Track 4 - Swings and Roundabouts

Take My Hand And Fly

“I didn’t fall for you, you tripped me.”

Hyunseung came to realize that back then, he shouldn’t have insisted. Should he have just left the biker as he pleased instead of leaving him his contact number, he would be leading a much easier life right now.

It was swings and roundabouts, really. You got your stuff back, and you had a free gift tag-along, by the name of Yong Junhyung. So if you’d wondered what the losing end was exactly, first envisioned yourself as a teacher, then you might need to imagine what it would be like to have Yong Junhyung as your student. Because who ever claimed that free gifts are always pleasant surprise?

After his little lost and found episode, Hyunseung spent two months of work life in agony. It wasn’t until recently that he had conditioned himself to become immune to the zealot who had found so much gratification in making his teacher’s life tragically too eventful on a daily basis. Hyunseung had witnessed the diverse forms of humanity throughout his 26 years of life so far. He might look all doe eyes and pink lips and milky skin but he had had his fair share of a havoc adolescence saga before becoming an adult. Meeting someone like Junhyung right now reminded him of the multiple events of courtships during his teenage years from desirously passionate individuals, who mostly, mysteriously, ended their pursual because Doojoon wasn’t always flawless and charming and humorous, not when he chanced upon news of someone hitting on his childhood friend.

Booze, smokes, drugs; those were hidden chapters in Hyunseung’s teenage chronicle that only Doojoon had the privilege to know. Then there were also anecdotes of one-night stand, two-timing, ditched and being ditched. Some relationships were indeed sweet and romantic and y, but it didn’t last very long because besides having to overcome the wall named Doojoon, Hyunseung was adventurous and frivolous at that tender age, and if they couldn’t keep up with that, then they couldn’t afford to keep him. Then there were some that were pretty nasty and offensive and repulsive, memories that Hyunseung would prefer to be locked up and buried deep within.

Yong Junhyung; as conceited as it might sound, Hyunseung wasn’t oblivious towards his student’s mild infatuation towards him. The kind of impish stares he always got from him, the way his reflection papers were always filled with poetic but disturbing scribbles of I rewrite it once again, the start beginning with you and I smiling happily. In case you will leave me, the background is a small room without an exit,” that had Hyunseung sent them straight into the cross cut shredder machine, and rained into the waste paper basket before anyone saw it. The imp always had Hyunseung hunting him down because he seemed to only skip World Literature, and that earned him a couple of naggings and private classes; the way Hyunseung would always bumped into him at the school gate when Doojoon wasn’t around to knock off together and extorted him into buying him dinner and coke. And worse of all, the text he’d receive every night, and calls he’d had to pick up every once awhile just to make sure that Junhyung wasn’t landing himself in some ty situation in the middle of the night.

Almost a decade had past, and those little rollicks and shenanigans that used to stir Hyunseung’s youthful heart had become immature and silly acts of attention seeking conducts. The teacher chose to take the current mayhem in his stride, because he’d rather be mobbed by the free gift aka little devil-reincarnate than having to disappoint Doojoon for losing the ring and let guilt devoured him. Doojoon should always, only deserve the better.

“So, how was the new kid getting along?” Doojoon asked over dinner one night.

“Vicious.” Hyunseung deadpanned while slurping a big chunk of linguine into his mouth. “It’s hard to abide to the teachers code of conduct with that little imp around.”

Doojoon laughed at his fiancé’s beaten state, which he found endearing.

“So you’ve finally met your challenge after eight months of teaching? Told you, you can’t be saint for too long.” He added smugly.

“He’s a living hybrid of Draco Malfoy and Gollum. But nothing I can’t handle.” The pretty man assured as he swallowed.

“I see… But perhaps you might wanna consider some extra help?” Doojoon asked carefully. “I can help to arrange a conference with the principal and his parents, and maybe find out why—” he stopped upon seeing the disapproving look from his companion.

Doojoon gulped quietly before continuing, “I mean… Seriously, which mentally-stable guy could stand watching his boyfriend being harassed by some high school kid. He’s obviously seeking for your attention, and isn’t he getting too much of it in return?” Doojoon eyed his fiancé suspiciously. “I know he’s from a single parent family. I just hope that he isn’t seeking some kind of fatherly figure in you. Or motherly figure for the worse.”

Hyunseung looked up from his now emptied bowl upon those words, unamused, “Yoon Doojoon. I’ll say this again, and I really hope this is the last time, but do not interfere ok? He’s my student. I’ll deal with him myself.”

“Like how?” Doojoon’s tone was laced with slight impatience. “It’s been months that this student of yours has been pestering you day in and out. Remember he even once called you out in the middle of the night because he has no money for cab?” The older man frowned at the memory. “That kid is seriously going overboard. I know your sense of responsibility is like the depth of a black hole, but I still can’t understand how you keep putting up with him. And honestly speaking, you seem to have a soft spot for that brat.” He muttered.

Hyunseung’s expression was blank for a moment, and then he broke into a hysterical fit of laughter.

“Aigoo Yoondoo-nim, don’t tell me you’re jealous?” The doe eye man gave a toothy grin. “Come on, he’s just a kid, not to worry ok?”

Doojoon shrugged. “Ok, then move in with me.”

And Hyunseung choked on his saliva, falling into a staccato of cough and awkward laughter, which reduced into a laboured smile etched with unsettlement when the laughing gas in him had finally worn off.

Seeing that Hyunseung wasn’t responding, the older man quickly added, “Move in with me, in that way, I’ll feel more at ease without having to worry about whether you’re overworking again.”

“Yah, don’t be insecure. We’ll be living together for god knows how long. Probably an eternity after marriage, can’t I have my last bit of freedom?” Hyunseung reasoned playfully.


“Ok I promise I’ll not overwork myself ok. I promise I promise. If not I’ll have receding hairline like Nicholas Cage before you do. . That was cruel.” Hyunseung pouted, realizing the severity of his vow.

But that made Doojoon broke into a light chuckle.

“Ok topic close! Can we have our dessert now? I want pudding today! I made lots of pudding in Restaurant Story today, now I really feel like eating some.” Hyunseung chimed.


Junhyung was in the teachers’ room again, within the comfort of Hyunseung’s cosy little cubicle. He placed his long overdue homework on the table and took the liberty to pack the stationeries left unattended on the otherwise, very well organized desk. He liked how the stuffs were all neatly arranged, timetable and colourful notes pinned on the soft padded wall that reminded him of some geometric painting, and the small banner that read, “Conquering the Universe” accompanied by scribbles of names of his classmates and doodles of mini aliens in flying saucers. Junhyung’s lips curved into a small smile when his eyes landed on his very own scribble of his name at the corner of the banner. This school had been different, his classmates had been different, and his teacher was different. He wondered if he had finally found a place that he could truly belong. He skimmed across his teacher’s table and noticed a mark on the calendar that read, “Yoondoobong’s Hatchday!”

“Ssaem, I heard you’re not married.” Junhyung said while scribbling down some key points onto his literature note.”

Hyunseung didn’t answer as he continued to type away on his laptop.

“So you have a girlfriend? A childhood friend turned girlfriend? And you seem very close with Sir Yoon. I heard he’s one of the board directors’ son?”

“Don’t be nosey. And it’s not appropriate to dig into your teacher’s private life, and don’t forget to highlight the whole of stanza 5, it’s important.” Hyunseung said while circling the text with his pencil amidst his typing.


“Hurry up, I have my seventh period class in ten minutes time. And if you dare skip my class again, I’ll have to send a warning letter to your HOME.” Hyunseung reminded with an innocent smile.


That was probably the best threat Hyunseung had uncovered after being mauled by this student of his for a month. Alarming his mother was the last thing Junhyung ever wanted. She would overreact and probably questioned the school before withdrawing him and sent him to another school. Junhyung used to not mind about his mother’s overreaction, he was used to being transferred from school to school. It was as frequent as changing clothes. But right now, he didn’t want to risk it, for reason that the teacher had yet to find out.

“Don’t force me Junhyung. Better turn up.” The teacher said while closing his laptop. “Now go to your History class and I don’t wanna get complain from Miss Kim you understand?”

“Why are you so demanding?” Junhyung pouted, “Karma will befall you.”

“Yea, and one more warning letter will befall you if you’re gonna be late again for class this week.”

“Wah… you’re wicked.” Junhyung roughly packed his belongings and stood up, “In that case, I’ll see you after school then.” he grinned.

“Nope” Hyunseung was done packing his stuff, “see you next week.”

Junhyung looked at him befuddled because it was only Thursday.

“Well, I have a date tonight, with my girrrrrl-friend if you must know, and I’ll be on leave till Monday.” Hyunseung gave him a patronizing smile.

Junhyung’s hopeful expression faltered a little.

“Yah, don’t look like a lost puppy on me.” Hyunseung chided. “Behave yourself when I’m not around. Remember, I don’t wanna get complains about you when I come back ok?”

Junhyung scoffed, “Yea yea, stop nagging.”

“That’s better,” and Hyunseung ruffled the minor’s hair before leaving the dejected boy alone in the empty cubicle.

Looking at the calendar, Junhyung couldn’t help but wonder if his teacher had specially taken leave just to celebrate Sir Yoon’s birthday with his girlfriend.


A/N: An update! This chapter shares a little (very summarized) back story of Hyunseung's past. So don't be fooled by his doe eyes xD I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be able to finish this fic with just 8-10 chapters. Maybe i'll do something sneaky like chapter 8a, 8b, 8c... LOL! Enjoy the fluff as much as you can for now, because as the story progreses to the later chapters, probably from chapter 6/7 onwards will be becoming rather depressing. IDK xD i'm a die-hard junseung stan, but honestly, as i continue to work on this fic, it's getting me all torn between junseung and dooseung. OMG. so writing a fic can actually cause such a calamity!

Once again, thanks for reading x)

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n_silver89 #1
Chapter 6: Update...pleaseeeeee☆☆
anissr #2
I wish that you'll continue this fics;;;
Update soon pleaseTT really love this story
omg why did i get into a fic updated a year ago ; A ;
Chapter 6: Update please !!!!!

Wahhhh!!!! please continue the story!! it is so well written and I love the minor details and plot line of this story!! I really hope to see you update soon.
JHS_addicted #7
Chapter 6: Please continue this.. I love the dillema between them.. Please please update this.. :(
b2utyAngel #8
Chapter 6: them love each other....
VeeJunSeung #9
Chapter 6: update soon pleasee.... ><

i would love to see how f~ much doojoon is in love with hyunseung....
vanilLaJae04 #10
Chapter 6: kekeke I love this! esp. Hyunseung's character in here. so witty and snarky and ditsy. <3