







Jiyong's POV





I sat in my chair, slumped over my desk as I listened to the teacher's lectures about scientific formulas for chemistry. The teacher had been talking continuously for what seemed like hours. My eyes focused on the clock's slow ticking every now and then, which made the time, appear to pass even slower than it already is.


I spin my pen in one hand, while the other hand is supporting my head, as my eyes once again, fixed its attention back onto the white board, where the teacher is scribbling notes of formulas for science. Usually I enjoyed science. It isn’t my most preferred subject, but I had fun with it, and making things explode in chemistry had always been a good laugh, but today, I am just not into the lessons. Instead, my mind wandered to Dara. I thought about whether or not she is feeling better, and if it is really something serious.


'Wait, what I am thinking?' I asked myself. 'Why do I care? Heh, I couldn't care less if she...' I stopped. For some reason, I couldn't complete the sentence without feeling a sense of strong guilt. 'What the hell is wrong with me?'


I snapped back into reality as one of my friends slapped me on the back, telling me that class is over. I blinked, and then nodded my head quickly so that there wouldn't be any suspicion.


I walked quickly to my locker to check my schedule for next class, ignoring all the stares and flirting attempts made by some girls.


'Hey Jiyong, where the heck are you going?' asked one of my friends.


I rolled my eyes and held up my math textbook. "To math class, where else?" I then noticed that all my friends were looking at me in a funny way. I instantly got annoyed and went, "what?"


"Uh dude, school's ended for today. Also, we had no math class today, we have it tomorrow."


I looked at my friends, surprised. I took out my schedule and looked over it again. My friends were RIGHT. I had no more classes for the day. Science is the last period. I felt embarrassed. I had always been the coolest one in our group, rarely making any mistakes, let alone ones that are this stupid and lame. Nonetheless, I kept my cool and returned my book into my locker, packed my bag, 'dismissed' my friends, and headed for home. I wanted to call for a ride, but I also wished to get my thinking cleared up, and had hoped that perhaps a walk home would help.


'Jiyong Kwon, you have certainly created the record for being the most stupid person in the school. How could you have been messed up about your classes? Something that should be memorized by now? Might I add IN FRONT OF YOUR FRIENDS?!' I wanted to punch myself for being so brainless and dense. 'And the cause of such stupidity is even more unbelievable...'


Suddenly, a harsh push made contact with my right shoulder. I jerked to one side immediately due to the force of the hit, and nearly tumbled over.


"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" I yelled out of frustration. The girl who slammed into me never turned back. She just kept running, as if she is in a hurry. It must have been something very important. Yet, she felt, and looked surprisingly familiar. "Idiot…" I muttered to myself. The least they could've done is say sorry. Now I’ve attracted attention from the streets as well by my outburst. 'Great...' I thought, 'more embarrassment.'


I ran the rest of the way home, determined to avoid anymore aggravating incidents. I am relieved when I reached the door of my secured home.


"I'm back!" I hollered into the mansion. Servants came rushing to greet me, helping me to carry my bag, as well as my jacket as I handed it to them. But there is no Dara.


I looked around, still no Dara. I shrugged, maybe she just didn't want to see me.


"Where's Dara?" I asked one of the maids.


"I don't know sir; I am not informed to look after her."


"Then who is?"


"I'm sorry sir, but I don't know of that either. Lady Kwon-"


I flung my arms in the air out of annoyance and rushed upstairs. I searched her room, she isn’t there. I searched in my study room, she isn’t there either. I knew, that those were the only 2 possible locations that she would go to, for she had no interest in the any of the other rooms, or floors.


I slammed my fists on the wall, where the hell could she be? Just then, it hit me.


While I am walking home, a girl rudely ran by and slammed into my right shoulder, nearly knocking me over. She seemed really familiar. She had the same color of hair, style of clothing...THAT WAS DARA!


'Shoot!' I raced downstairs and out the door and ran as fast as I can to the last spot I saw Dara. How could I have not noticed? I’ve known Dara ever since childhood and I couldn't even tell her apart from the many strangers on the streets. Today just isn’t my day. What was Dara doing out there anyway? She is sick, isn’t she? Then isn’t she supposed to stay at the mansion, and rest? I remember hearing my mom asking a maid to look after her, so what happened? None of the maids at the Kwon mansion DARED to not follow an order made by my mother, for they'd be immediately fired. I recalled that Dara looked as if she is in a big hurry, and she didn't notice me either. There must be something going on. I sighed, as I increased my speed even further, hoping to catch up to her before everything's too late.










need to re-read some chapters for the new update

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Unixai21 #1
Chapter 21: Aww..so sweet of jiyong..
Chapter 39: Nice story,love it...
Chapter 39: daebak authornim for this beautiful story.
Chapter 39: nice story.. ❤❤❤
prettychez #5
Chapter 39: Nice story authornim. Thanks.
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 39: Love the story!!! Thank you!!
applerkang #7
Chapter 39: Hmm..how come I never get to read this before? I was actually on my third time browsing through daragon archives again. I miss reading good dg fanfics. This is really good and I wonder why I get to read this only now. I'm happy to stumbe upon this. Thank you :)
Butsili #8
Chapter 21: OH GOD! Jiyong so sweet! T.T
Butsili #9
Chapter 14: OMG! I like top but i hope he won't comeback.. LOL!