The Man is Happy

Boy turns to Man

June 25, 2013

The evening sun shone through the barracks. The place was like a fish market, reeked with sweat from 25 guys who just came back from their field training. Teuk slumped onto his bed, “Wonder what she is doing now?” It was 2 years since they last met on Strong Heart. Teuk has already been out of celebrity life for nearly a year, but he is counting down his days to his release.


Fast forward

November20, 2014

Jasmil Stadium , Seoul, Korea


“Hyung, mic test in 5 minutes,” Donghae was motioning Teuk to join the rest on stage.

Teuk was staring dreamily at the mirror. He had flashbacks of what happened exactly three years ago. He remembered how nervous he was, the total mix of emotions when he sang, SHE

“Sora, I miss you I miss you I miss you.” Teuk was screaming but no one heard him.

“Yes, got it, I’m coming!” He was citing himself for the first concert since he is out. “How I miss this adrenaline rush!” he thought as he rushed for the rehearsal.

An hour passed and the guys headed back to backstage for some rest and to prepare for the concert, Teuk’s comeback concert after two years.

“Hyung, are you going to show your muscles later?” Kangin teased Teuk.Teuk became more muscles phyically and mentally.

“Hey, he can’t do it because his 3D show is reserved for private screening,” Sungmin poked Teuk’s ribs while all of them are having a fun time watching how Teuk just flashed a grin that was seldom seen. The change was obvious.



Meantime, the fans who waited overnight with SLR cameras, portable stools are ready to charge…Soon, the crowd of fans packed the hall, light sticks soon lit up the area with beautiful sea of blue. Voices of excitement just filled the air. Teuk was listening to the cheer, but more so, he was listening to his heartbeat is racing now. Butterflies seem to found a home his belly too.

“Omona I’m so nervous!” Teuk murmured to himself.

Siwon grabbed Teuk’s shoulders and led him to waiting area. “Hyung, we have missed you. C’mon lead our cheer!”

“Let’s do our best! One, Two, Three, Hwaiting!” cheered the group joined their hands



The hall lights dimed, and the girls screamed their lungs out in anticipation. One well-built guy ran out to the middle of the dark stage. The fans screams became even more deafening, chanting, “Lee Teuk, Lee Teuk,  Lee Teuk!”

Then a sweet melody was played as a spotlight shone on the man at the piano.

May be the face I can't forget
The trace of pleasure or regret
May be my treasure or the price I have to pay
May be the song that summer sings
May be the chill that autumn brings
May be a hundred different things
Within the measure of a day


“Thank you my dear fans. Thank you for your love. I love you. Three years ago, I did a proposal with WGM. Many people witnessed it. Thank you for the love. Three years later on this same day, I like my fans again to be the first to know this. I was lonely even when I was in a crowd. I was insecure even when I am loved by millions of fans. I was sad even when I make many viewers laugh with me. Today, I like to take a treasure who became the meaning of my life.”

As Teuk ended, he sang the last verse and walked towards the center of the platform. The fans just went crazy when he continued to walk further nearer the audience. At that instance, another spotlight shone to one particular seat. That minute just froze. As he led the girl up back to the stage, the crowd chanted, “Be happy! Be happy!”

“Please give us your blessing again as you did three years ago. The Only difference now, is that this is for f5rever. Kang Sora and I will live happily.” Both Sora and Teuk bowed. The fans were going crazy with happiness.

Sora could not stop crying when Teuk slipped in a beautiful gold ring on her left hand as she never expected him to do this again.  “Sora, the ring fits 100% now. Don’t wear it on your necklace.” Sora just broke into laughter when he said this.


December 25, 2015

Sora was taking her evening stroll along Han River, but her eyes never left the four-legged baby of hers. “Gomi, don’t run too far!” Just then, her phone rang. “Yes, yeobong. Hm …yea. Come home early.”


Postnote: Lee Teuk, Sora we hope that you will stay and grow together in this temporary separation.




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mywebfoot #1
Chapter 1: Well done, really well done. Atmospheric and sweet.
Chapter 1: Kyaa!! Its so sweet!! Love it
luvallkorea #3
If you are interested, I'm on twitter @luvallkorea, an account dedicated for Teukso addiction!
luvallkorea #4
Thank you, your support are so valuable! Okay.. I won't say last ff...*Cough* So Until the next time I have a brain fart and dream of Teukso again. Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: So sweet^^,
really enjoy reading it, as much as u wrote it..
thanks for the awesome ff^^,
hope this will be reality..
Linkinkim #6
Chapter 1: Oh, are u sure that it's your last ff? It's so pity because your fics is amazing!!! I love them really very much!!! Hope u wll continue write and post stories about teukso)))
Chapter 1: waaaah~~~ so cute!!!! :D I hope this happens soon <3 keke :) <3 fighting~~~~~ <3
Chapter 1: So sweet~ <3
Can't wait for your new ff authornim^^,
(ง'̀⌣'́)ง Fighting!