







Jiyong's POV





I remained in my spot, which is of some distance from the passenger's bench in which Dara is starting to get up from. I am about to approach her, but stopped when I saw her bump into another person.


It is an old man. I examined his features. Even from afar, I couldn't hide the fact that I didn't like what I see. He gave out this neon sign that screams out- "I'm a desperate, erted and unattractive e that kidnaps young girls and force to have my way with them."


I squinted my eyes in disgust. It seems like he has set his eyes on Dara. My gaze turned to Dara. She might be clueless at times, but I could see that even she, felt very uncomfortable the moment she made eye contact with the old man.


"What's a young lady like you doing out so late?" I heard the old man ask, in a very casual, but suggestive tone. Dara gulped and I could tell that she is starting to sweat again from fear.


"Uh…it's late?" I rolled my eyes and slapped my forehead with my hand and shook my head in hopelessness. Dara is just...not very good at speaking under pressure. That comeback is by far the worst I’ve ever heard. If I were in that position, I would've just sacked the old man and ran for my life. That result would be if I am a 'girl.' If I am a GUY like I am now, I would've beaten him up to a bloody pulp and leave him to die in the middle of the streets.


"Why yes, and I see that you're all alone?" the old asked as he looked around. It's a good thing that he hasn't noticed me. Perhaps he is blind AND stupid, which would make it easier when I make my appearance.


"Oh but...uh, I'm waiting for someone."


"And who would that be?"


The old man is getting closer to Dara. I could tell that she is trying very hard to keep her cool, but it is slipping fast. Her face is now pale and helpless. She is lying. She isn’t waiting for someone. I looked up at the sky, it is getting dark. She must have sat there, and went pondering for hours. How is she going to pull this one off?


"Uh…" I heard her stutter as her face gave away her plans. "My boyfriend. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. He's going to be here soon."


My jaw dropped as my emotions starting going crazy with worry, shock, and amusement. I’ve known Dara for nearly all my life, and she's never had a boyfriend...from what I’ve seen at least. She just isn’t the type of girl the guys would go after. She is too quiet and reserved at times. It just turned off the guys as they started forgetting that she is a girl, or that she even existed.


"Really? Well, I don't see anyone coming. Why don't you come with me?"


"UH...NO, my boyfriend he uh...KNOWS how to fight. HE WOULDN'T LIKE IT IF YOU TOUCHED ME!"


I stood on my ground and listened to their conversation. So far, the scores were: e- 'DING DING DING, has the full advantage,' and Dara- 'Losing miserably with nothing to protect herself with.'


'She isn't going to be able to pull this one off...' I thought to myself. 'Unless…' I blinked. 'Oh no...' I shook my head in denial, 'I can't believe I just came up with that…'


I sighed as I straightened out my clothes and stood up tall. I am already taller than that old ert, but this is just for the sakes of making him feel even more inferior when I kick his sorry goodbye.


I glared as the old man grabbed Dara's arm and attempted to drag her along. She is screaming and trying everything she could possibly think of in that situation to break free. I suddenly started to feel sympathy towards her. I don't really know why, but the look of her teary eyes and desperation to go home, filled with regret brought tremendous aches to my heart.


I stepped out of my hiding spot as I spoke, "Stop. Let her go."


The old man and Dara paused to look back at me. The old man didn't seem to show much reaction at all. But Dara's expression is of shock to relief. I thought that I saw something else in her eyes, but I brushed it off. The most important thing to do right now is to make sure that she goes back with me safe and sound.


"And why would I do that? I suggest you just go home, little boy. That way, we will all be saved from a lot of trouble."


"Oh, but I like trouble." I grinned. "Trouble's my middle name."


"Ha! Little boy, you amuse me. I'm taking this girl with me, because I saw her first! There are tons of defenseless girls out there in the streets, you can get your share there, but this one's coming with me!" the old man spat, without a bit of shame in his voice. I felt sorry for him; he is a disgrace to humanity.


"Oh but she isn't a 'defenseless little girl in the streets.' She's a girl that's going somewhere with her boyfriend." I couldn't believe I just said that. I tried to deny it, but somewhere deep inside me, I really felt right about this.


"Ah so you are her 'boyfriend.' I had thought she's lying."


"Well she isn’t, so let her GO." I raise my voice. My temper is really losing itself. I swore, that if this lame excuse of a human being don't get it through his thick skull that Dara's coming back with me, I will personally, break his neck and end his pathetic life.


"Ha, you think I'm really that easily fooled? You aren't her boyfriend. You are just a random boy in the streets that wants to be a hero."


I closed my eyes and sighed. I had hoped that a few threats would be good enough to make this all go away, but it isn’t as simple as I had hoped for it to be. "Oh yeah? Give her to me and I'll show you that I'm her boyfriend." I replied with confidence.


The old man, at that second, surprisingly appears to be THINKING. 'Wow, he has a brain.' I mentally told myself in amazement. I snapped back to reality when I felt Dara harshly make contact with my body. The old man has pushed her towards me.


"Well then? What are you waiting for, little boy? Prove that she's your 'girlfriend!'"


I looked down at Dara. Her eyes were as wide as it could get, and she is looking at me with the message- "What are you going to do now, huh? You stupid idiot, you just got us even DEEPER into this problem."


I smirked, caught up in the moment. She thought I couldn't pull it off. Well, boy, I am going to show her. Instantly, my eyes burned into hers as my lips captured Dara's lips in a passionate, deep and indescribable kiss. I couldn't help it. The moment my lips touched hers, it is as if another part of me is taking over. I deepened the kiss as I grabbed her hands and pulled it around my neck, while mine locked her waist, making her step forward into me, fully against my body.


I am almost lost in the kiss completely until I realized that this is ONLY for saving her, not romantically making out. I pulled away abruptly and gave her a smirk to try and cover my mixed emotions.


I turned to glare at the now already freaked out old man.


"That should be good enough as proof. Oh and guess what...?" I said in a deadly tone. "Did she tell you that her boyfriend could kick some major ?"


That is the final blow. The old man ran away like the wind, and never once did he dare to look back. I chuckled to myself devilishly, that is 'fun.' I turned back to glance at Dara. She appears to be deep in thought; her face shows that it is possibly conflicting feelings. She didn't see it, but I smiled lightly. I didn't know what overcome to me today, but I certainly didn't mind. Perhaps Dara isn’t so bad after all, and I should really give her more credit for who she is. I extended my hand and grabbed hers, leading her back home. Now that this is over, it is time to talk about what is going on.











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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 21: Aww..so sweet of jiyong..
Chapter 39: Nice story,love it...
Chapter 39: daebak authornim for this beautiful story.
Chapter 39: nice story.. ❤❤❤
prettychez #5
Chapter 39: Nice story authornim. Thanks.
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 39: Love the story!!! Thank you!!
applerkang #7
Chapter 39: Hmm..how come I never get to read this before? I was actually on my third time browsing through daragon archives again. I miss reading good dg fanfics. This is really good and I wonder why I get to read this only now. I'm happy to stumbe upon this. Thank you :)
Butsili #8
Chapter 21: OH GOD! Jiyong so sweet! T.T
Butsili #9
Chapter 14: OMG! I like top but i hope he won't comeback.. LOL!