Hyung, I'm Waiting For You!

Hyung, I'm Thinking About You


Along the way to the photoshoot location, Sehun just kept silent. Kai glared at that maknae who had been just dreamy looking out of the car window. How long would he be like that? How long would he daydreamed thinking of that man? Although he continued to defend it, all just be in vain.

Arrived in front of the office building, the fans were waiting outside. Many of them were wearing red attribute. Naturally, because of their senior TVXQ would also take a photoshoot with them. Once out of the car, the fans orderly made a way for them to enter the building and tried to be empathetic. However, it still couldn’t be separated from the shouting hysterically, calling their names crazily, hoping they would reply to say hello or waving and even just glancing with cameras in their hands.

Sehun lazily walked into the building to follow other members. His attention then was distracted by a red balloon floating among his senior’s fans. His eyes turned blank. However, slowly, he smiled a little.

"Hyung, what are you doing with the red balloon?"

"Ahh, I’m planning to take it to sunbae’s concert tomorrow."

"Hyung, we are asked to come to the sunbae’s concert to learn more about the stage performance, not to fanboying. Why do you also have to carry a balloon? It’s just a fangirl’s doing, you know?"

"What's wrong? I just wanted to show my support for sunbae."

"Hhhh ​​... Then tomorrow at the venue I don’t want to sit next to you, hyung."

"Hahaha ... Whatever you say, Sehun-a!"

Sehun was still staring at that object until he was unaware Suho and others had shouted his name from the building.

The red balloon ... hyung, I’m remembering you ...


Suho with sad eyes instantly shocked Sehun with a hoarse voice. He immediately grabbed Sehun’s arm and took him into the building.

Sehun took a short breath and followed the leader to go directly to the photoshoot studio. At that place, all of them had gathered. When Sehun appeared after them, they were staring at him with mournful expression. Sehun lowered his head. His eyes widened wrathly. The blood quickly rustled as his anger began to mount. He clenched his hands.

Why is everyone acting like this? Showing me that pathetic face. Why do they continue to insist on just like they will separate us, hyung? Why are they so vile? Hyung, nothing can break us apart!

His anger subsided when two hands firmly gripped his shoulders. Yunho, his senior was standing right in front of him, smiling.

"Ya, Sehun-a! There you are. They’re looking for you! Where have you been?"

"Ne, sunbaenim! Mianhaeyo! I'm sorry!"

Yunho chuckled after hearing Sehun’s apology. Sehun raised his right eyebrow confusedly looking at his senior’s reaction. Yunho looked back at Sehun.

"Why are you still calling me sunbaenim? You just have to call me hyung just like Luhan does! Don’t talk too formal. Relax with me!"

The atmosphere became stiff when Luhan’s name was mentioned in front of Sehun. Yunho could feel a strange and awkward reaction from the people around then he stopped the conversation with Sehun. Looked like he had misspoken. He just accidentally lifted earlier conversation and really had no other intention. Yunho's expression changed stiff too. However, the person in front of him was smiling broadly.

"Okay, Yunho hyung! From now on I'll call you hyung as Luhan does!"

"Sehun-a, are you alright? You have to be more virile as a man!"

Sehun just nodded to hear the advice from his senior. All the frustration was gone and he was finally able to do the job well. The cameraman was very satisfied with all the results of his photoshoot after that.

Hyung, I guarantee you must be jealous watching me with Yunho-hyung... hahaha if you came earlier...

After the photo session ended, they returned to the dorm and waited for EXO-M arrived at their place soon that afternoon. All the them were tidying up their dorm every part. Sehun was fadly mixing the kimchi soup in the pan. He thought probably his friends must be tired of their flight. Therefore, he simply decided to pour the kimchi soup into six bowls so they didn’t have to take it anymore from the pan.

When Kai approached him with a frown after noticing six kimchi soup bowls on the table. He looked Sehun with dilated eyes.

"What are you doing?"

Sehun could hear clearly Kai’s deep voice was asking him. He casually answered that question without looking at him.

"I’m just pouring the soup into the bowls so that they can immediately eat it later after they arrive here."

Kai hit the table with his fist so hard. Sehun successfully shocked.

"No! I'm asking you. What the hell are you doing right now?"

Sehun began staring his eyes coldly. He really couldn’t stand at all towards him.

"I don’t know what you're talking about jerk!"

"Obviously you know! Don’t you realize that what you're currently doing is a crazy thing, huh? Everybody knows it!"

Sehun violently threw the soup spoon in his hand and clutched Kai’s collar. He gave a very terribly look to the person in front of him. They just stared each other without saying a word till the other members came to calm them. Sehun released his grip and pushed Kai hard so that man hit the table. He ran out the dorm just leaving the other member. No matter how many times they called him to come back.

Sehun was kicking trash cans ruthless and groaned out loud to vent his emotions. He ruffled his hair in frustration and punched the dorm wall. He walked without knowing where he was going. His mind was in turmoil. He then gripped a telekinetic necklace hanging around of his neck from his shirt and staring deeply filled with tears. Sehun started breathless hold his grief. His chest ached. However, he really couldn’t hide his sorrow anymore. His tears were falling. He crumpled and tried to hold his body with one hand. Another hand clutched the telekinetic necklace and stick it tightly to his chest.

Have I gone crazy already? Of course not! How could I get you out of my mind? Hyung, where are you now? Be hurry please come to me here and it will end! Hyung, I’m missing you so much. Hyung, I’m begging you...

I'll update the next chapter soon :D

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cassie17 #1
Chapter 1: Waaaaaa.....
What happened to Luhan???
Why Sehun seems so gloomy???
What happened between HunHan and Sehun n Kai???
cassie17 #2
And here I am waiting for the 1st chapter...!