White Dress near Door

True Ghost Experience

When night time I want to go to drink water When I walk downstair I saw only white dress no head no legs only dress. That time i think it was a towel but when i close my eye and open it again it disappear. I run quickly to bathroom near the door i closed it and shout to my Dad for help. When he came i open the door that dress is disappear it was almost 12:00 but i think it was 11:47 p.m. From that night i still never go downstair at night again.



it happen when i almost 12 it just last years now i 13 and almost 14. i think it on June and day s i forget it already. I hope everyone like it @_@

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fankonkat #1
Chapter 1: I like ur stories. :D keep up the good work.
Chapter 3: scaryyyyy. T_T update soon.
Chapter 3: woah~ creepy e . o