An elevator ride...

USA VIP's Fan Club

Daesung’s POV..

She’s pretty….yah, she is…, she’s not…yes, she is…you don’t even know her…so…she’s pretty…

I was having an inner battle with myself as we all quietly rode up in the elevator to our hotel room. We had just met the tour guide YG had hired for us and already my mind and thoughts were so cluttered and all over the place, it was driving me crazy. I sighed looking over to Hoku-ssi, who was directly in Jiyong Hyung’s view, of course he was staring at her again.

Geez, why won’t Hoku-ah just go out with hyung already? I asked myself seeing her look over her shoulder carefully to look away in a blush when she noticed hyung’s stare.

Youngbae hyung needs to just confess to Eden-ssi. I thought again looking at the both of them standing next to each other awkwardly.

I know something’s going on between Top hyung and Tyra noona, so why don’t they just admit it already. I watched them annoyed as they showed each other things on their phones in front of me.

Seungri’s got it bad for Selena-ssi, but it always looks like she just wants to rip his neck off. I shivered at the thought before sighing at myself. Everyone had their respective other halves here, and here I was, standing in the corner of the elevator, alone. It was so depressing being around these types of people. My ears almost about perked up when the tour guides smiling and welcoming face entered my train of thought. She was pretty, that I had to admit.


Seungri’s POV…

I wonder why she’s always staring at me like she wants to punch my lights out? I asked myself confused looking over to Selena who was just standing there annoyed across from me. She hadn’t talked to me since the first night she was here. I couldn’t hold my temper in when she began going off on me, it was like she took a match to my mind and set it on fire immediately. Hoku noona was right, for some reason, I wouldn’t be able to win in a fight against her, not because I couldn’t but because I decided I wouldn’t.

Oh no, I’m starting to end up whipped like Jiyong hyung. I groaned in annoyed bringing the hat I was wearing further down my face. This was going to be one exhausting weekend.


Youngbae POV…

She’s adorable, isn’t she? I thought while looking through my phones picture gallery for the 20th time while we rode the elevator in silence. Every once in a while I would look over to see her drawing invisible designs onto the glass wall next to her. I stared at her for a bit more before blushing in realization to what I was doing. I cleared my throat quietly before looking over to see Hoku-ah smirking at me. I knew she knew my feelings for her friend, but that was another reason I could consult in Hoku, she never pestered into my business unless I asked her, something a true friend would do. I hesitantly looked back over to Eden again to see her smiling at me. This weekend was going to be the end of me.


Top’s POV..

I think everyone catches onto what is happened? I thought looking around the overly packed elevator before someone tapped me on my arm. I quickly looked over to see Tyra holding her phone out to me. I leaned down to look at what she was showing me to see a picture of me on Tumblr with a phrase about me being able to impregnate someone by my stare. I snorted causing her to laugh under her breath and pull away. Tyra was one of the most unusual and interesting girls I’ve met in my life, yah, sure, my sister is pretty interesting herself, but this was someone I never knew before a month ago. She was pretty, spontaneous, hardworking, and adorable, everything I was looking for in a girl, plus she no longer looked at me as T.O.P of Big Bang, she looked at me as my real self. I smiled at the thought before looking around the elevator and landing on Ji, he was still having a rough time trying to get to Hoku, but in times like this, when the pair are from the total opposite sides of the world and from different lifestyles, I could understand her hesitation which means Ji would be working harder for this one.


Jiyong’s POV…

I couldn’t get her out of my mind, her smile, her laugh, her adorable eye smiles, the way she would lighten up the mood in a room just by walking in. My members adored her, YG himself praised her creativity and hard work. She was more than amazing, she was incredible, but she wasn’t mine, and it was killing me slowly. Just seeing her mingle with other guys when I was around, easily made me jealous, at times I didn’t even know it, I would catch myself staring at her like she was the last person in the world. But no matter the feelings I had for her, she wouldn’t take me as hers, and for once in my life I was speechless and helpless. Never had I thought I would run into someone like her, someone who knew who I was, what I was capable of and what I have accomplished in life, but still looked at me as a normal human being like her. This woman was going to be the end of me, sooner or later.


Selena’s POV…

This YG isn’t that bad for getting us such a fancy place to stay. I mumbled looking at the detailed elevator we were now riding. Mesmerized by the colors my eyes landed on someone standing next to me. He was looking down to his phone in his hand, he was playing what seemed to be one intense game of Angry Birds. I didn’t even realize I was staring at his eyes, lips and jawline before someone nudged me from the side. I quickly looked over blushing to see Hoku smirking at me all awhile wriggling her eyebrows. I just snorted rolling my eyes before looking back to the door. For some reason my heart was racing more than I was willing to admit, I sighed annoyed realizing my eyes had once more trailed to the panda beside me.

Ugh, this was going to be such a long weekend….


Eden’s POV…

He’s looking at me again…I giggled feeling his eyes on me again while I drew on the wall of the elevator. This was one side of him that was just plain adorable. Since he wasn’t that experienced in girls, you could almost feel his awkwardness in the small area of the container we were now riding in. I hesitantly and embarrassed looked over to him just as he quickly looked away. Who could deny it? I liked him and that was that, but I didn’t know if he liked me or if I just amused him.

Guess this weekend will either be full of fun or full of crap…


Tyra’s POV…

I was sharing tumblr pictures of TOP with TOP. Isn’t that funny? I always wanted to know how they would react to the crazy things that fans would Photoshop about them. TOP’s face was priceless of course, I was even able to show him the picture someone made with him and GD lying on a bed together…lol, pure disgust on his face. I loved spending time with him, he was more of the Bingu than I knew before I had met him, and I loved it. Of course when I first got here with the girls and met them for the first time, I fainted, literally. But now that we’ve spent an entire month with them, every day, I’ve come to understand them more for the person they were behind the makeup and cameras. TOP was such a sweetheart, caring, of course hilarious, I think that’s what made me fall seriously for him. Of course when we spent our first night together, I was a bit hesitant about how he would look at me after that, but it seemed nothing changed between the two of us, except for the fact that we seemed closer together, now more than ever.


Hoku’s POV…

I could feel his eyes on me, again. It was such a weird feeling having someone I had admired from the moment I had discovered him to the time he showed me his true colors, actually be the one trying to win my heart over. Believe me, my heart was won over long ago, it was my brain and common sense that were being a pain in the for the process. I liked him, a lot, but I didn’t know if I was just infatuated with the thought that my bias liked me or if it was for real. The same could be said about him, did he like me just because I was something new for him to pick on, a new type of breed for him to woo or was this all for real? I didn’t know, but I was afraid to fall any harder and be hurt in the end. Something was nagging me to give him a chance, and slowly I was falling into that trap. Would this weekend be as awkward as it’s turning out to be or will it change for the better?












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loveground #1
Chapter 175: Waaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! I finished reading in 2 days and I can't stop!!! Nice story and I love it! Off to the sequel
lovingasianfanfic #2
Wow honestly I was kinda doubtful of reading such a long story. But author-nim this is amazing. I finished this and also its sequel. I love it so much. You kept things interesting and I love the interaction between the characters. It was like riding an emotional roller coaster with just the right amount of parts. I hope I can learn to write a story as good as you. Thanks for the stories =)
Luvetop1029 #3
I love this story so much!!! It was very exciting and touching. Thank you so much!!! I can't wait for you to finish the other stories.
JIyongforever #4
Chapter 175: this has been such an emotional ff cant wait to read the next one
JIyongforever #5
Chapter 153: oh she is such and he is a jerk and i can just see the members of big bang and the girls beating the crap out of them once they found them.
Chapter 87: Haha, I can totally see the conversation between Kona, Ben, Hoku and GD happening. Kona's reaction to Hoku talking about the wedding is priceless. I love this story and can't wait to read on!
MA_K-pop #7
Chapter 175: OMO! This story is soo good!!! Can't wait to start reading the sequel
Chapter 175: Pregnant!! Little baby dragons!!!
Chapter 175: Wow I'm going to miss this series ;u; and ofc she would.... Can't wait for the new series to start :3
Chapter 175: Hah...I KNEW it.. xD She's pregnant *.*