Unexpected Guests

Secret Lovers

Italic words in this color are lyrics.

-No One's POV-

By the time Ryeowook and Yunho finished and TaeNySic stopped playing, it was late, Taeyeon and Tiffany slept over at the Jung Mansion.

In the morning, Jongdoo woke Yunho up, who then woke TaeNySic up. 

-Tiffany's POV-

I woke up, finding Taeyeon sleeping next to me. OMG. My heart was racing just like yesterday.

Why? Why am I feeling this way? Am I falling in love with her? No. That's impossible.

Jessica lent me some of her clothes, which was easy for me to wear, because the both of us are the same height and size.

But Taeyeon on the other hand, had problems wearing it since she was shorter than Jessica and myself.

"Aish! This is so big for me! How am I going to school like that?!" she said in frustration. 

"It's okay, Taeyeon ah. Anyway, you look really cute in that. And since you're really pretty, people would look at your face and be drowned in your eyes and not care about what your wearing." I told her.

I saw her blushing. 

-Taeyeon's POV-

Ahh... I'm going to die. Tiffany just complimented me more than anyone else did. 

"Uhm... thank you... Fany..." I was speechless.

I found myself being anxious. I grabbed my bag and rushed out of the house quickly.

"I can walk to school alone... school ain't that far from here." I stuttered, still shocked at what Tiffany said.

-Tiffany's POV-

"But it's dangerous for you to walk there alone. I could walk with you..." I told her.

Somehow, there was an awkward atmosphere around me and Taeyeon.

Just then, Yunho oppa came out.

"Did I just hear Taeng walking to school alone? It's dangerous. Let me walk you there. Jongdoo can drive Fany and Sica, right?" 

Jongdoo nodded.

Taetae... why do you mind when I'm walking with you but you don't mind when Yunho is walking with you?

Shouldn't you be more comfortable with a girl... than a boy?

-No One's POV-

JeTi went to school by the car while YunYeon walked there.

During the break, Yunho slipped the note he wrote into Taeyeon's locker.

-Taeyeon's POV-

Ah! I forgot to take my textbook out. I opened my locker and found a note.

Dear Taeyeon, would you like to go out to karaok'ing tonight? You know, Tiffany, Jessica, Ryeowook, U and I? ~Yunho

"Tch... that oppa. Why couldn't he just ask me in person?"

I went to find Yunho oppa in the basketball field. Since he was always at the basketball field playing basketball or in the library studying.


Yunho oppa looked in my direction as he scored. 

I grabbed a towel for him.

"Thanks, Taeng." he said as he hanged the towel over his neck.

"So... karaoke tonight?" I asked him.

"You wanna go? I already asked Wookie and Sica. Now it's just you and Fany. I was just about to go and find Tiffany and ask her."

"Of course I wanna go." I laughed. "I can ask Fany for you. You can continue playing." 

"Thank you, Taeyeon ah." he looked at me.

I ran to find Tiffany.

"Fany! Wanna go to karaoke later?" I asked her, panting.

"Sure, Taeyeon!" 

"Great. Uhm... Sica, Ryeowook and Yunho oppa are also going so... meet at Sica's house?"


-No One's POV-

They met at the Jung Mansion around 5 except for Ryeowook. After that, Yunho led them to a Karaoke place called, "The SM Hut".

-Yunho's POV-

I hope Taeyeon would agree to it...

The music room.

"Oppa, where's Ryeowook?" 

"Oh, Wookie? He told me he wasn't able to come all of a sudden."

But Ryeowook was able to come. He was in the music room, practicing a piano piece.

"I'm going to the washroom for a while." I told Taeyeon.

-Taeyeon's POV-

Eh? That's weird... I wonder what happened to Wookie oppa.

I better text him to see if he's okay...

[ Taeyeon> Oppa, are you okay?]

[ Ryeowook> Of course, Yeonnie.  Just too much homework from Mrs Fuki. I think her goal is to torture us.]

[ Taeyeon> Oh okay. I thought something happened. Heh. Let's come back another ti--]

I was stopped when I accidentally bumped into someone.

I did a 90-degree bow and apologized to him.

"Taeyeon?" the voice asked.

-Unknown Guys' POV-

"Taeyeon?" I asked hopefully.

I haven't seen her in a long time.

I regret what I did. How could I have did that to someone I loved so much?

When will I ever see her again? The girl... I loved so much. The girl... I wronged. The girl... I hurt.

-Taeyeon's POV-

This voice... this calming voice.

Could it be? No. I never want to see him again.

He hurt me. He wronged me. I loved him so much... but I hate him now. 

I paused before looking up, preparing myself for the worst.

Him. It's Him. Why must it be Him and not anyone else?

I turned around, not wanting to see him in the eye. 

"Taeyeon..." he called me.

"Junsu oppa, why did you have to come into my life again?" 

-Junsu's POV-

Taeyeon, I know I've hurt you in the past.

But guilt caught up to me. Do you have any idea how much I've been suffering without you?

"Yah, Kim Junsu! What're you doing here?" I heard a voice from afar.

I smirked.

-Yunho's POV-

Why is he back? Doesn't he know how much he has hurt Taeyeon already?

"Yah." I pushed him away from Taeyeon, "Get your face outta here."

"Hah. Looks like you haven't gotten rid of your anger issues huh? Why do I have to get my face out of here?"

"Yunho oppa, Junsu oppa, stop it..." Taeyeon said with a sober voice. 

"Taeyeon... let's get out of here."

"No... oppa. Tiffany and Sica are already here. We can't just leave because we see my... friend..." she told me, refusing to use the term, 'ex-boyfriend'.

-Taeyeon's POV-

Junsu oppa, did you really have to come into my life again?

But... seeing him makes my heart pound like the first time. Could it be that I still have feelings for him?

"Junsu oppa, if Yunho oppa is fine with it, do you want to join us?" 

"What? Taeyeon, are you sure?" Yunho oppa asked me.

"Yes... I've accepted the truth. We can still be friends, right, Junsu oppa?" 

"Yes, I would love to join you guys."

-Junsu's POV-

I'm glad Taeyeon forgave me. Taeyeon... I'll make it up to you.

I regret what I did already.

-No One's POV-

Junsu joined them while Taeyeon introduced Junsu to Tiffany as her 'friend' and the rest played along with it since Jessica and Yunho knew what Junsu did to Taeyeon.

Taeyeon was very quiet almost at all times.

-Junsu's POV-

"Taeyeon, are you okay?" I asked her.

She simply nodded her head. 

"Taeyeon... about that night..."

"Don't... I don't want to talk about it."

"No, Taeyeon. I'm sorry, I really am. Can we ever go back to what we were before?"

She sighed.

-Taeyeon's POV-

My brain is telling me to reject him but my heart is telling me to give him another chance.

"Oppa... you know we can't go back to what we were before..." 

The music in the background made the atmosphere even more gloomy. The Athena: Goddess Of War OST, "I Love You". 

Did it pass by...Our love

"I don't want to get hurt anymore. You know that. That night drained all the feelings I had for you."

Sorry, oppa. Sorry for lying. I thought it did. But it didn't. I still have feelings for you. But I can't bring myself to love you again. To open my heart to you again.

I'm in love with Yunho oppa... I think. I'm pretty sure.

"Yeonyeon... you know it was a mistake."

Yeonyeon... I loved that nickname... I still do.

Is it just a heart-breaking memory..

"Oppa... please don't call me that anymore... it brings back... memories."

"Taeyeon... guilt has punished me. I lost all my memories. All of it in a car accident. Because we kept our relationship a secret, my dad didn't know. But then... when I saw your picture in my old camera... I remembered everything."

It's turning around...Your heart...Can't I catch it with my tears...

Should I give him another chance? Or should I not?

"Oppa... one month..." I told him

"One month?"

My love I love you, I love you..Are you listening... 

"You have one month to win my heart and trust back. Regarding our past... let's forget about it."

My love...Don't forget...Don't erase...Our love..

"Taeyeon... you're still as forgiving as ever." he hugged me. But suddenly pulled away.

"Uhm... it's okay to hug you right?" he asked me.

I smiled then nodded.

-Yunho's POV-

I watched the two from afar. Taeyeon and Junsu hugging. 

Maybe it isn't the best time to confess.

I texted Ryeowook.

[ Yunho> Yah, Wookie. Cancel the plan. Someone... has interrupted.]

[ Ryeowook> What? Aww, seriously? Who was it who interrupted? I was practicing so diligently! >.< So I go out from the back door or what?]

[ Yunho> Kim Junsu is back. Yeah sure.]

[ Ryeowook> Kim Junsu?! You mean the Kim Junsu who broke my little cousin's heart? That Kim Junsu?!] 

[ Yunho> Unfortunately, yeah. He is...]

-Ryeowook's POV-

What the?! Why is that guy back? Wasn't he supposed to be in Jeonju? Why is he in Seoul now?

I feel like going there and punching him... but then Taeyeon might find out...

Aish... what to do?

-Taeyeon's POV-

I can't believe I gave him another chance... This is the last time...

I won't fall into his deep handsome cool eyes again...

"Uhm... Junsu oppa, why are you in Seoul?"

"Oh? My dad got a job at Kim Enterprise and asked me to tag along."

"Wait what?! Your dad got a job at my family's company? Dad accepted him?!"

"Yeah... why do you seem so surprised?"

"My dad seldom hires people from the interviews... he thinks they don't speak well enough. But if your dad got in, WOW."

"Taengoo, do you think... maybe, you have the slightest hint of feelings for me?"

I was taken aback by that sentence.

Did I not hide it well enough? No... you're just panicking... Say no... that's all...

"I don't... I don't know... I'm sorry, oppa."

"No... it's okay. I expected that. Afterall, it was my fault..."

Oppa... don't blame it on yourself.

"So anyway... what school are you going to?"

"Dad said some popular arts school... Uhm... Kirin Arts High School was it?"

"Kirin Arts High School?! That's the school I go to!"

"Oh, really? Well... too bad I'm a grade higher than you. Or we could be in the same class."

"Ah, that doesn't matter. Yunho oppa always goes to our class after his and waits for Sica there."

-Junsu's POV-

Wait for Sica? More like wait for Taeng...

"Does he, you know, like you?" I asked her.

"What?" she laughed. "Come on, how can that be? How can a guy as cool as him like a girl like me?"

"Why not? I think you are too good for him... You're pretty, smart, cute, cool, awesome, fantastic, terrific, honest, kind. Who wouldn't fall in love with you?"

Taeyeon just blushed. 

Kim Junsu, you are getting back into Taeyeon's heart! Celebration time.

Now that I think about it, that Tiffany girl looks smoking hot. Maybe someday I'll get under her pants.

Wait what?! No... you are NOT going back to your old self, Kim Junsu.

-Tiffany's POV-

Taeyeon and Junsu seems very... intimate? But she said they're only friends. Don't misunderstand, Hwang Miyoung.

"Taeyeon! C'mon, we didn't come to a karaoke to sit around doing nothing! Sing!"

"Fine, Fany." 

"What song?" 

"I'm Not Alone."

"Wahh! That's my favorite korean song!"

"Just play it..." she said with an emo face.

I pouted while holding onto her arm, "Don't need to be so harsh..." 

"Fine, Sorry, Fany." she tip-toed and patted my head playfully.

Just then, the music started playing. And she started singing.

Her voice... is angelic. Heavenly. This girl... so beautiful... both inside and outside. Her voice is stunning.

No wonder she's the most popular girl in school. Hmm... I need to find one occasion where I see her dance.

Guys around the school are saying that she's hot. I wonder...

She finished the song when I was dazing out.

"Hwang Fany, want to do a duet together? I found an english song you might want to sing..."

"Oh? What song Taeyeon ah?" I smiled at her, wanting to do a duet...

"Because Of You. It's your ringtone isn't it?" she asked me.

How did she know that it's my ringtone? But... my voice is so bad... it would make Taeyeon look bad...

"Yes... but I don't think I can sing it..."

"Fany, your voice is good... better than most wannabes in our school anyway..."

Yeah! I just got strength. Wait what? I got strength from Taeyeon's words?!

"Okay then, Taeyeonnie! Let's sing."

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdzmdlluZKg << Because of You TaeNy Duet =D

"Waah, Fany, your voice is really good!" she praised me.

"Thank you, Taeyeonnie. Though I'd take a thousand years to get to your level."

-Yunho's POV-

The two of them seem so close... 

I sighed.

"Tch, looks like you have two enemies, Jung Yunho." Junsu smirked.

"As if. Why would Tiffany like Taeyeon? And besides, even if she does, I'm going to win her... and you."

"Yeah, good luck on that bro... you know our relationship in the past. How she was so in love with me..."

"And you hurt her in the end. Of course she'd still have feelings for you!" I said sarcastically

"Tch. She gave me one month to win her back. And I will win her back. My feelings for her never changed. I thought of her everyday, every night."

"Then why did you hurt her in the first place if you loved her so much?"

"I was drunk... I ignored Jae's warning about drinking when you have a girlfriend... especially since we're still underage."

"You listened to a guy who can't even take care of his own girlfriend? WOW. But then again, he's correct. What were you thinking, going out to drink with those girls. You know they like you!"

"I do... which is why I wanted to get closer to them. Flirt with them, make them want me... I treated it as a game you know. I never thought... that would happen..."

"I wonder what Taeyeon even found in you." I told him, which made him angry.

-Taeyeon's POV-

"No... Fany. I appreciate your compliments... but if you think that way, you'll never mature in singing." 

Sorry, Fany. I had to lie to you about me and Junsu's past relationship...

"Heh, Taeyeonnie, my previous friends would've just boasted about that... You're the best, you know that?" she hugged me.

Uhh... I can hear my heart thumping... faster... faster... faster...

"Yah! Tiffany Hwang, what about me?!" Jessica asked her in a loud voice, "Aren't I the best too?" 

Tiffany broke the hug... sadly...

"And you too, Sica." she told Jessica.

I looked at my watch, it's so late! I might not even be able to wake up tomorrow.

"I have to go now!" I said as I ran out of the karaoke place.

Tiffany chased me.

"Wait... Taeyeonnie! Where do you stay?"

I pointed to the left direction and she smiled.

"Heh, I live around there too! Let's walk back together!"

-No One's POV-

They walked and talked... Tiffany told Taeyeon about her past, though not the full story. Only about that part she and her ex had to split.

-Tiffany's POV-

Feels great to let out my past... with someone I can trust.

"Hey look, those are a couple of hot girls. And they look defenseless." a guy with a rough voice said.

I turned around, seeing about 3 to 4 people wearing gangster clothes.

Taeyeon looked around.

"Hey, this one is flat. Boring. Let's take this one." another guy said, grabbing me.

"What?!" Taeyeon shouted, "Yah, let go of her before I do anything to you guys!"

"What can a midget like you do?" the guys laughed.

Taeyeon punched the guy who said that and laughed, "This."

"What the? How can a girl like her be this strong?!" 

"I just can, no big deal." she continued kicking and punching, avoiding most of the moves they made.

She ended up beating everyone and laughed, "That is what you get for calling me a midget, calling me flat, and trying to touch Tiffany."

I saw a guy holding a wooden stick and about to hit Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon!" I shouted, she immediately turned around and hit that guy again... but the stick fell on her head and she became unconscious.

Luckily, all the guys too were badly injured. I looked around and saw no one which could help us. I then thought of Yunho.

I grabbed Taeyeon's phone and called Yunho.

-Yunho's POV-

Omo, Taeyeon is calling me.

I answered the phone, "Yes, Taeyeon?"

Instead, I heard Tiffany's voice. "Yunho oppa! Taeyeon is unconscious! We're nearby the karaoke place. Just turn left until you reach an alley without much lights."

Taeyeon is unconscious?!

I ran there as fast as I could. Tiffany told me the whole story.

We brought her to the nearest hospital.

We were told that with her head concussion, she might stay in the hospital for 3 to 4 days. I went home first, since Jongdoo and Sica was getting worried. 

Tiffany told her mom that she's going to stay with Taeyeon at the hospital for the night and that she's going to take care of Taeyeon the whole day tomorrow since it's her fault that Taeyeon is in the hospital.

-Tiffany's POV-

Taetae ah... I didn't ask you to protect me. You could've just ran... 

I her hair in the hospital. "Taetae ah... you're so cute when you're fiery. When you hit those guys...Mmm..." 

-Taeyeon's POV-

I hear Tiffany's voice... Fany... are you okay?

I was half-awake. Trying to open my eyes, but I can't. My head felt so much pain. 

When I forced my eyes open, I saw that it was dark... and Tiffany was sleeping.

"Sleeping Beauty... for real. Even more of a beauty than the original." 

I looked around the room I was in, it looked nothing like my room. 

Why am I here? All I can remember was this bunch of guys trying to touch my Tiffany. And I kicked their butts before they could...

Wait!!! Did I just say MY Tiffany?! Oh My God! What is wrong with me?!

I shifted a bit, careful not to wake Tiffany up. But she woke up anyway.

"Omo! Taetae, you're awake! Are you okay? Does your injuries hurt?"

What injuries? Oww! Oww! Oww! My hand hurts... I think I broke it or something

"I'm f--fine, Fany ah... And... did you just call me Taetae?" 

It seemed similiar to how Junsu called me in my dream. Yeonyeon...

"Yes... it's okay to call you that right?" she asked me, "If you aren't okay with it then I can call you by your name..."

"No... I'm fine with it. Fany... the karaoke and the meeting with Junsu... was it real or just a dream?"

"It's real. That Junsu guy seems very close to you huh? Were you guys like best of the best friends in school?"

"Sort of... but that's all in the past..."

Does that mean that Junsu will be coming to our school? Does that mean that I really gave him another chance?

"Tiffany... if you're here... how will you be able to wake up to go to school tomorrow?"

"I'm not. I'm not going to school. Since it was my fault that you are hurt, I'm going to take care of you."

"But it's your third day in school! You still have a lot of catching up to do!"

"Then how about you teach me, Taetae? Everyone calls you smart." she smiled.

-Tiffany's POV-

Taetae looks so worried about me...

"What? I... I could... but... uhm... with the lessons and all... I might have no time... so just go to school!"

"But Taetae... pleaseeeee." I pouted.

She hesitated for a while,

"Fine, but only because I was the reason why you're skipping school."

Aww, Taetae, just admit its because of my pout.

-Taeyeon's POV-

Aish, I can't sleep now!

"Good, now rest. You want to recover right?"

"But Fany... I can't sleep..."

She laughed.

-Tiffany's POV-

"In that case, want to hear a romantic love story?"

"Is the ending sad or happy?"

"You could say its both. If the guy comes back, it'll be happy. If he doesn't ever come back, it'll be sad."

"Then can you make the guy come back?"

"Taetae... I can't... I have to tell it like how my friend told it to me."

"Alright..." she said.

"There was once a girl called Stephanie. She wasn't very rich, nor very poor. She was average. One day, she got a scholarship to a school for rich and elite people."

Taeyeon nodded.

"Since she was ordinary, people mocked her and made fun of her. But the son of the owner of the school, Matthew, which was also the most popular guy, noticed her."

"One day, he asked Stephanie whether they wanted to date. And she was heads over heels in love with him, so she accepted. The both of them dated for 3 months."

"Until Matthew told Stephanie that he liked another girl. He broke up with her and walked away, making her heartbroken.

"Ouch..." she said.

"Yeah, I know. After a while of dating another girl, he realized that his 'love' for the girl was just an infatuation. And that the one he actually loved was Stephanie. So they got back together."

"She forgived him so easily?!" 

"Surprising yeah, that idiot." 

I was trying so hard to keep my tears.

"But then, he had to leave the school and go back to his country, since his parents found a suitable place in their country to do business."

"I thought his parents were the owners of the school?"

"They are, but they left that business to his father's brother."

"Ahh... sorry, continue."

I found myself tearing up. The tears were filled in my eyes, but they didn't drop yet.

"So Matthew had to leave Stephanie... but he promised Stephanie that he'll find her, no matter where the both of them are. But up till this moment, he hasn't found her."

I started crying a river.

"Fany... are you okay?"

Taeyeon hugged me.

"Taetae... I'm fine. Just... sad because of the story."

-Taeyeon's POV-

"Who is this Stephanie and who is this Matthew anyway? They're real right?"

I asked her, even though I knew the answer... anyway, I guessed the answer.

"They're real alright... Stephanie is my friend and Matthew is her... boyfriend."

"Okay. I thought so."

I said that, but I was thinking differently. I'm pretty sure that Stephanie was just a codename for Tiffany and Matthew is the guy she's waiting for.

"Fany, can you help me take my iPod? Left Pocket."

Tiffany went to my bag and took my iPod out. She handed it to me.

I stood up and dragged Tiffany to the seats near the window.

-Tiffany's POV-

"Yah! Taetae! Don't stand up! It'll make your injuries worst!"

"Aish, I injured my hand. Not my legs. It won't be affected."

She dragged me to the seats and arranged them so that it would be facing the city. She opened the window and chose a song on her iPod.

She put one earpiece into my ear and smiled.

"Oh, Taetae, this is nice. What's the name of this song?" 

I usually dislike pop songs and like pop songs from some specific artists only. I prefer ballads more.

"Tired of Waiting, 2PiG."

"2PiG? As in 2 PIG?" I laughed. 

"No... but that's what Shinyoung unnie said anyway."

"Shinyoung... unnie?"

"Huh? Oh right... uhh, no one knows this except for Sica and Yunho, but Miss Shinyoung is my relative. My cousin actually."


"Hah, yeah..."



"Why'd you choose this song?"

"It fits your friend doesn't it? Tired of Waiting, she's tired of waiting for Matthew to come back right?"

Taetae... you know so well.

"I guess so."

"Do you have any other pop songs? Considerably from B2ST, Dalmatian or U-Kiss? SHINee's also fine."

Taeyeon laughed, "I Have A LOT of U-Kiss, B2ST and SHINee."

"What songs?"

"Uhm.. Replay, Ring Ding Dong, Love Like Oxygen, Julliette, Lucifer from SHINee. Shock, Special, Beautiful, Bad Girl, Breath and the japanese version of Shock from B2ST. U-Kiss is 0330, Man Man Ha Ni, Always, Round and Round, Talk To Me."

"Can we listen to Shock?"

I thought, thinking of the song I listened to everday ever since... he left me.

Taeyeon played that song and that familiar tune ringed in my head over and over again.

"Fany, here, listen to this song. Tell me whether it's nice."

-Taeyeon's POV-

I played the song.

This song. Ever since I found it, it has been number 1 on my playlist.

My heart runs after your increasingly quick steps

I looked at the busy city, even though it's late at night.

The long night gets darker

Images floated in my mind whenever I listened to that song. 

Please just leave me alone now

He really came back. I used to just love the melody and the singing of this song.

Seeing you is suffocating

But now... the lyrics apply to me too.

Please disappear from my sight

Junsu oppa... I trust you. Don't lie to me again.

I don’t wanna cry no more, more

"Hmm? It's not bad. The rapper sounds cool."

I smiled. 

After a few more songs, I felt sleepy and went back to bed. 

-No One's POV-

Tiffany slept while holding Taeyeon's hands.

When morning came...


Author's Note:

Sorry I take so long to update... busy being a reader on ssf :D

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Ashleylalo #2
Chapter 1: New reader. Nice story :D