
Chocolate + Potato = ?

(A/N: I feel so so so sooo mean you know. I want to update regularly. I don't know how to apologise anymore. :/ :"( )

Kaeun looked through the shelves and Zelo followed behind her with hands still on her shoulders. *I don't read books.* Kaeun looked at book shelves boredly.

Walking deeper into the secluded section of the library, the light flickered lightly but Kaeun was not at all scared.

Kaeun looked at the books in front of her and felt that the hands on her shoulder transfer down to her waist and pulled her closely to a warm chest. "it's to keep you warmer." He murmured and looked  at the top shelf.

She rolled her eyes and spotted a black hard cover book. She pulled it out slowly, dust flying everywhere. *Seems like a new book.* Kaeun thought. Note, the sarcasm.

"Let's go giant, pick up a book and let's grab a seat." She said and walked ahead.

Zelo looked around and randomly shot out his hand from Kaeun's waist to grab a purple coloured book and continued to walk with her, "How are we supposed to write an essay again?"

"I dunno. I'm planning to just read the book." Kaeun replied and turned to the left corner, "Let's sit at the utmost back. The best place."

Zelo chuckled *This feels comfy.* He took a deep breath and sat down, finally letting go of Kaeun.

She opened the black book and noticed that the name of the author was somewhat fading away.

The Girl and The Boy

There was once a girl, who once shy, reserved and calm was turned into someone much more confident. All because of one simple thing: Falling in love. This, is the beginning of Choi Haneul's story.

*Interesting.* Kaeun thought and continued to scan her words through the back of the book. She then finally opened the book and started reading.

Meanwhile, Zelo was having a hard time to concentrate on a certain purple book when he kept glancing up and down at Kaeun. *She has the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. But they hold so much emotions. So so much.* Zelo thought and for once, he felt wise for thinking of such thing.

Choi Haneul.


I have never once lied, nor act violently, nor shout, even when I was angry.

I was always the goody-two-shoes in everywhere I went.

I never lost my cool at how calm I was, and people like me that way, or so, what I thought, because eomma and appa were very strict and brought me up this way. I was an only child, so their attention was only and solely on me.

I had big pressure in getting straight A's of the marks being 97-100 over 100 and never once I experienced crazy things like riding a roller coaster or even go out to the park to walk my favourite dog.

And what was more was that I was really shy, and I was homeschooled, so that makes matter worse as I lack in people's skills, which is highly needed for jobs these days.

I've gone through and that for all my life and I am 16 now.

One day, when I was on the way to piano class, I bumped into someone whom I thought I was never going to see in my life ever again, but I was dead wrong.

He, was the beginning of my new life and future, Ahn Joonhong.

*It seems interesting. Thank god I brought my library card.* Kaeun thought and closed the book. She stretched her arms above her head and noticed Zelo staring at her.

"Yes, almighty giant?" She teased and got a glare for once from the giant.

"Huh, whatever. What are you doing now? You closed your book, are you not reading it anymore?" Zelo asked with curiosity evident in his words.

"Yes, I would like to sleep, now if you excuse me." Kaeun yawned (A/N: I typed that word and I literally yawned. Wow.) and settled her head in her arms.

Zelo looked around to see his classmates in front of him reading quietly and some occasionally exchanging a few words here and there. Nobody was paying attention to them.

He quickly glanced left and right once more and settled in his arms too, but instead of facing downwards, he faced towards Kaeun's direction and unconciously a smile lit up his face.

*She looks so vulnerable when she's sleeping. As if she will fall any minute soon.* Zelo thought and brushed her bangs away unconciously.

He noticed that she was already asleep with the breaths of steady breathing.

Zelo zoned out while thinking, *I really like being around her, and I don't know why. When I first met her she was as hard as a rock and was so guarded. At least now she is more open, and I'm glad to see that.*

His eyes never once felt heavy while blinking and seconds and minutes passed by, *Angel. She looks like an angel.* He laughed inwardly at how mushy he is getting and he doesn't know why.

Zelo looked at the time on the clock which hung on the library wall. *Its almost time, better wake her up gently.* He shaked her arms.

"Wake up Kaeunnie. Wake up." No response.

*A really heavy sleeper.* Zelo grinned and laughed out loud, "Yah! Kaeunnie time to wake up you sleepy head!" He said loudly next to her left ear, but not too loud since they WERE still in a library.

Kaeun jolted awake and looked up, glaring at whoever the culprit was of waking her up. *Aish, this guy.* Kaeun scowled and stood up.

"Thanks for waking me up." She said sarcastically.

"Welcome! It was almost time anyway!" Zelo said, oh Zelo, still the baby giant.

Kaeun rolled her eyes and picked up the purple book and pulled out her library card from her pocket, "Let's go you nap waker, before I get anymore grumpier than I already am." 

"Then you are such a grump Kaeunnie!" Zelo poked her sides and Kaeun jerked.

She whipped her head at him and glared, "Just you wait, I'm going to get back at you for doing that." 

Zelo laughed and walked next to her thinking, *Yup, definitely worth 45 minutes of staring.*

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Chapter 22: Oooooh! Jongup's noticing something going on with our maknae over there!!
Chapter 21: Its going good~~~~~
Chapter 15: Happy Early Birthday author~ And Zelo you freaking cutie~
Chapter 13: omg she blushed~~~~
Chapter 12: zelo is now a man~~~
Chapter 11: Aigoo haha this story is so cute~
Chapter 11: oh ho ho~~~ zelo's been blabbering about kaeun~~~ aww he's so cute!
Chapter 9: Goddamnit girl lol seriously ? Zelo speak CAT ?! You're crazy ..
Rubeen #9
Chapter 7: Updatee!:3