yunho, which shirt do you think I should wear? The black, or the white?" Yuri asked, raising two shirts of the same design. Yunho shrugged his shoulders and sat on a nearby bench, playing a few games on his phone. She glared at him and placed the clothes back to the cloth rock. She stormed up to Yunho and poked his cheeks. Startled, he looked up from his game and stared at her with a confused expression.

"What do you want now?" Yunho asked, groaning.

"I wanted your opinion, but it's too late. Gosh, you know how hard it is for a girl to ask a guy's opinion?" Yuri complained.

"What? It's just clothes. Plus, neither of the clothes looked good on you. That was a horrible design," he commented, focusing back on his game.

Yuri scrunched her nose. "You're just jealous because it's my birthday!"

Yunho dropped his jaws. "Wha... No, I'm not! If you really want an opinion, go see Jaejoong! He gives people the most blunt opinions ever."

"I can't! I just left him with Jessica. Ugh, why are you so useless in these kinds of situations?" Yuri whined.

"Why are you so annoying in these types of situations," Yunho muttered, putting his phone away. "Let's just go and find them. They can't be too far from us."

"But Jessica needs a boyfriend," Yuri insisted. "She's already going to a different school. Imagine how lonely she is, and how pathetic is sounds to her friends when she says that she's texting her best friend at another school instead of a guy!"

"Why don't you let Jessica date Jaejoong, then? He says yes to every thing as long as he gets paid," Yunho suggested. Right after he said that, Yuri froze. She gave him a strange look that Yunho could not read. 

"Jaejoong...with Jessica? No, no. No, they can't be together. I refuse to see them together!" she declared.

"Why? It's a fake relationship--"

"That's exactly why! I don't want Jessica to suffer a relationship full of emptiness! It has to be filled with drama and love," Yuri described. "Haven't you ever fallen in love before? What happened to that BoA girl of yours? I thought you liked her!"

Yunho's face hardened. "She was never my girlfriend. If she was, then I would be dating her and she wouldn't be in coma right now."

Before Yuri got the chance to say anything, Yunho got up and separated ways with her. She dropped her jaws and stared at Yunho's back, which suddenly blended in the crowd. She glared at him and grabbed her bag. Rushing out of the room, she couldn't believe how Yunho had abandoned her.

However, after hearing about how his crush was in coma, Yuri felt a bit guilty deep inside her heart for mentioning such a traumatic event.

"Hey! Yunho!" Yuri called, squeezing herself through the crowd of people. "I'm sorry! Forgive me! I didn't mean to make you feel so... upset?"

She stopped her tracks. Now that she looked around carefully, she realized that Yunho was not with her anymore. He was out of her sight. Like a mother who had lost a child, Yuri began to panic. Where was Yunho? Did Yunho know where to meet them afterwards? She didn't have his number, so there was no way of contacting him. What if he got lost in the mall and his cell phone?

"Well, well, well! Look what we have here," a stranger cooed. Yuri quickly turned around and found two guys ganging up on her. She suddenly felt weak, and her pride faded like a breeze.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm really busy," she started, backing up. There no way that they would kidnap me in front of everyone like this.

"Aw, come on! We just want to have a little fun. How about you come with us? We'll pay you cash if we have to," the guy taunted.

"I... I'd rather not--"

"Don't be like that!" the second man said, grabbing her wrist. "It's my birthday! Let's just have a little drink and then we can all go home!"

I'm born on the same month and day with this creep? Ew! "P-Please let me go--"

"Come here, sweet heart! I don't bite--"

"Excuse me..." A husky voice boomed behind Yuri. When she turned around, her expression brightened when she saw Yunho approaching her. He quickly separated the stranger's grip and grabbed Yuri by her shoulders. Pulling her closer to him, he slightly glared at the boys. "Were you flirting with this girl?"

The first boy glanced his friends, then grunted. "Lady, you should've said that you had a boyfriend or something. We would've stopped bugging you."

Yunho widened his eyes as Yuri turned slightly red.

"B-Boy what? Excuse me, but this guy here is--"

"Is her loyal, trusty boyfriend," Yunho said. Hearing this, both dancers cringed and had a bitter expression. The two strangers walked away, leaving Yuri alone with Yunho. Believing that she was safe, Yunho released Yuri's grip and continued to walk. Seeing this, Yuri rushed over to his side, scared that other men would try to flirt with her again.

"Even though you flattered yourself about being my fake boyfriend, I'll thank you," Yuri said, shoving her hands in her pockets. "And... And I'm sorry for saying something that made you remember about your crush. I just thought you you didn't understand a woman's heart."

"I don't," Yunho agreed, "but I'm a guy. Even though guys should be tough, I still have feelings."

"Yeah... I'm sorry." A pause. "Friends?"

"Don't push it," he replied, shaking his head.

Yuri glared at him. Just when I thought that you were a nice guy!


"I'm tired and I'm sleepy. Why can't we go home? No one likes shopping!" Jaejoong whined, dragging his feet right behind Jessica. Jessica turned around and scowled at his childish behavior. She scratched her head and tapped on her feet impatiently.

"Well, if Yuri or Yunho picked up their phones, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess," Jessica snapped.

"Why don't we just leave a message and tell them to meet us at the cinemas?" he suggested, taking out his phone to text his friend.

"What cinemas? Who wants to sit down and watch a boring movie?" she asked, scrunching her eyebrows.

"At least I get the chance to sit down-- Oh shoot, my phone!" Jaejoong exclaimed. Someone behind him accidentally bumped against him, causing Jaejoong to let his cell phone slip out of his hands. Fearing that someone would step on it, he quickly crawled on his knees to search for his black phone. 

"It's over there!" Jessica cried, pointing at least two feet away. He looked up, and found his phone being kicked around by the shoppers. He rushed to grab his cellphone, but a little kid picked it up. The kid noticed Jaejoong on the floor, but ran to his mother. Jaejoong got up on his feet and quickly walked over to the little boy, who gave it to a little baby.

"Please don't drool," Jaejoong muttered. "Please don't droo--"

Before he could finish, the baby laughed happily, smashed his phone against the plastic table in front of it, and threw it down a whole floor. Jaejoong dropped his jaws and rushed over to the railings, where he saw his phone smashed into small pieces. 

"My phone," he whispered. Jessica finally caught up to him, and approached besides him. She looked down, and gasped when she saw the broken phone.

"Oh my gosh," Jessica said quietly. "H-How did you..."

"T-That baby! That kid! That..." When he turned around, the kid and the baby had already fled the scene. Jaejoong looked all over the area, but couldn't find the kids. He groaned and put his hands in front of his face. "My phone! That idiotic kid broke my phone!"

Jessica bit her bottom lip. "Ouch, that looks really painful. Do you know Yunho's number? Maybe I can contact him through my phone and tell him to meet us at the movie theaters."

"No, I don't even know Yunho's number! I have it on speed dial," he exclaimed. "Ugh, that looks like it's going to cost a fortune." His face suddenly darkened. "Dad's going to be so mad..."

"Relax, Jaejoong!" she said, slapping his arm. "It's just a phone. I'm sure you can live without a phone for few days or weeks, right?"


"No 'buts.' Look, I'll leave Yuri a text message to meet us at the cinemas, okay? They'll get our text, come over, and end of story! Problem solved," she said, grinning at Jaejoong. For a moment, he felt his heart leap a bit. He blushed a bit and looked away to avoid Jessica's glowing eyes.

"S-Sure. I trust you, okay?" he mumbled shyly. Jessica smirked and elbowed his arm.

"Who said that you can trust me? I'm Jung Jessica!" she exclaimed proudly.


"...I can't believe it. You lost your phone?" Yunho asked, widening his eyes.

Yuri bit her bottom lip. "W-Well... I didn't think that one of the guys were after my phone. I thought that they were after my looks and body!"

"Are you kidding me? Who would even like you? Ugh, more importantly, you lost your phone. I can't believe you let them steal your phone before they took off!" Yunho cried, pulling his hair. "You're such an idiot!"

"Now, wait a minute. I might've lost my phone, but we still have yours, right?" Yuri asked. Yunho pulled out his phone and shoved it in front of her face.

"Yes, I still have my phone," he bragged. "Look, I'm going to tell Jaejoong to meet us somewhere else, okay?"

"Where?" Yuri asked, looking over at his phone. Her eyes widened at the long list of contacts he had. She wasn't surprised to know that most of the contacts he had were girl's name.

"I don't know. Where should we go?" Yunho asked. Yuri paused and thought about it carefully.

"Knowing Jessica, she probably wanted to go to places I would like on my birthday."

"So what are you saying?"

Yuri grinned. "We're going to your dance practice room, duh! Hurry! Those two might've gotten a head start!"

Yunho nodded and quickly sent the text to Jaejoong, unaware of what might've happened to his friend's poor phone.

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8/11/13: Hey guys! I start school tomorrow, which means that there will be MONTHLY updates instead of weekly updates. Yep... Thanks for understanding!


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@DylonShinka: I'm like you enjoyed the fanfic! :D I felt that I kind of rushed it too much, but I'm still glad that you liked the ending. ^_^
DylonShinka #2
Chapter 31: Ahh so happy ending~!
really makes those who read it untouched and curious.
Thank you for your story, it was fun ^^
@ErinKrystal: Well, I'm probably not going to do a sequel (and if I was, it would probably highlight their marriage life or maybe one of their children's life), so yeah. ^^;;
Chapter 31: I hope you do another sequel! This story so interesting! :D
@roxxi1993: Well, I added the epilogue, if that makes you feel any better. :3 I was going to leave it as a cliff-hanger, but I thought that it would be nicer to add an epilogue instead. >_<
Chapter 31: Awww I was hoping for one more chapter before it truly ends!
But its so cute how it all ended!
Yunho finally had the courage to kiss Yuri!
And Jaesica got together after a long time of separation!
Thank you for completing the story!
@Glamgirls: Aha, thank you! ^o^
I love your foreword and description ><
@rapunsyoo: I was planning on having a cliff-hanger, but I decided to just end the story with a short epilogue. :P Thank you for reading! ^_^
Chapter 31: OMG THE EPILOGUE >___<
Yes it's kinda unclear for me but still better than hanging the story tho.
Good job author ^^