Lingering Memories - Milky-chan

Irish Shop [OPEN]

Title (5/5)

- I don't see any problem regarding the title. The title itself aroused my curiosity, to begin with. It left me wondering as to what the main character had to go through during the past for memories to linger. Also, though it may sound quite simple, it has a nice ring to it. Not to mention, the title you came up with wasn't at all that common. So clearly, I commend you for that.

Foreword & Description (7/10)

- Since there are various ways in creating a foreword, I don't think there's any problem or a need for me to focus on what you've written. Your description however, made the story too predictable. I'll be honest when I say that it was as if that the whole story has already been told. The description stated how she was grieving and how hard she's trying to battle off the heartbreak, which I found good. But, the fact that it also stated a question as to whether she'll be alright or not sounded somewhat off. Your story ended with Jieun saying that she'll be fine and will move on. So, I don't think it's necessary to make it too detailed. Forewords/Descriptions must have the capability to leave readers curious and excited, after all. But still, the way you have written them was pretty good.

Characters (8/10)

- I think the way you have portrayed them was impressive. Their roles actually suited their image, same goes with the pairings. However, I'm unsure whether it's just me, but Wooyoung seemed to lack a bit of emotions. But then again, maybe it's just due to the fact that you aimed to focus more on Jieun's feelings.

Originality & Plot (13/15)

- I have already come across stories which involve a lot of flashbacks and break-ups. So, I guess I found the storyline quite typical. The way you have indulged yourself from the characters' perspective was good, though.

Flow (7/10)

- The pacings were somewhat confusing since you kept on switching to either Jieun's point of view or prior happenings from one narration after another. As much as possible, you should avoid it so as to avoid further confusion.

Creativity (4/5)

- The main poster was beautifully made, no further questions asked. The background you chose though, was quite distracting. Also, it's not really relevant to your story's kind. So, I suggest a different one; a backdrop with a hint of being sentimental, more likely.

Grammar/Style/Language/Vocabulary/Spelling (27/30)

- As I read your story, I don't think I found any misspelled words. Great job on that! However, grammar-wise, I had to pay heed to some of your errors.

Original: Just by remembering the painful memories, a single tear silently escaped her left eye, and ran down her cheek.

Revised: Just by remembering the painful memories, a single tear silently escaped her left eye and ran down her cheek / Just by remembering the painful memories, a single tear silently escaped her left eye, running down her cheek.

Original: That phrase alone suffocate me already.

Revised: That phrase alone suffocates me already.

Original: Wooyoung admit that he did missed her but why did her expression seem lke she had just seen a ghost?

Revised: Wooyoung admits that he did miss her, but why did her expression seem like she had just seen a ghost?

Original: People changes and changes hurt.

Revised: People change and changes hurt.

Original: She clutched the end of her winter coat and biting her own lips.

Revised: She clutched the end of her winter coat and bit onto her lip.

I found your writing style really amazing. Although you need to work a bit more when it comes to constructing the sentences, usage of verbs and knowing the proper usage of commas, I'd like to commend you for your very well-written piece. Congratulations! 


Overall Entertainment (11/15)

Though the plot is somehow usual, the way you have written the story was most definitely great. Same goes with how you were able to evoke emotions through your characters. Though it does need some polishing in some certain aspects, it was a good one. Your choice of words are very impressive, as well. I'll voice out an opinion, though. I just think a story would be more interesting if it didn't dwell more on just the past. Nonetheless, you absolutely have potential. Nice work!




Total:  (82/100

Letter Mark:  B


Reviewer's Note:

I hope this review was helpful. Don't forget to credit both the reviewer and the review shop. Thank you very much!  :)

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Thanksforreading #1
Are you still accepting requests?
Just curious, but why Irish Shop? Are you from Ireland or Irish? :)
pandamirah #4
i requested again
seouljaboy #5
requesting for a review owo
title; an angel's embrace
author; ememyang
theme; angst/oneshot
chapters; one
I requested!^^
Chapter 3: thank you for the review! it helps me a lot in many different ways. i'll promise to do better next time. thanks for the advice & correction. i already credited you. o/
It is okayy if i request 2 times?