SECRET's dorm

Hyosung has a really bad dream. Suddenly she is waking up, and she starts to cry.

Hyosung: what did I do wrong? My heart really hurts right now.

Jieun:  Hyosung what happened?

Hyosung: I just have a really bad dream. And it feels like all of it is true.

Jieun: tell me what really happen. Maybe it will reduce your pain.

Hyosung: oh it's okay, maybe i just need more sleep

Jieun: there must be something about your dream right? Okay, so you want to go back to sleep then?

Hyosung: yes, I think it is will be better.

Jieun: okay if there anything you want just call me okay.

Hyosung: okay, and thanks Jieun

Usually Secret has a packed schedule but this week they are free. This  gives an opportunity to Hyosung to go anywhere she wanted. So she has decided to visit the Magical Bakery. Near the Magical Bakery there is a resort and she is planning to stay there for a few days.

Hyosung: wow this is so great, I can release my tension here. This is a great place. 

But suddenly she heard some noise come from the her neighbor. She so scared, but suddenly she saw a shadow of people near the tree. Then her shouting.

Hyosung: arhhhhhhhhh..! Who is that? (Totally freaking out) 

At the time Hyosung screaming, suddenly there is also a screaming sound come from the tree.

Hyosung: who are you?

Kikwang: I'm Kikwang, but who are you?

Suddenly it was really surprising that the shadow that Hyosung saw is Kikwang shadow. Then Kikwang came closer to Hyosung resort.

Kikwang: Yahhh.! It's you, my maid.

Hyosung: it's really you Kikwang? I thought you were something else. Yahhh..! Who are you calling me maid

Finally they both met each other. They are also about to start a fight.

Kikwang: Maid what are you doing here? Are you following me?

Hyosung: I'm not your maid. Why do I want to follow you? Maybe you are the one who is following me.

Kikwang: no I'm not following you. I came here because it is my days off.

Hyosung: that is what I'm doing right now. Stop copying me..!

Kikwang: what?? Copying you? No I will Never ever ever copying you.

Hyosung: okay then. Let's just mind our own business.

Kikwang: Okay fine.

After their fight, Kikwang went to his room and Hyosung also went into her room. Then the night comes, it's been a heavy rain. Kikwang and Hyosung at their own room. The suddenly Kikwang hear a really loud scream. The scream was coming from Hyosung room.


Kikwang: is that a sound of Hyosung screams? Maybe I should take a look, but this afternoon Hyosung just said "Mind your own business".

The rain was getting worse, it's starting to have lighting.

*Kikwang P.O.V*

Wow, the rain is getting worse and now it's starting to have lighting. I wonder is the screaming sound is really coming from Hyosung room.? (the sound of lighting) maybe I really should take a look at Hyosung. She must be really scared.

Then Kikwang decided to take a look at Hyosung room.


Kikwang: Hyosung~shii, Hyosung~shii. Are you in there? Open the door for a second.

Hyosung: Arhhhhhh..!

Kikwang: Hyosung~shi, what happen? Open the door. If not I'm gonna break the door. Hyosung~shii

Hyosung: Arhhhhhhhh...!

Kikwang: Now I'm really gonna break the door. 1,2,3.....!

After Kikwang count to 3, he is really breaking the door. But suddenly Hyosung opens the door at the same time as Kikwang breaking the door. As a result Kikwang and Hyosung bumping into each other and cause them to fall on the floor and facing each other  face. Then Hyosung start to break the awkward moment between them by starting to get up.

Hyosung: yahhh..! What are you doing here?

Kikwang: what do you mean what am I doing here? I am here because I hear you scream and I thought there is something wrong. That is why I came here.

Hyosung: Is my scream really loud? I'm so sorry. 

Kikwang: Loud? Yes it is really loud...! Anyways, why did you scream?

Hyosung: hahaha, sorry about that. Mouse a really big mouse, I just saw it. And I really hate mouse.

Kikwang: hahahaha, so you are screaming because of the mouse?

Hyosung: stop laughing, it was a really big mouse.

Kikwang: hahahhaha, I really gonna go back  to my room now. You settle your problem with mouse okay. Good night.

Hyosung: huh? You are really gonna go back to your room just like that? Without helping me?

Kikwang: did I have to do something for you? Don't you remember this afternoon you just said "mind your own business right?

Hyosung: Kikwang, please help me. I really scared of mouse. Kikwang Jebal.


Kikwang: If I help you what did I get? Oh I know..! What about you be my maid if we are ever met again.

Hyosung: okay whatever you said. Just please catch the mouse.

Kikwang: okay it's a deal then.(smile)




I'm sorry if there is a lot of grammar mistakes. English id not my main language but I'll try really hard Next time.
















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Annyeong! New reader! I like it! Please put more KiSung and I wish that they're the one who will be together in the end! Well, anyways update soooooon~
Chapter 10: Lee joon x hyosung ...yongguk x hyosung....kikwang x hyosung..
Chapter 10: it was awesome love it
ichiru #4
Chapter 9: Nice update...update soon....please put more kisung moments...
Chapter 9: update soon i love it
Chapter 6: Cute~ Hopefully there will be more hyojoon moments on the next chap. Update soon♥
Chapter 4: so cute haha :) and reading this makes me feel concern about hyosung and secret members' health condition T_T get well soon girls
sweet-soul13 #8
Chapter 4: update soon. joonsung fighting !
Chapter 1: Ahaha I always like these two together <3 That was great for leisure time like this ;) keep it up!