Speak To Me In Fate

~* Love Language *~















RED = Korean

PUR = Chinese

BLU = English


Kris smiled angelically as his fans gathered around him. His flight back to Korea was in 20 minutes. Kris shared some laughter with the group of fans and even chatted with them. His heart was filled with joy and happiness at the moment. He cherished every moment in life that was worthy of enjoyment. Fans passed over their belongings for him to sign as he was doing a quick autograph session just for those who wanted it. Kris’ smile never left his face as he happily interacted.

“Please sign this!”

“Of course.”

Kris smiled and signed as much as he could. His gifts were beginning to over flow his suitcase as well. As he talked more to his fans and accepted more gifts, his event came to a quick halt when he heard a girl’s voice frantically screaming at her phone. He glanced beside him and saw a young lady quickly bowing to everyone. Kris chuckled and continued his solo fan meet.


On the other side of the room, a young lady was strolling her suitcase and pacing quickly towards the Korean air way. She squeezed her petite self around the small crowd that had been lounging around a young man. Rolling her eyes, she gently sat down and set her luggage beside her. She lightly tugged on her jacket to hug her body even tighter. Her phone vibrated as someone called her. Quickly, she snatched it out of her purse and answered the phone call.


“Ah Meili, it’s appa. Have you gotten on the plane yet?”

Meili sighed. “Aniya, I’m at the airport though. We’ll board soon.”

“Ara. Please be safe. I can’t wait for you to come home!”

Meili stood up from her seat and stretched as she walked forward towards the glass window. She watched a plane take off.

“I know appa. Is omma there?”

“Yes. She’s also waiting for you.”

Meili nodded as if he could see her. “Well, I won’t be home for a couple days. I’m staying at a hotel in Seoul for a bit.”

Meili’s father’s voice grew stern. “Weyo? You have a home.”

She yawned a bit. “I know appa but I can’t come home just yet.”

Her father’s voice suddenly grew into a funny one. “Is it because you have prepared a husband?”

Meili couldn’t believe he had just asked that. dropped as those words came out of his mouth. “No I didn’t appa I can-“ Meili shut herself up since people began to stare. Her voice was the only thing people could hear in the terminal. Meili slightly bowed at everyone as an apology before continuing her conversation quietly.

“Appa I didn’t come to China to look for a husband. I told you I was here for business. I was only here for 2 weeks anyways. It’s impossible to fall in love and want to marry within that time frame.”

Meili heard her father snort on the other side of the receiver.

“Ara, hurry home. Your mother and I can’t wait to see you again.”

Meili smiled and bid her father good bye before putting her phone in her pocket. She sighed and set her hands on her hips. Meili’s life was as great as it could get.

“Korea airline is now boarding. Please come to the correct gate.”

Meili heard the announcement and breathed in one last breath of air.

“Good bye Guangzhou, China.”

Meili attached her strolling luggage to her hand and strolled off to the plane gate.


Kris had just set his small black duffle bag on top of the plane pocket. He sat down and took out his ipod. He turned to one of his soothing songs and plugged in one ear bud. Kris glanced over to his right and saw a small girl maybe around the age of 6 or 7. She was smiling intently at him. Kris smiled and gave her a quick wave. The girl waved back and squealed before sitting back in her seat. Kris let out a small cackle before relaxing in his seat again.

“Excuse me, my seat is by the window.”

Kris turned his head and was met by a girl who was smiling brightly. It was the same girl who was on her phone earlier. He had overheard a little bit of her conversation and wondered why she was speaking Korean seconds ago and was now speaking Chinese to him. Kris nodded and got up as she quickly jammed her luggage on top next to his and slid inside her seat. He followed behind and sat beside her.


The plane had taken off and Kris still was wondering about the girl beside him. Every so often, he would glance at her to see what she was doing. She was either looking out the window or playing games on her phone. A minute later, she shuffled through her purse and took out a small packet of paper. She had flipped to a certain section and sighed.

“Just great. Sleeping won't be an option tonight.”

She had muttered those words in English. Kris had perked up a little, causing her to jump back a bit.

“I’m sorry.”

She lightly nodded and smiled shyly.

“It’s okay.”

She had spoken in Chinese. Kris slightly shifted his head towards her.

“Um, I just wanted to ask you something.”

She had also shifted her body towards his direction as well.

“I was kind of wondering how you know different languages?”

Meili sighed and let out a small giggle.

“Well, I’m a translator. I’m half Korean and half Chinese. I studied in the states as an international student.”

That had explained everything to Kris. He quickly nodded and let out a small hum.

“I just heard you speaking Korean earlier in the terminal and you began speaking Chinese to me a while ago. I was just curious.”

Meili smiled at him.

“I get that all the time. I’m not surprised.” She joked.

Kris chuckled and tilted forwards, putting his elbows on the food tray in front of him.

“So what were you doing in China?”

Meili lightly heaved a sigh.

“Well I was here on a small business trip. Someone I know is living here as well so I just decided to make my stay a bit longer.”

Kris nodded in understanding.

“Why are you here?”

“To visit as well.”

Meili nodded and tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear. Kris’ heart began to flutter every time she smiled at him. He gulped before asking another question.

“So how long have you lived in the states?”

That conversation sparked many interests towards each other throughout the plane ride. They had talked about everything in their life as if they were long lost best friends catching up. They laughed and shared so many stories that they never had exposed to others around them.

“Korea air way has just landed. Please take all your belongings and we hope you enjoyed your ride. Thank you for choosing Korea air way.”

The announcer bickered on the intercom as everyone began to stand up and gather their belongings. Kris took down Meili’s suitcase and handed it to her. Meili smiled and thanked him. He never thought that he would enjoy such a convesation with someone like Meili.

“I know a place that’s hiring translators as well if you’re interested.”

Kris mentioned as they began filing out the plane. Meili trailed right behind him.

“Thanks, but I just landed this job at a big company.”

Kris chuckled and put his hands up in defeat.

“Alright, but if you need a place, just go to 521 Apgujung 2Dong, Kangnam-gu.”

Meili giggled and slightly nudged him.

“I’ll just take my chances with my company first.”

Kris slightly laughed. They both reached the outside of the gate and bid each other farewell. Meili looked back as she saw a huge mob of girls that screamed. She slightly smiled as she knew why there was so much commotion.

“Good luck.”

Mieli gently muttered before catching a taxi.

Kris took short glances around him as he tried to find Meili again. He was so caught in the moment that he forgot to ask for anything to contact her. It was his first time ever feeling like he connected with someone on a deeper level. He smiled slightly as his fans surrounded him. His manager guided him into their van and was rushed off.

“How was your trip?”

Kris sighed.

“It was good. I enjoyed my time off.”

His manager nodded.

“That’s good. We’ll be heading to the office first since there’s a meeting. I’ll take you back to your dorm afterwards.”

Kris nodded and propped an elbow on the window.

“Are the members there already?”


Kris relaxed in his seat as the car traveled to the building. Every second that passed by, Kris regretted not finding a way to see her again.


“How long will it take?”

Meili asked the taxi driver.

“It’ll take about 15 minutes.”

Meili sighed. She was already tired and didn’t want to do anything else for the rest of the night. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes as she thought of Kris. He was really something else. She smiled at the thought of him laughing at certain things. Meili wished that she had given him something to contact her. She sighed and shifted her sleeping position. The only man she had actually gotten close with in such a short amount of time was nowhere to be found. The thought saddened Meili. Her thoughts were interrupted by the taxi driver.

“Miss, your destination.”

The car came to a halt and Meili paid the driver and took her suitcase out. She glanced at her watch and began rushing into the building. An older woman stopped her from going any further.

“Miss, can I help you?”

Meili pulled out her card and the older woman gave Meili an okay nod.

“Room 204.”

Meili thanked her before getting on the elevator and rushing to the room. Before going in, Meili calmed her breathing and brushed off the lint that was on her jacket. She gently twisted the door knob and walked in.


Meili found herself in front of a bunch of people in the room who were sitting in meeting chairs. An older man came forward and greeted her.

“Anyeonghaseyo. You must be Meili. I’m Mr. Lee.”

He then glanced over to the group of boys who were sitting around the meeting table.

“This is your new translator. Please introduce yourselves.”

The boys all stood up and did their signature greeting.

“We are.. one. Anyeonghaseyo, Exo-imnida!”

“Anyeonghaseyo, Soo Meili-imnida.”

As soon as Meili lifted her head, she was met by a pair of eyes that was oh so familiar. The pair of eyes she had seen before. The pair that had made her laugh. The pair that had understood where she came from. The pair that she had slightly fallen for. The pair that she regretted not giving her number to. They both looked at each other in disbelief, before changing their expressions into smiles.


This must be fate.


This might be a job to keep.







Thank you so much for reading! I know it's probably a bit cheesy.haha Again, I'm thinking of making it a full story... what do you think? Or maybe a sequel? keke 

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nightmare26 #1
Chapter 1: sequel!~~~~~~~ hahaha nicee!~
Chapter 1: i demand a sequel pleasee:D nice oneshot
nizzyool #3
Chapter 1: "This might be a job to keep."
ahahahaha :D
twinstars #4
Chapter 1: Sequel please!!!............. :)) I really really like it.. :))))))))))
Chapter 1: Sequel please! Its really good!
dreamoflove05 #6
Chapter 1: sequel!!! pleaseeeee!!! its really good.... keep it up author-nim!!
OMG~!!!!! im dying here!!!! ASDFGHJK~!! its so friking awesome!!!!
(fantasizing like there is no tomorrow!!!) lemme love u~!