It's Part of Life

I've Grown Up

Seungri scrolls through old videos of his group, Big Bang. Today, he is feeling rather nostalgic about Big Bang’s old days. He smirks as he clicks on another old video. Back then, Daesung had dark hair, and he had a rather simple haircut. Curious, he scrolls down to glance at the comments. His eyes scan over the various comments. Some had the name of a member of Big Bang with a bunch of hearts. One particular comment catches his eye. It states that the person misses the old Seungri. It also states that the Seungri of today is too arrogant and loves to blab more. His heart sinks as his mind comprehends that comments. Did a fan really just say that?

Seungri snaps his computer shut. His mind is in turmoil. Did the fan not know that people change over time from experience? Nobody stays the same forever. Although the fan did have a point, fans of Big Bang and Kpop expect the idols to stay the same forever and never change. It especially applies the maknaes of the groups. Fans want the maknae to stay cute, young, and innocent forever. But perhaps the fans is making a different point? Perhaps she or he is indirectly stating that Seungri had changed for the worst. Seungri groans. All this angst thinking over one comment. He really shouldn’t let this get to him. He should focus on the present, on his performance.

Seungri sighs again. Currently, he is spread out in his bed in the dorm. He rolls over and glances at the clock. The neon green numbers blaze 2:00AM. Perhaps a walk to a nearby park will help clear his mind from such nasty thoughts. He slips out of bed and changes into some clothes. Seungri stalls for a while thinking about whether he should cover-up to not be identified by lurking fans. Deciding not to, Seungri leaves a note for his hyungs before slipping out the door.

The outside is silent with only nightlife moving about. Bugs sing their mating calls and street lamps give an eerie glow to the street. Parked cars line the sides of the road and dark house loom over. The night air is a bit chilly, and Seungri rubs his hands together in an attempt to gather warmth. He really should have worn a heavier coat with a scarf and hat. Too late to return to the dorms. His feet lead him to his favorite thinking place: the park. At the park, he had a particular place that soothes his soul. It is a clearing among the many trees. Sure, it takes a bit of a hike to reach this place. But, it provides silence, peace, and healing for his soul. More importantly, it provides a clear view of the night sky.

Seungri lays down on the ground. The moon shine brilliantly in the night sky. A slight breeze ruffles the trees. An owl hoots. His mind, once again, strays to the fan’s comment. He had changed over the year. He was no longer the innocent maknae. Experience has made that innocence jaded. Little Seunghyun grew up to become the talkative, adult Seungri of today. Yet, Seungri grows nostalgic over the past: working to gain a spot in Big Bang, gaining recognition, solo debut, scandals, coming back stronger. He smiles. All that work, and one little comment shouldn’t get him down in the slums. Sure, the fan might think he is getting arrogant. But, the truth is Seungri feels pride in getting so far and continuing to climb to become the ultimate goal of being known by everyone worldwide.

A particular strong breeze causes some of the trees’ leaves to fall. Seungri shivers. It is getting colder. His eyes glance upwards. The stars continue to shine, and the moon continues to illuminate the sky. Seungri sighs. He should really start heading back to the dorm before Jiyong wakes up. Seungri smirks. Jiyong would spazz about where his precious maknae is. Seunghyun (TOP) would mumble in his low voice that the maknae is old enough to take care of himself for at least a hour or two. Taeyang would groan at how Jiyong’s worrying woke him up, but would still be interested in the situation. Daesung would fret if the maknae is injured in any way mentally or physically. Seungri rubs his arms. He sneezes. Dang. Taking a walk in the middle in of the night might cause him to get a cold. That wouldn’t be good. Their schedule is packed now.

Before he reaches the dorm, he stops by a small building. Inside the building is a dance studio. He had purchased the building years ago as a good investment. A few years ago, he had converted one room in the building to a dance studio. The YG practice rooms were fantastic, but having a private dancing studio where nobody could disturb you is perfect. Whenever he felt the weight of the solar system on his shoulders, he would come here and dance to his favorite songs. Letting his body move to his beat, Seungri’s minds always recalls the time in which he was in a dance group in Gwangju. Dancing has always been one of his many passions. To release his pent up tensions by moving his body to the beat is one of the greatest things ever.

He unlocks the entrance to the building and slips in. He thinks to himself, “Just one song, then off to the dorm and sleep.” Seungri quickly pops in his current favorite song. His body automatically moves to the beat, and soon his hands and legs work together to dance. He can feel the beat flow through his veins. Previous angst that had slipped into his body disappeared. His mind feels free. He closes his eyes and enjoys the moment. All too quickly, the music gives its last beat. His body slows down. Only now can he feel the ache in his muscles. That ache is going to bite him in the when he wakes up. He turns off the light in the studio and locks the entrance to the building. He heads back toward the dorm.

As he nears the dorm, he can faintly hear panicked voices. Just as his hand nears the doorknob, it swing open. He nearly jumps in surprise.

It’s his Jiyong-hyung with one foot in and one foot out the door. He calls back, “Dang it, guys! Seungri needs to get his sleep and not wander outside. I don’t care if he is old enough to do his own thing, I’m going out to get him!”

Seungri smiles. Even though Jiyong sounds harsh, Seungri could tell his tone of his voice that Jiyong is genuinely worried where Seungri is located. It doesn’t help that Seungri did not take his cell phone out with him. Jiyong bumps into Seungri.

“Yah! Seungri-ah! There you are. Get your in here now. And you aren’t even wearing a coat. It’s cold outside.”

Jiyong ushers Seungri into the dorm. Daesung comes running out with a blanket to wrap around Seungri. Seungri smiles. He is with his brothers and all is well.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! For all of you guys that celebrate Thanksgiving, have a great Thanksgiving! By the way, the comment at the Forward is fake, so please don't look up that person. If someone has that username, please don't blast them cause the comment is FAKE! The inspirations came from a comment on a Seungri video on Youtube. However, I can't find that video anymore. [That video was of cute Seungri...:( ] FYI, Seungri is not my ultimate bias in Big Bang. It's TOP. He is soo hot especially with his powerful gaze. (inner fangirl awaken!) haha. Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 1: amazing..
it's full with emotions..
goodsir #2
Chapter 1: i think you could turn this story into a multiple chapter story
Chapter 1: This is good! But its too short dear. Huhu. :(
I'll was hoping for more GRi moment.
Oh Seungri, love you no matter what. He's my ulti ate biases after all. :)
nathrakh #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Saffaire #5
Sounds really amazing!
Update soon~! author-nim :)