Soundwave Nightmare

Soundwave Nightmare (ONESHOT)


Woke up this morning to my lame friend making a racquet.

“Yahhh~! Shut upp!! Unlike you, normal people are trying to sleep” I stuffed the pillow over my head.

“Unlike normal people like you it’s 12pm… you’ve slept for half the day pabo!” he yelled.

“WTF!! Why didn’t you wake me! Didn’t we miss the festival?” I jumped out of bed pulling out clothes and stuff while he just sat there laughing like a dumb person.

“Gotta find clothes!! Gotta find clothes!!! YAH where’s my skinny jeans?!” I shouted.

He held them up smiling like a retard. I snatched them out of his hands and did a mehrong~!

I pulled my clothes on and put my make-up on and walked out. My friend stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth and I munched on that getting into the car. He put his earphones in and I sat there organising things on my iphone. We were on our way to soundwave and we were already late…

By the way my names Jae or just J. I’m originally from Korea but me and my friend Myungsoo who has been my friend since… preschool yeah, are on vacation in Australia. Today we were meant to be at soundwave a music festival by 10am but turns out the idiot didn’t bother to wake me up so we’re late.

We arrived at soundwave and I was pumped.

“YO bro we’re here~!! Soundwave is gonna be SWEET’!” I shouted getting pumped.

“Heyyy whoa don’t get to excited we ain’t inside yet. That’s when the real party starts!” he said holding my shoulders and walking up to the gate.

We gave them our passes and walked in. We saw our other friends after walking for a bit and we ran up to them.

“Heyy man!!” I said to Woohyun. Then I high fived Dongwoo and Hoya. Then hugaged Sungjong and Sungyeol and apparently Sunggyu was getting drinks.

The music was loud and I saw Sunggyu coming back with drinks.

“YAH SUNGGYU!” I walked over kind of dancing as well.

“Heyyy party’s started!” He said tipsy. I think they’ve had some drinks before we came.

“Give me a cruiser” I asked. He gave me one and I opened it.

We went back to the group and they were all partying and dancing.

I started to join in to and sway to the beat. Taking sips out of the cruiser. I felt myself getting a little tipsy which is strange because i usually 3 or 4 drinks. Depending how strong... lightweightbhehe

Myungsoo grabbed my hand and was holding a beer. He told me to follow him somewhere.  I followed him through the crowd to the front of the stage.

“WOOOH!!! OMG THIS IS THE BEST!” I shouted and danced next to myungsoo.

Our bodies we're swaying to the beat and i had nearly finishing my drink. The other boys came to join us, half of them pissed, and Dongwoo started being an idiot. “Come here babayyy! ~~” Dongwoo shouted and started grinding on me. I laughed and went along with it for a bit. I stopped when Woohyun pulled me over to him and he put his arms around me. It was a bit uncomfortable but he’s my friend and he’s gone and I'm not with it either. Sungyeol asked if I wanted another drink and I said yes.

He came back with more drinks and I had an udl. I continued to drink and dance and I was pretty tipsy at this point. Stll feeling stranger than usual. I ignored it for a bit.

“J are you ok? You don’t look to good?” Myungsoo asked.

“Heyyy~ I’m finnneeee don’t worry! Hahaha” I said slurring my words.

“How bout we sit down?” he said.

“Don’t be a party pooper! Come here!” I said.

He came over and I fell on him. “WOAh!” I said.

He caught me and walked me over to where our stuff was.

“Drink some water ok, I think you’re really drunk? How many drinks have you had?” he asked.

I giggled and took a gulp of water. “Hehe I don’t know only two green bottles.” When I'm drunk I act like a kid…

“Jae give me the bottle” he asked. I gave him the bottle and lay down with my eyes closed and smiling.

He sipped it and immediately he knew it was drugged.

“Yahhh! You’ve been drugged pabo! Who gave it to you?” he asked but I didn’t respond. He shook me a little and I opened my eyes. “Sung-Sungyeol oopppaa~!” I squealed. He took out his phone and dialled Sunggyu’s number.

“OI get over here right now! I don’t know but J’s been drugged and apparently Sungyeol gave her the drink.” He said.

“What?! She got drugged! We’ll be over in a second.”

By that time I was asleep or unconscious. This wasn’t a good sign.

5 mins later they came to see Myungsoo holding me. Still unconscious.

“Bro she’s unconscious you NEED to get her to the hospital now!” Sunggyu snapped out of his drunken state and got his head together. A/N although he bought all the drinks he didn’t get totally pissed.

Myungsoo carried me bridal style to the paramedics.

“She passed out about 15 mins ago I think she was drugged” Myungsoo said. You could tell he was panicking but he tried not to.

He feared for the worst. He didn’t want me to be hurt or sick; he just wanted to enjoy today.


They took Jay into the tent and did some tests on her.

“I believe she has been drugged with ‘spike’. This caused her to collapse and faint. We’re gonna send her to the hospital to be treated” the paramedic told them.

“Is she awake?” myungsoo asked.

“Yes but she looks like she could pass out again anytime soon.” The paramedic said.

“Can I please tell her something, please” he asked.

“Umm quickly”

Myungsoo ran to Jae’s side. “J? You awake?” he asked brushing her hair out of her face.

She opened her eyes and met with Myungsoo’s. “Am I going to be ok?” she asked innocently.

“Your gonna be fine, I'm going to be here beside you alright” he gave her a reassuring smile.

“Don’t leave me ok. I really scared.” Her eyes were closing on her.

“I won’t, don’t be afraid you’ll be fine you’re going to the hospital.” Myungsoo said trying to calm her down. “Mmhmmm” she said while drifting back to sleep. He walked out and the boys asked.

“How’s she going?”

“She unconscious because of you freaks!” he was pissed. He grabbed Sungyeol's collar "YOU WHAT'D YOUNGEST HER TO DRINK?" He yelled.

"Dude nothing! !" He yelled back.

“Bro we didn’t know. Sungyeol wasn’t all with it himself.” Sunggyu said trying to calm him down.

“We shouldn’t have drank anyway.” Myungsoo said shaking his head in his hands.

“Let’s go to the hospital with Jae and then we can sort this out after ok” Hoya said getting back to reality as well.

The boys left to the hospital. Not talking at all.

All that was going through their heads was if Jae was going to be ok. Although in Myungsoo’s head he was most worried. He loved Jae and if anything happened he would be devastated and wouldn’t know what to do. He loved her and she was all that mattered now.


They arrived at the hospital and rushed inside.

“Where is she?” thought Myungsoo.

He asked the receptionist who told them they had to wait another 30 minutes since she was getting her stomach pumped. After waiting, the lady pointed to a room.

They walked in and saw Jae sleeping.

“I’m soo sorry Jae ! If you can hear me, I didn’t mean to give you that drink; I should’ve watched what the guy was doing! Aish Im so stupid!! WHAT HAVE I DONE!” Sungyeol shouted.

That woke Jae up.

“Hmmm? Erggghhh... why do I feel so ? And my stomach hurts?” she said quietly.

Myungsoo ran over to her and held her hand.

“Are you alright? They pumped your stomach.” He said upset.

“Gwenchana, this isn’t what I thought it would be like…” Jae sighed.

“It wasn’t the best day was it?” Woohyun said.

“It’s ok. We had fun before this happened right?” she tried to lighten the mood. It didn’t work though.

“We’re gonna be outside and let you rest.” Sunggyu said leading the boys out, but Myungsoo stayed behind.

“I’m sorry Jae"

“Why should you be? You helped me, if it wasn’t for you I could’ve been dead.” she said comforting.

“That’s just it Jae, you could’ve died.” He said tearing up.

She didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t know what I would do without you Jae, every since preschool you’ve been my friend, I think I would kill myself too.” He said sobbing.

“Myungsoo-ah stop it. Stop you’re making me cry.” She said tearing up as well.

“I love you Jae and if you were to go, my life would end anyways.” He said softly.

“I love you too please stop saying this, it’s like you’re gonna leave me”

He sat on the bed and embraced her tightly. She didn’t refuse the hug.

“Please… be mine” he said in her ear.

Jae was shocked, but deep down she felt the same way too.

“I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but please don’t let my feeling’s ruin our friendship.” He said while hurrying his face in her neck.

“I will…” Jae said and pulled back.

“I will” she whispered.

Myungsoo leaned in gradually and stopped not even a centimetre away.

“I’ve been waiting for this” he said and leaned in and kissed Jae passionately. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her closer, therefore making Jae put one hand cupped on his face and the other on his shoulder. They slept together till the sun rose up. Myungsoo’s arm around her waist and the other as a head rest with her curled up on his chest.


(A/N they didn’t do it FYI XP I wish they did mwahaha)


Sorry if it sounds lame but it popped into my head when soundwave was on in Adelaide and I could hear it and wanted to go but I couldn’t get tix. Then I stayed home and had a dream about this. It was pretty rad. To yeh HOPE U ENJOY!!!! XXXX SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT PLEASE 


>.< omo its i new it no ones reading it  BLEH! -drop in self esteem- sighh :( owelllss

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kpop4u #1
So cute! I loved your one shot ;)
Aww, This fic is so cute and sweet! I liked it! ^_^
thanku ^_^ -selfesteemraise- i know im not that gr8 of a writer but at least i tried right?
nylsirhak #5
AWw this was a cute oneshot. good job for your first one lol.