
The Upgraded Me

Yeonhee hid her face behind her arms, so that no one could know what kind of expression she had on.

"Ahaha... The sunshine is too bright."


Counting down the usual ten seconds, they met eyes again. Yeonhee saw Changmin holding a paper airplane. His long fingers were loosely grabbing on the wings of the paper plane. 

"You're creepy," she chuckled. Yeonhee held her hand out towards him.

"You're rude," he said. Changmin passed the paper airplane to her.

Not asking any questions to confirm anything, they already knew. Who they were.

Yeonhee unfolded the airplane and read its contents.

Changing slowly, yet it feels so fast.

It's winter already.

I want to know you, even if I feel like I do.

You're much more complicated than I thought.

But I'm willing to solve each mysteries I have about you.

One by one.

Once I get to the core.

"Even if it will take long?" Yeonhee asked.

"I'm willing to wait." He smiled at her.


They sat next to each other on the train that was going somewhere. Both didn't know where, but it was to pass time. None of them spoke. It was a quiet ride. Though the silence was somehow peaceful.


Yeonhee stood in front of aunt Jung's house. She kept hesitating whenever she was going to ring the doorbell. Yeonhee finally shut her eyes and rang the doorbell. As expected aunt Jung opened the door and greeted her with a nostalgic warm smile.

"It's been so long since I've seen you." Aunt Jung had small tears in her eyes.

"Yeah.. I have something important to tell you.." Yeonhee held the bag of the side dishes aunt Jung had gave her.

"Sure, sure. Come in."


"I can't accept these anymore. I'm grateful for all you did, but you don't have to worry about anymore." Yeonhee returned the side dishes.

Aunt Jung looked at Yeonhee with hurt in her eyes.

"I have to tell you something about before I moved into your house and after I moved into your house." Yeonhee took a deep breath as she prepared herself to tell aunt Jung about her past.

to be continued.. u will find out

about yunho and yeonhee ...

till then!





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this story's one yr anniversary is next tuesday!!


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cmacchiato #1
Chapter 9: But this is really good, action speaks more..
aenxspooky #2
Chapter 8: Waiting you to update this story...^^
Lavender86 #3
Chapter 5: Cute changmin.... Yes authornim, please up date every week. Fighting...