A Sad love story

A Cliché Sad love story


"I Love You" donghae said
"are you crazy?!" you must be wondering what's happening right now? Well right now me and donghae oppa are in our school garden sitting under a big tree and donghae here is giving me advice on how to confess and so far not so good.
"what?" he asked a furrow on his face.
"oppa you can't just walk up to the guy you knew since diapers and just say 'I Love You' you'll probably scare the guy" 
"well got any bright ideas genius?" he fired to me crossing his arms
"actually no your kinda my last hope here" I sighed
I did this to all my friends that knows I like him, it's not like I told them they figured it on their own actually. My family really isn't a big help also, I ask my mom one time and she goes all squealing and tearing saying her little girl is all grown up now, my dad is a no no it will be awkward, and last is my older brother heechul oppa, his advice is the worse. If your curious on what's his advice is about, it has to do with a rope and a basement and if it's doesn't work I'll just kiss him on the spot.
"and so far wookie is the best choice right now" I said
"what is it?" he asked, I sighed
"something about baking him his favorite cake with a confession letter" I huff 
"why don't you just tell the guy already?" he asked flaking his hands in the air, then crossing his arms huffing. I giggled.
"donghae oppa" I poked his cheeks, no response huh.
"oppa, eunhyuk oppa has a new best friend" I said pointing to no one. His head quickly whip to the direction I was pointing at with wide eyes and mouth agape. I really can't tell which direction I was pointing at because I was still busy looking at his funny expression.
"eunhyuk!" he shouted I quickly look at where I was still pointing and saw...oh look it is eunhyuk oppa with a new student and it seems that they look close too. He quickly stands up and marched to where eunhyuk oppa and the new kid were, leaving me alone. I watch as eunhyuk oppa's eyes widen and stutters when hae oppa says something I didn't really hear. Hae oppa suddenly flails his hands in the air scaring the guy and eunhyuk rolling his eyes. I close my eyes ignoring them.
"why did I even liked him" I said to no one, eyes still close.
"who are you talking to?" a familiar lovely deep honey voice whispered at my ear sending shivers to me. I opened my eyes and quickly look at the source of the voice
Wrong Move. I was now centimeters away from him, the tip of our nose almost touching, my eyes widen and I stiffen, I was enhance with his dark brown eyes that I can't help but stare back, my heart beating faster and louder. This always happens to me when it comes to him. Blinking my eyes rapidly, I quickly pushed him away from me making him hit his bum to the ground. My heart still beating fast I can feel my cheeks redden. 
"yah! Minri that hurts!" he said pushing himself to sit up properly, I glared at him.
"it's not my fault, your the one being creepy here" I tried to defense myself
"says the one talking to herself" he snorted.
"whatever, what are you doing here?" I asked changing the subject.
"I got bored at class" he shrugged lying down on the grass
"yah!" I hit his stomach lightly but can still hurt.
"yah! What was that for? don't you know you hit like a man" I rolled my eyes, I turned to look where eunhyuk oppa and hae oppa were to see no one, guess they left a while ago.
"why did you cut class?" I asked
"why did you cut class?" he questioned back
"stop answering my question with another question." I furrowed my eyebrows crossing my arms
"stop that" he said
"stop what?" I ask, my eyebrows still furrowed.
"That! Stop furrowing your eyebrows!" he exclaimed pointing at my face. I slap his hands away from my face. Annoyed.
"and why not!" I hissed
"you look old" he smirked
"Yah!" I snapped, he quickly stands up and ran , while I was chasing him from behind. 
"hurry up slow poke," he shouted
"I'm not slow! You just have long legs!" I reasoned out.
"then you admit your a slow poke, an ajhumma and short! Haha" he said laughing while running
"I hope you trip!" 
"I'm not a clutz like you min ri~" he stuck out his tongue
"Idiot!" was all I could say right now.
"yeah, but you love me anyway" he said, entering the school, that made me stop. My heart beating fast not because it's true because the way he say it like he really knew that I love him, my years of hiding from him about my feelings and  our friendship that's so strong and unbreakable will hit down hill because of me...soon.
No One's POV
It's Friday now and it's been two weeks since the garden scene.
"class, don't forget that your third examination will be on next week" their chemistry teacher said, some said yes and some just groaned. Chemistry is their last subject today, and it's dismissal time.
"minri you okay?" yeon jae, minri's best friend/ classmate ask minri when the teacher got out of the room and everyone else was busy packing up their stuffs.
"huh? Oh yeah I'm okay what makes you think that I'm not ok?" minri answered truth is she isn't she didn't get any proper sleep the whole 2 weeks, she always cries herself to sleep and wake up with puffy red eyes, her family didn't noticed it because she was good at pretending to be okay at home and she always bows her head down slightly. She can't eat and think right, what kyuhyun said to her in the garden keeps on replying on her mind she wants answers and at the same time not. She wants to know that kyuhyun was only teasing her, but the tone of his voice always makes min ri doubt.
"well your eyes are puffy, you look weak, and you didn't even focus on chemistry, and you always listen to chemistry" yeon jae stated
"I'm just....*sigh* tired, I'll be okay..." minri tried to beam but only smile a weak one. Yeon jae looks at minri carefully really not convince, after a millisecond she sighed and just nodded.
"but you will have to explain this to me" yeon jae said as the two of them get out of the classroom and out of the school building.
"I'll just wait for you to go home first" yeon jae said but min ri shook her head as a no.
"it's okay yeon jae..."
"no! I'll wait for you to be fetch first"
"yeon jae...if you don't go home right now I won't be your friend anymore..." minri warned. Huffing yeon jae agreed.
"fine but I want to see my minri back to normal when monday comes."
"don't I just need some sleep that's all.." 
"okay...bye..." yeon jae said hugging minri and running to the opposite direction where minri lives.
It's Saturday which means its waking up late, and minri is doing that right now but...
"yah minri wake up!" the voice shouted at the happily sleeping figure.
"wake up!!" this time they jumped on her bed making the bed moved, and for minri to stir a little.
"wake up! You clumsy drooling nerd" this time their shaking her
"Kyuhyun! Stop shaking me!!" minri shouted to the person shaking her.
"oh...sorry" he said really not sorry while smiling sheepishly
"aish what do you want?" she asked sitting up resting her head on the headboard, eyes shut.
"for you to wake up" kyuhyun said looking at the girl in front of him, shaking his head and his other thoughts he pinched minris arm, making her jump in surprise.
"ouch! Kyuhyun!" minri shouted sleepiness forgotten.
"hurry up and shower were going out" kyuhyun happily said, walking out of the room ignoring minri's protest.
"Aish!" minri shouted not wanting her saturday to be ruined, but got up and took a shower.
"where are we going anyway?" minri asked kyuhyun who's been ignoring her the whole walk.
"fine be that way..." she huffed crossing her arms.
"we're here" kyuhyun said for the first time in the whole walk, minri look at the place her eyebrows furrowing from confusion.
"yah didn't I told you before don't do that" kyuhyun said.
"then why are we here at the park?" ask minri
"you'll see..." he smirked which was not a good sign for minri, they sat on a bench near them.
"I'm going home" Minri said standing up after a few minutes of sitting in silence. Kyuhyun quickly grab a hold of her elbow, she glared at him.
"if you leave, then just forget about our friendship" kyuhyun said smirking evily knowing that she won't say no to that. With a sigh she says back down.
"Minri! Kyuhyun!" some voices shouted, they turned their heads to see Jessica, krystal, donghae, eunhyuk, and sungmin. Minri looked at kyuhyun questionably wondering why are their friends here, but he ignores her look.
"hey guys your fashionably late" kyuhyun said 
"we didn't really know that minri was early for you to wake up we even thought that you two will be late not us" eunhyuk said 
"yeah okay, so now that you guys are here, what are we doing here?" minri asked
"well eunhyuk and sungmin misses you and we barely see you too so kyuhyun decided to have a friend bonding." Jessica said smiling
"psh, kyuhyun? Friend bonding?" minri ask rolling her eyes, kyuhyun glared at her.
"whatever lets go" kyuhyun said, everyone agreed and started walking.
"minri did you confess to him?" Jessica asked, minri shook her head. Right now their so called friend bonding was over now it was girl talk and boy talk.
"aish if you don't tell him now, then we'll tell him for you, do you want that?" Krystal asked
"what? No! No! I'm not gonna confess and he won't ever know!" she shouted laying in the grass of the park, she closed her eyes thinking many scenery on what will happen if kyuhyun finds out. 
"fine I won't tell him" Krystal said, she sighed in relief.
"but I think Jessica unnie did" Krystal added making minri opened her eyes widely sitting up to see Jessica talking to the guys or kyuhyun. Minri didn't know what to say or do, she was just frozen stiff. She watch carefully as how Jessica says something to kyuhyun while her eyes flickering to minri. Surprising kyuhyun turned his head towards where minri was, his face emotionless, minri's breath hitch up to . The was he looks at her says it's all. Their done. Their no longer friends, minri wants to cry on the spot but stop herself she can't cry here not when kyuhyun her best friend, that just found out she likes him and would and will probably never talk to her again is there looking at her with no emotions. Her vision became blurry, her heart aching, she bit her lip to stop a sob coming out. Jessica suddenly stands up and walked back them, her face sad, hurt, and pity. And minri hates it.
"minri..." jessica said softly leveling minri. Minri just looks down to the ground, she doesn't want others to see her crying.
"he said that he already knows you like him, it's no secret, and he's..."
"how long" she was surprised how she not expected her voice to not quiver.
"how long" she asked again
"when he saw your notebook last week, apparently there was a question that said do you like kyuhyun an you answered a yes, so..."
"yeah?" minri took a deep breath.
"I'm going home now" minri said this time her voice quivering.
"sure sweetheart" Jessica smiled softly and helped minri stand up and walked home not taking a glance at her friends. 
'apparently there was a iquestion that said do you like kyuhyun and you answered a yes, so' I forgot that some classmate of mine asked me that, I didn't answer that but yeon jae did....minri thought
She slumped on her bed crying on to her pillow the whole night. She doesn't know what hurts more, the fact that kyuhyun knows that she likes him or the fact that they aren't friends anymore and kyuhyun is going to ignore her like she doesn't even exist in his life.
Argh kill me now. I'm such a fail  XD.
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Chapter 2: sequel. :>
Everlotte #2
Chapter 1: Sequel!! I need a damn sequel here!!!
raraskyu #3
LinaOnew #4
Chapter 1: SEQUEL! Please!
Taec_Lover #5
Chapter 1: This is daebak!
Sequel please ><
nathrakh #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
Saffaire #7
Sounds really amazing!
Update soon~! author-nim :)