School Festival 2

Dazzling Girl

Sulli, she was upset when she heard about Seohyun and Cheondoong. She walk alone along the road to the school hall. Along the way, Sulli stopped by Yunho and Taeyeon.


Sulli : Why are you out here?


Yunho : Our class who join the 'Miss White Tiger' had fell down at the stairs and she won't be able to perform.


Sulli haven't say a word but she had already been pulled by Taeyeon and Yunho.


At the dressing room..


Sulli : But, I don't want to..


Yunho begging : You have to! If your love to our class is high enough, I know you'll do this, right?


Yunho make the 'begging face'.


Sulli : Alright..


Yunho happy : I know you will do it for our class!


At Cheondoong situation...


Cheondoong and Kahi are at their car.


Cheondoong : Mom, tonight I'll go to the White Tiger Sports School to pick up Sulli.


Kahi : Okay but you better not be late.


Cheondoong : Ok.


They have already arrived at White Tiger Sports school. Kahi leave Cheondoong because she had a meeting after this. Cheondoong went to the school hall because Sulli said to him that the last event is at the school hall. Cheondoong were already inside the school hall but he haven't saw Sulli yet.


Cheondoong : I'm already inside the school hall but why is she's not here?


Meanwhile , back to Sulli situation, at the dressing room..


Sulli were already change her clothes to 'Miss White Tiger' dress.


Junior student : Wow... Is that an angel?


Taeyeon happily : That's an angel, you're right!


Sulli : What are you talking about? I'm doing this is because you and Yunho begging for it.


MC from the stage: Next is, Choi Sulli!


Sulli walks to the stage and started her 'Miss White Tiger' show.


Sulli : Hye, I'm Choi Sulli from class 5-A and I'm one of the seniors of this school. I haven't prepare a show but I'll sing for you all.


Sulli sang IU song, 'Rain Drop' . When she started to sang, all of the boys were 'fell in love' with her. Cheondoong, who was inside the school hall also started to fell 'LIKE' towards Sulli. Sulli voice were so sweet until some of them followed her to sang.


One hour after the festival has end..


All the students in Class 5-A were going to a Karaoke to celebrate Sulli for winning the 'Miss White Tiger' competition. Cheondoong also come because Yunho ask him to drive the car.


At the Karaoke , all of them were enjoying. Suddenly, they all shouted for Sulli name , 'Choi Sulli , Choi Sulli!' . They ask her to sing.


Sulli agree with them that she will sing and she choose the song. She choose to sing IU ft Seulong 'Nagging'. But, she just realise that the song is a duet song. She sing the female part, but when it is time for the male part , Someone sing it. Sulli turn around to see who is the guy , it was Cheondoong. Sulli was shocked yet happy.


It's almost 12 a.m. and the celebration has already end. All of them went back to their own home. Sulli and Cheondoong decided to walk because the car that Cheondoong drive is Yunho's car and there were no bus at that time.


During the walk ..


Sulli : Cheondoong oppa..


Cheondoong : Hmmm? What?


Sulli : When you're at London, you have a girlfriend right?


Cheondoong was shocked by Sulli question.


Cheondoong : Yes.. I use to have.


Sulli upset : Owh..


Cheondoong : But, there's someone who had make me amazed more than my ex .


Sulli : Owh? Who was it?


Cheondoong joking : Hmm... Someone..


Sulli : Hmm!


Cheondoong : Why ? Jealous?


Sulli : No!


Cheondoong : But honestly, who this that guy who always you hang out with? Is that you boyfriend?


Sulli : Owh .. Do you mean Changmin?


Cheondoong : Yes!


Sulli : No , he just my bestfriend.


Cheondoong : Sulli..


Sulli : What?


Cheondoong didn't say a a word or anything but he just kiss her lips . Sulli was in a big shock. Sulli quickly push Cheondoong .


Badly, right at that time, Changmin who was gonna gift Sulli a present saw it. Changmin was really sad because ...


Changmin mind : I have been loving Sulli for a long time but why is he is the first person to kiss her?


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AlienGirl #1
Update soon
eyqasong #2
Chapter 13: i dont like changzy.. !
eyqasong #3
Chapter 9: love cheondong sulli n changli. U have to make another fic about changli. Kekeke
kunncassie #4
Chapter 9: I want sulli with Changmin ^^
Update soon !!
YoonZy please
eyqasong #6
Chapter 8: lol seohyun.. update soon withcute dongli moment
Chapter 2: Update!!!!!
eyqasong #8
subscribe.. update soon!