






Dara’s P.O.V.



“C’mon, ring..,’ I stared intently at my cell phone. “Why aren’t you ringing?!” I flung my arms outwards in frustration.


“Uh…Dara?” Tabi’s voice sounded at my doorway.


“Would you like to eat?” He chuckled. “Guarding by your cell phone 24/7 isn’t going to make it ring.”


“But I’m very curious as to who it is…” I sighed. “The mystery person must have like…some secret double life or something.” I nodded my head thoughtfully. “Perhaps an unknown top student at our school, in the desperate hopes of gaining popularity, has decided to verbally bully those who are at his level! And THEN…he will become one of Sohee’s troops…” I narrowed my eyes evilly.


Tabi chuckled. “Or…it could just be someone who doesn’t like you. I’ve gotten threats from some boys myself.”


“Ahh, because you were too popular with the ladies?”


“Correct. That was why they hated me.”


“What happened to them?”


“I never quite gotten around to finding out whom they were. I knew that I have defense to back me up if needed…that is…one of the upsides of being financially capable.” He grinned mischievously. “After all, the letters stopped almost immediately after they discovered my family background and status in the society.”


“Oooh,” I listened with interest. I sometimes fantasized about being born of royalty. It would certainly be a different lifestyle…but likely one I’d enjoy aside from all the studies and responsibilities. With my case, it didn’t add up though. I am a girl, and I am not really popular with anyone at school. Who could possibly hate me that much?


”By the way, you mentioned earlier about Sohee? Who is this Sohee…?”


I gasped. I suddenly remembered Jiyong. How is he doing? Has he recovered even the slightest? Has anyone else been checking up on him? All these questions popped up. ‘I should pay him another visit…after all…if his words were true; everything that’s happened to him is my fault…’


“Dara?” Tabi tilted his head in question. ‘Are you all right?”


“I-I am.” You mumbled. “Hey Tabi…can we uh…make a trip to the hospital?”


At first, Tabi gave me a puzzled look. However, it disappeared quickly…as he understood my reasons for going.


“You’re worried about him, huh?” He asked, but not facing me.


”I…” I AM worried about Jiyong…but I just didn’t have the guts to admit it. “I just want to see if he’s okay. His parents are away and uh…I’m one of the few people who knows about this and-“


“Don’t worry.” Tabi smiled as he gave my hand a tight squeeze. “I’d be heartless if I was to prevent you from going…” he handed me my cell phone.


“Wouldn’t it be more convenient if you kept it?”


“I added a recording function for messages in your cell phone. When the person calls…press this button.” He pointed at a newly added small blue button. “It’ll record your conversation with the person…plus, there might be other important call that requires your attention. It's best to have it by your side.”


“Oh…thank you.” I wondered why Tabi would add this function to my cell phone. It is almost as if he knew I would leave to go somewhere. I shrugged, perhaps it is just coincidence and he is just well prepared?


“A driver will send you there. I still have some work to do. Tell him I send him my good wishes.” Tabi waved.


“Okay!” I waved back and left his mansion.







Tabi’s P.O.V.




I waved one last time before she left.


I felt selfish. If I had things my way, I wouldn’t have wanted Dara to visit Jiyong...no matter how horrible his injuries may be.


This kind of possessive behavior has never happened before…as I am raised to tolerate all sorts of mishaps and be almost excessively generous. My parents spoiled me, but they also stood by good morals. Ever since I am little, I am well aware that I had been unwanted…and this wealthy family had decided to take me under their care. Ever since, I had become ‘Master’. Out of gratitude, I never disobeyed my parents and did everything in my power to make them happy. This included getting top marks, taking on business studies, helping them with company work and even attending certain classes in order to give off a better reputation as ‘the perfect son’ and ‘successor’.


When I nearly died from saving Dara, my parents were furious. “You’re never seeing that reckless girl again!” My mother had said. “She is nothing but bad influence to you. Your mother’s right, I forbid you from seeing such a fool!” were my father’s words. Nobody but my Butler since I was adopted understood the risk I am taking by seeing Dara. My parents were very busy, so they barely had time to contact me. This would be the first time in my life ever…that I went against their wishes. The one thing that would shatter my image as their ‘perfect son’. My parents actually thought that memory loss would do me good…but they never considered that the entire time…my heart is beating for Dara. Those feelings could just never be forgotten.


It saddened me to no end, knowing that her promise would not be fulfilled. I opened one of the drawers and withdrew a picture of me, Dara and Jiyong while on a trip. She had begged for me to come along. Thanks to Dara, I remembered who Jiyong is too. He is such a competitive boy back then…and still hasn’t changed to this very day. It seems that he didn’t recognize who I am, but I decided to keep it this way. After all, it’d do everyone some good. I am well aware of what happened the day I almost died. He was there.






~Fast forward to hospital…as the driver wasn’t one who was fond of conversation…~



I entered the room quietly. Sure enough, Jiyong is asleep. I tip toed to the bedside and watched. Jiyong actually had a very angelic face…it is just the way he carried himself that gave it arrogance. I watched for a few more minutes and then gradually started feeling tired as well. I am almost about to drift off when Jiyong spoke.


“What are you doing here?” His voice slightly cracked. He must have been very deep in slumber.


“Oh, you’re awake.”


“I know, you totally couldn’t tell…right?” He is being sarcastic.


I deeply inhaled and exhaled. ‘Don’t get mad…he’s a patient. I must be kind.’ I forced a smile. “All energized just like before…how…pleasant.”


Jiyong rolled his eyes and sat up. “Seriously, why are you here?”


“Checking up on you, it’s like, so unobvious, right?” It is my turn to be sarcastic.


He smirked. “Nice. I have taught you well. All those years of tormenting you have made you tough.”


“Thanks for your guidance,” I exaggerated by bowing to him.


He laughed but stopped as he held his chest. “Whoever said that laughter’s the best medicine has lied.” He smirked as he tried to hold back from any more abrupt movements.


“Hm…probably.” I sat down by his bed. “So, how are you?”


“Eh…medicine…television…sleep…and repeat steps.”


“Aw, that’s no fun. Why don’t you invite some of those friends of mine?”




“Yes, those members of your group?”


“I don’t really want to see them.” He mumbled. “I kind of just want to rest in peace right now.”


“Oh…” I am a bit disappointed. I am really hoping to talk to him a bit more and ease his boredom.


“But you can stay.” He turned to face me. After all, I do miss bullying you once in a while.”


‘That’s as nice as he’ll get…’ I sighed. “Anyways, how’s your condition now?”


“I’m recovering bit by bit. My family has money…so I get better treatment…therefore I’ll recover faster than majority.”


“I see.” I am relieved. “Anyways, Tabi sends his wishes for you to get better.” I gasped a bit. 'Wrong name!' I panicked.


“Tabi?” Jiyong looked at me, perplexed. “Dara…wh-“


“I mean Dong Won!” I am so nervous that I giggled hysterically. “Silly me! I must have confused him with this celebrity that I’m currently obsessing over because they’re so much alike!”


“What celebr-“


“Anyways Jiyong, enough about that. He sends his best wishes. Therefore…recover quickly!”


He nods hesitantly while giving me a few weird glances.


‘That was a close one…’ I thought. “Okay…so uh…” I suddenly remembered Jiyong’s words.


"She made you cry..."


‘Did he really mean that…?’ I wanted to confirm his words once and for all. I looked at Jiyong seriously, and is about to ask him when my cell phone rang.” I stared at my cell phone, fear overtaking my body once again.


”Dara…aren’t you going to answer?” Jiyong slowly reached out for my cell phone. I remembered the recording device in an instant. I grabbed the cell phone and answered it eagerly.




“Hello, worthless scum.”


I quietly clicked the button as instructed by Tabi. “Hello to you too, mysterious threat.”


I heard snickering on the other line. The stranger must be oblivious to my plan. “My, you’ve finally grown a backbone.”


“Yes. Now, what do you want?”


“Well, I was too lazy to write a threatening message…thus I decided I should call instead. It makes things all the more interesting, no?”




Jiyong narrowed his eyes. “Dara…who is that?”


I gestured for him to be quiet and started to head out slowly. I am almost at the door when Jiyong grabbed my wrist and glowered at me. He didn’t like to be brushed off. I tried to shake my hand free, but he wouldn’t budge. ‘Darn it…why is he still so strong after being stabbed everywhere?!’


“Anyways, friend…’ the stranger paused, as if thinking of what to say. “I warn you to not mess with me. I know things about you that you may not be aware of. I know where you live, your name, whom you are usually around and what you did.”


“What I did…?”


“Yes. I heard that Jiyong Kwon…soon to be successor of one of the top companies as of now…is in the hospital with severe injuries because of you.”

My eyes widened and I started to shake.


“Dara…what’s wrong?” Jiyong’s tone was calm as he shook my hand in his firm grip.


The stranger obviously heard his voice and turned furious. “Who the hell is that? Are you plotting something, stupid wench?” The words were audible to Jiyong’s ears. I saw his eyes light up in rage. In a flash, he grabbed the cell phone from my hands.


“Who is this?” He growled.


I couldn’t hear what the stranger’s response is, but I am sure they were shocked.


“Listen punk…” Jiyong face contorted in fury as his temper rose. “Whoever you are, you better clean up your act before I do it for you.”


“Well, if it isn’t Jiyong Kwon.” The stranger obviously isn’t taking Jiyong seriously. “The idiot who was sent to a hospital because of his nosey nature.”


“Indeed.” Jiyong sneered. “I’m also the idiot that has enough money to track your sorry behind down and make your life a living hell.”


I heard no retorts. The stranger is probably out of comebacks. I tried to take my cell phone back, but Jiyong pushed me away.


“Hey, the loser on the other line, why aren’t you talking?” Jiyong ridiculed. “Well, since you’re quiet now, get this straight…leave the girl alone, or you’ll have me to deal with.” Jiyong ended the conversation and handed me my cell phone. “If he bothers you again, just tell me.”


I stared at him in disbelief.


“…what’s wrong?”


“I…you…wow.” I whispered. Jiyong just surprised me over and over again. He is just so difficult to comprehend. He is so…unpredictable. I knew that I should be used to this by now, but he never ceased to amaze me.


“I, you, wow what?” He asked impatiently.


“Jiyong…the other day…were you telling the truth?”


“What other day?” He asked, exasperated.


“When you told me…that the reason you were like this now…is because Sohee-“


“For goodness sakes…” he muttered.




All of a sudden, he gripped my shoulders tightly. “Why the hell don’t you believe me? Why would I joke about something as serious as that? Why do you have to ask so many times? Why-“


“Because it’s just so unlike you!”


“What do you mean by that?!”


“You’re such a jerk to me all the time, you make fun of me at school, and you drive me crazy with your pranks and-“

“Funny, being a freaking moron and lying about important things isn’t in your list!”


I couldn’t argue with him on that, but I am not about to apologize. “I am just asking. Why do you have to be so difficult?!”


“Because you’re being so damn hurtful!” He screamed.


I backed up a bit. I am not expecting Jiyong to get emotional. “Hurtful? How am I being-“


He shook his head in frustration. “I’m in a damn hospital with wounds all over my body. I’m in a damn hospital taking drugs to ease the pain because it feels like my whole body is about to rip apart. I’m in a damn hospital watching shows that bore me to no end, so I focus even MORE on the pain and take even more drugs, to the point where I feel sick. I’m in a damn hospital because I cared about this girl enough to risk my life and now, I’m STILL here in the damn hospital even though she thinks this is all A JOKE.”


‘This must be the drugs…’ I thought to myself. I am scared. I didn’t know how to react.


Jiyong suddenly cringed and held his chest. He collided with the wall and slowly slid down.


“OH MY GOSH, JIYONG!” I ran to him and tried to help him.


“Don’t touch me.” He used the last ounce of his strength to shake my hand off.


His voice sent chills down my spine, but I am determined to not let go. “No. C’mon, I’ll help you back to the bed.”


“Screw off.” He hissed. He used the wall to get back onto his feet and stumbled towards the bed. I followed him on the way just in case he fell and he did.

He cursed loudly and started crawling on all fours instead. Once he reached the bed, he turned his back to me.


‘Great…now I feel like a heartless jerk.’ I went to the other side so that he’d face me.


“Go away.” He glared. It is more than just anger. He is probably embarrassed too.


“Look Jiyong,” I started. “I’m sorry that I didn’t trust you. I’m very grateful for what you’ve done…it means a lot to me. Even though I sometimes do despise you…you are…”




“Truly a great friend.” I finally said. Deep down…a feeling is tugging at my heart. I didn’t know what it is…but the word ‘friend’ felt mismatched. “But please, don’t ever hurt yourself like this again.”


He stared at me blankly, and then slowly nodded.


An awkward silence followed.


“Well…I will come visit you again…but I have something to attend to…so I must be going now. I hope that you feel better soon…”


“Goodbye.” I winced. Jiyong has never sounded so cold before. His ‘goodbye’ sounded eternal…as if I’ll never see him again. I am afraid…as I felt that I really did hurt Jiyong this time…and that I am really going to lose him. Not in the sense that I’ll never see him again in person…but in the sense that I’ll never see him the same way again.




Jiyong’s P.O.V.



I tossed and turned. Even with the sleeping pills, I couldn’t sleep. Dara is drilled into my mind. “I really blew it this time…me and my self-expressive ways…” I hated Dara for not believing me. She had reasons to not trust me…but did she really believe that I’d lie about something as serious as this? I sighed and the television…the programs on should be able to drone me to sleep. I stared at the screen like it is something interesting, but my mind is flooding with images of Dara…and the replays of what had happened not too long ago. Soon, the sounds from the television set were completely zoned out by me…as I could think of nothing but the events earlier.


“I hate you, Dara.” I said emotionlessly. I hated her for breaking me down to nothing but a blubbering dimwit. I hated her for seeing only one side of things. I hated her for being so oblivious to what I am going through. I hated how she’s probably all happy with Tabi and will soon forget that I exist, once I am discharged from the hospital. I hated how she will probably never see me as anything more than a friend…that is, if I am lucky.


“When you told me…that the reason you were like this now…was because Sohee-“


“Why do you keep doubting me…damn it…” I choked a bit as tears were starting to form. The tears I had held back in front of Dara. I didn’t bother to wipe them away. “Why can’t you see…that you’re the only reason I need? The only person in this world…that can drive me to the brink of insanity…”








Dara’s P.O.V.




I call Tabi and he arrives within a few minutes. During the ride, my mind is filled with Jiyong. I felt horrible and disgusted with myself. I picture myself in Jiyong’s position…I would probably be more than furious. I never know that he care about me so much. Did he like me? In that way? I couldn’t possibly imagine it. All this time, I’ve convinced myself that Jiyong is just bipolar or had some sort of disorder that made him change randomly as a person. I thought back to all the times where he helped me when I needed help most…they seemed too genuine to be ‘random’. The time where he saved me from that old creep, the homework crisis…I am always the one causing burden. It is then I realized Jiyong is almost like my guardian angel. He did all those things when I least expected it or even secretly. He noticed my sadness when others didn’t see. He is firm with me when I am being unreasonable and protected me when necessary. Tabi, seeing that I am deep in thought, kept quiet.


When we returned, I gave him my recording. I twitched when I heard Jiyong’s voice in the recording…I had forgotten that it recorded the entire conversation. I looked at Tabi. He stared intently at my cell phone, as if avoiding my gaze.


“Leave it to me for now…” he said after replaying it a few times. “I should have the answer soon.”


“Okay…” I went out of the room, exhaling as I closed the door. There is definitely tension.









~A few hours later…~





“Yes!” I jumped up and ran to Tabi. I am finally going to get answers.


“Dara…it seems to me that the person behind this is actually a female…she is using a device to change her voice. The girl’s name is Im Yoona and attends the same school us. You know her?”


I gaped. “Yoona? How is that possible!? She’s…she’s my best friend!”











Will Yoona get in the way?

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 21: Aww..so sweet of jiyong..
Chapter 39: Nice story,love it...
Chapter 39: daebak authornim for this beautiful story.
Chapter 39: nice story.. ❤❤❤
prettychez #5
Chapter 39: Nice story authornim. Thanks.
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 39: Love the story!!! Thank you!!
applerkang #7
Chapter 39: Hmm..how come I never get to read this before? I was actually on my third time browsing through daragon archives again. I miss reading good dg fanfics. This is really good and I wonder why I get to read this only now. I'm happy to stumbe upon this. Thank you :)
Butsili #8
Chapter 21: OH GOD! Jiyong so sweet! T.T
Butsili #9
Chapter 14: OMG! I like top but i hope he won't comeback.. LOL!