






Dara’s P.O.V.



‘What did he just say?’ I stared at him in silence. “…what did you just say?”


Jiyong glared at me. “I’m not saying it again. It’s your fault for not listening.”


“I really didn’t hear you!” I tugged at his sleeves eagerly, “c’mon, one more time! I promise it’ll be the last!”


“No.” He said firmly and pushed my hand away. “I’m very tired. Thank you for visiting me. If there isn’t anything else, you may leave."


I gasped. How does he still manage to be so difficult even after all this? “Fine.” I stood up and left the room without another word. I didn’t want to give him anymore to deal with, as he is in a weak state. I had lied when I said I didn’t hear what he said. I just couldn’t believe that he risked his life for me. He is always the one that rub insults in my face. ‘I guess once should’ve been enough for me…I’m no one special anyway - hey wait…WHY DO I CARE? I HATE HIM. That egotistical jerk, he probably lied.’ I tried to convince myself that Jiyong’s words were all untrue…but deep down; I knew he meant every word he said.








Jiyong’s P.O.V.





“That was close…” I sighed in relief as the sound of the door closing is emitted. It would’ve been awkward if I had ended up repeating those words. I lay back down on the pillow and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes.


If it wasn’t for this incident, I am certain that Dara wouldn’t have paid any attention to me. She is so occupied with that lover boy ‘Dong Won’ that she had completely forgotten that I existed. Heck, she probably lost herself the moment he showed up with his perfect silver locks, mesmerizing cerulean eyes and overly sentimental mouth. Dogn Won is lacking simply a white horse to be prince charming. The way he walked, the way he talked, the way he acted and even the way he dressed; which is usually formal, confirmed royalty.


I thought back to myself. What did I do to give out that glamorous royalty aura? I didn’t particularly wear anything that is too flashy, I liked black and white mainly; and often preferred ‘cool’ clothes. I didn’t talk or walk like some sophisticated clone; I walked with confidence and talked with attitude. There were even a few times where I am mistaken to be part of a gang and the police wouldn’t let me leave until they’ve checked all my belongings and called my parents.


I sighed. I really didn’t fit the role of being upper class. I often wondered how it felt to be just…normal. I am thankful to my parents because they never forced me into having lessons on how to act like a proper gentleman like most rich families…in fact, they were one of the few parents that allowed me this much freedom. I’ve been to ceremonies and meetings where the daughters and sons of rich families were dangerously uptight. I had assumed that it was their families that made them this way.


I recall telling one of the boys there that I took up all kinds of sports and enjoyed violent video games because they made me laugh. The boy gave me possibly one of the most revolting looks and stated, “I have no time for such insolent games. I must work hard to become the successor of my father’s company and study to be at the top. Unlike certain people, I have goals in life.” It took every bit of restraint in me to hold my fist by my side and not implanted into that boy’s face. Why did parents do this to their children? If those children had learned anything, it is to be ignorant to those who are different.


I went as wild as I could these few years…because I knew that sooner or later, I would have to take over my parents’ company too. I’ve had training according to the company’s needs, but my parents also allowed you to have fun.


Then there is Dara…whom I am certain to see me as nothing more than a mindless bully…or just a problematic weirdo. I couldn’t possibly tell her about the things I go through. It is too complex for someone who doesn’t have the same background as I. When I am little, I’ve always watched Dara with envy as she ran around with the other children, not a care in the world. Even though my parents gave me freedom, it is hard to take it with open arms when I am aware of all the things I am going to have to face. I had matured at a young age, and knew of my future responsibilities. I couldn’t blame my parents, reality is to blame.


While the others were reading storybooks, I was reading mini novels. While the others watched cartoons, I was watching live debates. While the others were playing childish games at the playground, I had learned to use the internet for educational purposes. I’ve tried to remain a kid at heart, but day by day; it became more and more hard. I became more reserved on the inside and more obnoxious on the outside. I wanted to be like everyone else my age, but mentally, I knew it is impossible. Therefore, I decided to be like them on the outside. Little kids were careless and rough; I adopted that. I managed to gain acceptance from the other children…all except Dara. I never understood until I got older, why I am always the meanest to her. I even ruined her chances of having other friends as I spread rumors about her and bribed the other children with chocolate if they were to stay away from her. At first, I thought I am just twisted and enjoyed seeing others alone and miserable…but then I realized it is much more.


Although everything else about me changed because of my background, a human’s need for love isn’t. I didn’t comprehend it at first and by the time I did, it is too late. She found a boy by the name of Tabi, and he never left her until that very day…when I allowed it to happen. I never forgave myself and had wanted to confess many times, but didn’t have the courage. I am destined to be a prisoner of guilt and love for the rest of my life.


I closed my eyes. I realized that I didn’t have many happy memories as a child. Sometimes, I wondered how I am able to bottle it all up and still manage to keep up those smirks of mine and fool Dara. “I must be awfully talented…” I chuckled to myself, but immediately stopped when I felt a searing pain in my chest. “And they say laughter’s the best medicine…” I muttered bitterly.






Dara’s P.O.V.







I convinced Tabi to go home because I didn’t want to burden him with my sulking. He left reluctantly, but not before advising me to call him if I needed anything. I decided to call Yoona; she was Jiyong’s date for the dance after all.

”HE WHAT?!” I cringed at Yoona’s screeching.


”He’s at the hospital…”




I paused for a while. I didn’t really know what to say. If I told her what Jiyong told me…surely there would be misunderstandings? “I think its best that he tells you himself.”


Yoona seemed to be satisfied with this answer, much to my relief. “Okay. Well, I’m going there RIGHT NOW…my poor Jiyong…he must be in so much pain! Thanks for telling me Dara, I’m off, bye” She hung up.


I sighed. Is leaving it up to Jiyong the right choice? Would he be okay with that? I questioned myself. You were 90% sure that he is truthful to me, despite the past. Why would he do that for me though…?








Jiyong’s P.O.V.



“…I’m fine…” I mumbled. ‘Stupid Dara…I’m already dying and you send a hyperactive fangirl…’



”THANK GOODNESS! I knew that there must have been a good reason you never showed up…” Yoona said somewhat shyly.




”What happened…?”


“Uh…” I couldn’t tell her the truth. It would only make things complicated. “I uh…fell off the stairs.”


”But what about those wounds th-“


“There was uh…glass…where I uh…landed.”


“Ouch…are you sure you’re fine?”


“Yes…” I faked a smile, hoping that she’d leave.


“Okay then…well, do you need anything? I coul-“


”No…it’s okay. It’s already too much that you came and visited me. Don’t talk about this to anyone else…I don’t want trouble.”


”Okay!” She got up and packed up her things. “Well, I’ll get going then. I’ll come see you again soon!” She waved.


I waved back weakly, ‘please don’t come back…’, I silently wished.






Yoona’s P.O.V.



I smiled happily to myself. I am glad that Jiyong is fine…I am very worried when he didn’t show up for the dance. I am walking for the doors to leave the hospital when a conversation between two nurses caught my attention.


“Yes…I heard it when they were talking. It was horrible when I saw him! That poor boy…wounds everywhere!” One nurse exclaimed.


“The boy named Jiyong? Are you serious?! All for one girl? What a brave young man!” The other sung with stars in her eyes.


“Yes! I heard from the doctor that he even said her name during the time he was unconscious!"


“I know! Dara was her name, no? That’s what I call true love…ah, if only I had met a boy like him when I was young! Did I tell you why he did it?”


“For that girl, yes?”


“Yes, but he went and fought that gang because they made the girl cry! Can you believe it? Such courage!”


"Ahhhh, yes! It’s so wonderful!” The two nurses giggled and walked off.


“He did it…for Dara?” I slid down against the wall and fell to the cold and hard floor. “Why…did he lie?” I couldn’t understand why Jiyong would lie about something so serious. Is this also the reason Dara didn’t want to tell me herself? What were they hiding? I didn’t want to ask Dara about what happened now that there is a chance she is purposely hiding something from me. I decided that talking to those nurses would be the best idea.


I caught up to the nurses and tapped them on the shoulder.


“Is there anything we can help you with?” One of them asked kindly.


“Yes.” I smiled. “You were talking about this boy named Jiyong…and this girl called Dara, they just happen to be my friends. I just found out about what happened today because Dara contacted me. I am wondering if there were any more details about this incident you can tell me…please.”








Yahoo! Dara.. Jiyong!

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 21: Aww..so sweet of jiyong..
Chapter 39: Nice story,love it...
Chapter 39: daebak authornim for this beautiful story.
Chapter 39: nice story.. ❤❤❤
prettychez #5
Chapter 39: Nice story authornim. Thanks.
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 39: Love the story!!! Thank you!!
applerkang #7
Chapter 39: Hmm..how come I never get to read this before? I was actually on my third time browsing through daragon archives again. I miss reading good dg fanfics. This is really good and I wonder why I get to read this only now. I'm happy to stumbe upon this. Thank you :)
Butsili #8
Chapter 21: OH GOD! Jiyong so sweet! T.T
Butsili #9
Chapter 14: OMG! I like top but i hope he won't comeback.. LOL!