
After Spring

I quickly hurried back to the palace. I climbed over the wall and crept inside. I smiled as I realized I got to meet Joonmi without getting caught or noticed. As I was about to walk to my hallway, I heard my mothers loud voice.


"Where is he!?" My mother yelled.


I mentally pictured who was getting lectured wince. I peeked over and saw Tai bowing on the floor infront of my mother. She looked like she was about to cry. I felt a shiver of protection cross over me. I stepped out from my hiding place.


"I'm here, I went out to get some fresh air." I said.


"Why were you gone for such a long time then!?" My mother snapped.


"I'm sorry, I got caught up in looking at the sky." I replied and bowed.


Then my mother was quiet. She turned to Tai.


"You are dismissed." My mother spat.


Tai got off the floor and bowed and she gave one glance at me before leaving.


"Now truthfully tell me where you went." My mother demanded sharply.


I knew she wasn't going to give up until I say the thing she wants me to say. I look at her.


"Okay, you caught me. I was in the stables; Wind was whining a lot." I lied once again.


She looked at me shocked but it quickly left her face. She put a neutral facial expression on.


"Go to bed, Wu Fan. You must be tired from tending Wind." My mother said and started to walk away.


"Yes, I will." I replied.


I went into my room and flopped right onto my bed without taking anything off, I was exhausted. I suddenly remembered that Joonmi was saying something earlier before I covered , I wonder what she was going to say. I'll ask her next time.




I heard someone knocking and I opened the door. It was Yixing.


"Oh! Hello." I said.


"Hello." Yixing said cheerfully.


"What are you doing here?" I asked.


"Remember last time when I said I wanted to spend more time with you?"


I nodded.


"Well let's go somewhere."


"Like ... where?"


Yixing thought for alittle as if he forgot where.


"Oh! Its a surprise." Yixing finally said.


"Ah. I don't know ..." I replied unsure.


Yixing pouted like a spoiled child and I couldn't help but laugh.


"Alright. Let me tell my mother." I said.


I left the door open and I went to find my mother. She was in the main room sewing.


"Umma, I'll be going out with Yixing." I say.


My mother stops and she looks up at me.


"Alright. Don't stay out too late, I need to talk to you."


"I'll be going then."


I went back to Yixing and nodded at him.


"I really want to know where were going." I say.


Yixing looks at me and shakes his head. Yixing links his around mine and leads the way. He leads us to a lake that was alittle ways from the village.


"I've never been here before." I said while looking around the scenery.


The water was a greenish color and the trees were glittered with oranges and yellow.


"Its a very beautiful place, you should see it in the spring time." Yixing says.


"Maybe I will." I replied.


I wanted to show this place to Wu Fan, maybe I could show him next time I meet him, which was tomorrow. I felt alitte bit light headed and dizzy so I sat down on a large rock that was nearby.


"Yixing, I'm surprised your not married yet." I said suddenly.


Yixing went up to the lakes shore.


"I could say the same for you. I imagine you would already have children." Yixing replied.


I hadn't replied to him. I looked down at my hands. Would it be alright to tell him that I was pregnant? No, it wasn't right, I should talk to Wu Fan first.


"I guess I'm waiting for the right person." Yixing said not looking at me.


"That's good. You'll live happily."


"Yeah. Anyways let's get to know each other more." I nodded.


We talked for hours, learning about one another; our likes, dislikes, hobbies. When laughing with Yixing, I really did feel like I haven't laughed in years.


"We should get going back." Yixing said smiling.




We talked more as we walked back and we parted as Yixing dropped me back to my house. I felt light and giddy from all the laughing. I stepped inside my house and my mother walked over to me.


"How was it?" She asked.


"It was fun." I smiled.


"Joonmi ..." My mother looked at me seriously.




"Will Wu Fan be there for the child?"


The lightness faded around me. I looked onto the ground.


"I .... I don't know, I haven't been able to tell him." I replied.


"Joonmi, this is why you have to be careful. This is why you get married. first." My mother scolded.


"I know I'm sorry but next time I promise I'll tell him everything."


My mother nodded.


"What if he doesn't want the child?" My mother suddenly asked.


I froze.


"O-of course he would! Its his child!" I replied.


Suddenly now fear gripped my shoulders. He would want this child, he loves me and I know he'll love this baby also, but somewhere I was doubting that statement; what if he really didn't want it? What would I do?


"If Wu Fan doesn't want the child .... Yixing could be a good backup." My father cut in.


I looked up at my dad.


"Appa! Me and him are only friends." I said.


"If you say so, he seems to have taken a liking to you." My father replied.


I didn't say anything back. Tears suddenly slipped through my eyes and I couldn't control them at all. Its all my fault, I should have refused Wu Fan, I shouldn't have been in Wu Fan's room at that time. I shouldn't have even fallen in love with Wu Fan.


My mother brought me into a hug and I cried even harder. I had so much support from my parents, in other families I would have been called a disgrace and a . I pulled away and went to my room as my crying started to slow. I sighed and wiped the tears from my cheeks and eyes. I reached up and took my hair from its bun, I let it fall down and I sit on my bed thinking of what to do if Wu Fan did refuse the child. Soon enough I felt myself fall into slumber.




In the morning I walked around the palace grounds just minding my own business, until I saw a carriage getting ready. Confused of what was happening I walked over. I saw my mother standing beside the carriage.


"Where are you going?" I asked.


"To the village, Im going to the dress maker." My mother said. "You are to stay here and work on your studies."


My mother climbed into the carriage after it was finished.


"Have a nice trip." I replied and bowed.


".... I will." My mother says and the carriage door closes.


I watch the carriage until its out of my sight and I turn around and go back into the palace. The thing was I hadnt even realized that the dress maker usually comes to us.



Sorry if this chapter was alittle fast! >_<

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(Master & Servant) Im so sorry if the update isnt good >_


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2444 streak #1
Chapter 10: i remember when i discovered this first years ago... i was so drawn into it but it's so sad that it has been abandoned already then... as i read it again today, man, this would've been really awesome i wonder how it would've ended...
Chapter 10: It'll be hard...i can tell....fighting for the next chapter
exoticwolfs #3
Chapter 9: Pleasee...
Update sooner...
I wanna know what's the ending
Chapter 10: I'm eager how it will end like... I love this story and hopefully you can continue another chapter tho... Hwaiting! ^o^
Indomerican #5
Chapter 5: Luhan........ is a ......... SHE!!!!!!!! O.O
Chapter 10: omg this story is so slkbkglfçdsllçs'
I'm in love with the plot o3o
noname022 #7
Chapter 10: aaauuthooor nim^~^
where are u...
Chapter 1: where are u??
Chapter 10: Wahhh!!! Daebakkk!!!!!!!!!!! Love this story!!! OMG!! Update soon author nim^^ luv chu :*
Chapter 10: I love it.. I want know what will happen next ?? Author-nim please update