


Thursday night. It was chilly. The breeze softly hitting my face. There’s no one at my house. Only me, my laptop… and my cactus. Yes cactus. I don’t even remember the last time I watered my one and only cactus. I bet if I had dog, I wont realized if it’s dead for months. Haha. Except when stench comes out. In this weather and time I should be sleeping already instead of doing my assignments. But Ms Lee gonna kick me real hard if I can’t settle this project by upcoming Monday and I would probably seeing her next semester. I don’t want that happen. Dragging my project paper along to desk, I begin typing all those craps I’ve been doing for past month.


“AHHHH THIS IS SO TIRING!” *cricket sounds*


Ah, I’m alone. That’s sad. I keep on typing the crap until a notification popped out.


“Huh error? What error?” I slapped the keyboard as everything starts lagging on my screen.

“ s don’t do this to me JEBAL!!!” And after tons of curse, my screen went blue and blank. Here goes my month of heavy workload and brainstorming. To the dustbin.


“AHHHHH TTTT EUNJI! WHY YOU DID THIS TO ME?!!!!” Don’t get me wrong. Eunji is my laptop. I can’t put male name for it because it sounds weird. I can’t say ‘I’m not going to club. I want to play with Minsoo today.’ Right? If you changed Minsoo with Eunji, it makes much sense. Haha. This is not time for me to play around. MY GRADE IS GOING DOWN TO DRAIN. I need her to solve this. Yes her! I grabbed my phone and quickly dialing her number.



“What’s up L.Joe?”

“Horrible terrible and handsome-able.”

“I’m hanging up.”

“Wait wait… can you… come to my house now?”

“What for?”

“Eunji made a scene. Help me please. I gotta finish Ms Lee’s project before Sunday.”



“Anyone in your house?”

“No. only me and Eunji…”

“Stop saying her name. I’m getting funny ideas on my head.”

“Fine… so… you’re coming?”

“No. you come to my house now.”

“Uh okay sure thanks!” her house is like… 5 km away… but for my own sake I better get going now. I cycled all the way to her house, to treat my baby Eunji. She better do something good. Trying to catch my breath, I pushed the bell and sat on chair outside her house. I keep looking on ground when slim figure standing in front of me and handed a mineral water. My lips curled into smile when I saw her. She’s so… pretty in her pajamas with Doraemon printed on it. So cute!


“Just mineral water?”

“Then you want fruit punch?”

“Sounds good.”

“Never knew we are in restaurant now.” She cynically replied to me but still, I find it amusing. I love her being cynical! She take a chair and slowly sit next to me. Even her scent excites me.


“What’s wrong with your girlfriend?”

“What’s wrong? She’s been wearing Doraemon printed pajamas and that’s so wrong.” I blurted it out while taking my Eunji from bag when she slapped my back.

“I’M not your girlfriend.”

“I’m not talking about you.”

“What the…” She harshly grabbed my collar and shake my body several times, but at same time I could see her face reddened with shame.

“Okay! Sorry! I’m just KIDDING!!!” I had to stop her or I might vomit any minute. She looked furiously at me and up to my expectation; she’s able to make me shivers with her killer glare.


“… gimme Eunji.” In seconds I was afraid to give her my dearest Eunji, afraid she gonna smash it on rock or something but imagining unsettled Ms Lee’s project scares me more.


“What happened?”

“She passed out.”

“… Are you kidding me?” I gulped when seeing her glare again. Ahh her face is the prettiest when she’s mad! Full of emotion and energy… just like Hulk…


“She out… I don’t know…”

“You reset something?”

“… not sure… I did open config file but I did nothing… seriously…” she ruffles her hair a bit and close Eunji softly. Thank God she’s not doing any harm to my baby!


“Eunji’s staying with me, tonight.”

“WHAT? Cant you fixed it now?”

“I’ve to settle Mr.Kang’s project first. The due date is tomorrow.”

“Uh… can I sleep at your place?”

“For what L.Joe?”

“So I can accompany Eunji?”

“GOD. You are INSANE.”

“She’s my only family…” Things became silent between two of us. She’s still holding Eunji and I can’t stop staring at her. I love Eunji so much. T.T


She suddenly cupped my face with her tiny hands and forcing me to look straight at her.

“You have nothing to worry about. I’ll take good care of her okay?” Her lips formed a cute smile that I haven’t seen before. It was so… promising. That smile had drawn me to the bottom that I unconsciously shake my head as agreement to let my Eunji stays here.


“Uhmmm… I better get going now… thanks…”

“No probie.” I quickly get on my bicycle and scream loudly as I’m leaving her home.


“Nice pajamas DORAEMON!!!” I could hear few curses but who cares, she’s even interesting while cursing. Haha.


When I arrived home, I simply lay down on my bed, reading comics since Eunji wasn’t here. Ah she better get well tomorrow! I was laughing when I received a text message from her.


Hey… I saw something on your Eunji.


What did she saw? Hmmmmm this is weird.


What did you saw?


Your ‘collection’.



My jaw dropped. What collection????? I start feeling uneasy. Her replies scared me even more. Did I put something…?


Why did you open my folders??? Eunji can be now?


Yes she can. I think you accidentally reset something. But still… I need to see your collection. Haha.


Can I take Eunji tonight?


Please say yes. Cold sweats covered me already. I need to bring Eunji home.






I can’t stand still anymore. I ruffles my hair crazily, afraid that I forgot to remove my collection in C Drive. I think I removed it all already. I repented since I felt guilty stuffing Eunji’s so-called-brain with those dirty things. See? I really love my Eunji. But I don’t have any other collection! What the heck are she’s talking about??? Waiting for her reply is killing me. I better go and meet her!


“Cactus, I’m going to save Eunji! Bye!” I believe my cactus would reply with ‘bye! Good luck handsome!’or ‘I wish you dead.’ Since I didn’t watered him. Haha. I cycled furiously to her house again and pushing the bell over and over. Thinking that bell is not enough, I repeatedly knocked on her door.


“Doraemon give my Eunji back!” I heard someone walking downstairs and slammed the door in front of me. Again, I’m scared and excited. I don’t even know why.


“Damn! You gonna wake the whole neighbourhood!” I can’t control myself. I need to get my Eunji. I begin to shake her shoulder, pleading to her to give my Eunji back.


“Hey what are you doing? L.joe stop this insanity now!” I cupped , afraid her neighbors going to think I’m kidnapping her when she prefers yelling rather than talking. Out of sudden, I hugged her. I don’t know why again. I just did it. She keep punching my chest, with threatening look but I tried to ignore it and endure the pain. I need to know.


“What collection are you talking about?”

“Why should I tell you? Let me go you psycho!”

“I won’t until you tell me.”

“Find yourself.” . She always refuses. Always. I love this side of her. Maybe because I’m little bit timid so I love seeing her so energetic and strong. I can’t bear this curiosity anymore. Automatically I pushed her swiftly against the wall. Wow! I’m surprised with myself sometimes. Hormones? Yes definitely.


“Let me go!” okay her punches are seriously hurting me now. Just answer my question!

“What… collection?” sounds of her breathing tickles me as we are pretty much inches away only from ourselves. I think these things totally drive me up the wall. I was never this kind of person. Curiosity triggers me the most.


“Pictures. Lots of it.”


“Yes… let me go… please?” Her voice became much more… softer. My hands start trembling. My heart beating faster when she suddenly came close to my ear.


“Why do you… ummm… keep my pictures?” Oh! That pictures. Now I remember. Phewww!

“Take a guess.” And she gave me the sweetest smile ever. I guess I will start ‘accidentally reset’ my Eunji again.



-The End-

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Chapter 1: Lmffffffaaaoooooo fluffy comedy is the best kind of comedy! Lol l.joe your cactus is gonna frickin kill you. How you juat gonna walk rigjt past it without watering it!
kimdedol #3
Chapter 1: Wow that was a great story and I like it ^^