Love has no limits

They walked towards Kyosuke…


Mizuki: Kyosuke!

Kyosuke: Mizuki?

Mizuki: Hisashiburi da ne~

Kyosuke: EH. *nod*

Mizuki: What are you doing here in Japan?

Kyosuke: I’m having a vacation…

Boy: ME too.

Kyosuke: Ryosuke?
Ryosuke: YO! You’re following Megi ne~

Kyosuke: Chigauyo!

Ryosuke: Uso!

Kyosuke: Why are you here?

Ryosuke: You’re not the only one that should be having vacation right now…

Mizuki: What are you guys doing here?

Ryosuke and Kyosuke: VACATION!


Suddenly a girl hugged Kyosuke…


Girl: Ryosuke-kun… Hisashiburi da ne~

Kyosuke: *blushed* I’m not Ryosuke…

Girl: Oh, Gomen ne~ Kyosuke-kun…

Ryosuke: Megi… Hisashiburi da ne~

Megi: *hugs Ryosuke* hai. Oh, Kyosuke-kun… gomen ne~ you two really look alike…

Kyosuke: Daijoubu.

Ryosuke: Where are you studying?

Mizuki: Oh, she’s my classmate…

Megi: Oh, Mizuki-chan… konnichiwa…

Mizuki: Konnichiwa…

Megi: Oh, Chinen-kun… konnichiwa…

Chinen: You found out ha…

Megi: You’re not that hard to notice…

Chinen: Sou ka…

Ryosuke: Sou ka…

Megi: *looks at her watch* Oh, I need to go… see you…

Ryosuke: Ja~


Megi left and the others headed to a near coffee shop…


Mizuki: Well, it’s been a while since you guys came back from Korea…

Ryosuke: I think I’ll be staying here for a while…

Kyosuke: Ore mo…

Mizuki: *confuse* Nande?
Ryosuke: I already told my mom about me transferring to a school here in Japan…

Kyosuke: Ore mo…

Mizuki: I think I see the problem here… You guys are following MEGI ne~

Ryosuke: HE is…

Kyosuke: Ore? W-What about you… you were following her too, ne~

Ryosuke: It alright…

Kyosuke: Nande?

Ryosuke: Because… she likes me…

Kyosuke: Joudan ja neyo!

Ryosuke: OH, I need to go… se you Mizuki-chan…

Mizuki: Oh, *nod* Sayonara.


Ryosuke left…


Mizuki: *looks at her watch (4:00)* OH, we need to meet up with the others…

Kyosuke: OH, Mizuki-chan… see you later, okay?

Mizuki: Doko ga?

Kyosuke: At your house I just want to ask you something…

Mizuki: Okay…see you…

Kyosuke: Ja ne~


Kyosuke left and the two went where they were all supposed to meet…


Chinen: Oh, Minna~ gomen were late…

Minami: Where have you guys been?

Mizuki: I saw Ryosuke-kun to Kyosuke-kun by the Ferris wheel…

Yui: You mean your naughty cousins?!

Sayu: The twins?

Mizuki: Eh. *nod*

Chinen: I think we should go home and rest… we still have class tomorrow…

Yabu: Chinen’s right… we should all rest for the day…

Hikaru: Minna~ sayonara~

Everyone: Sayonara~


Chinen escorted Mizuki home; Daiki escorted Minami home while Yui and Sayu went back to their dorm together…


Chinen: Ja~

Mizuki: Ja ne~

Chinen: I had so much fun…

Mizuki: *smiles* Atashi mo…

Chinen: See you tomorrow…

Mizuki: Hai…

Chinen: *smiles*


Mizuki went inside the house while Chinen went straight home…


Mizuki: Tadaima!

Dad: Okaeri~

Kyosuke: Okaeri~ Mizuki-chan…

Mizuki: Kyosuke? Doua no?
Kyosuke: I wanted to ask you a favor…

Mizuki: Nani?
Kyosuke: You’re Megi’s friend ne~

Mizuki: Hai.

Kyosuke: Could you help me… I want to tell her how I feel for her…

Mizuki: Sou desuka?

Kyosuke: How?

Mizuki: Ask her to come with you for a while then tell her how you feel…

Kyosuke: And…?

Mizuki: That’s it…

Kyosuke: EH?
Mizuki: Hai. That’s it.

Kyosuke: Sou ka…

Mizuki: Is that the only reason why you came back here in Japan?
Kyosuke: Hai. I just want to tell her how I feel…

Mizuki: What if she rejected you?

Kyosuke: Daijoubu… At least I told her…

Mizuki: Sou ka… Ja~ Ganbatte ne~

Kyosuke: Hai…

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yuuri_mizuki #1
H A R U - C H A N ! DON'T WORRY THERE ARE STILL stories about everyone !<br />
<br />
Y E S! ! ! Aaron is Chinen Yuuri's Senpai ! !
yuuri_mizuki #2
Haru-chan ! You're so demanding ! ! !<br />
<br />
don' T woory 2 much ! there is still part 2 remember ? !<br />
<br />
yuuri_mizuki #3
LOL! you're so bad ! you e v e n want to kill J O H N N Y ! ! ! <br />
I WANT A SEQUEL !! i want more yamada and haruko moments ! their love story makes me tingle! XDD i also wanna know what'll happen to yui and takaki's love story <3
Haruko staring at yamada all the time is soooo CUUUUTEEE ! XD
OH MY OH MY ! haruko's at risk ! huhuhuhuhu ! stupid johnny ! I WANNA KILL HIM !
uwaaahh ! aarön always told her to pretend as his younger sis ?! HOW COULD .. HOW COULD .. HOW COULD U MAKE AARON BAD IN HERE ! lol . XD
JEONGMAL ! aaron is his senpai ? WHOAA .
i was like a BOSS or something and yamada is my worker ! LOL . i love it though <3