The Ring

Oppa is Mine

Yoona kept notice them. Until they were both walked in the same direction. Sunny didn't dare to look at the man who would come to her.

"They walk over here. Take care of yourself. " Kyuhyun was aware of their existence. Yoona stopped when Kyuhyun called out her name.

"Yoona, what are you doing here?" Kyuhyun looked curious.

"I-I Eh .." Yoona glanced towards Sunny, but Sunny instead buried her face on the table.

Kyuhyun also looked at the Sunny, "What are you doing here?" Kyuhyun re-asking the same thing.


Yoona confused and glanced back at Sunny. Sunny was not budging.


"Do you have an appointment with someone?" Yoona asked to change the subject.

"How did you know?" Kyuhyun was taken aback by Yoona's question.

"Did your grandfather tell you to come?" Yoona asked again

"You're really weird. "Kyuhyun started walking away from them.

"Sunny, he's not Kyuhyun" Yoona gives a signal


Sunny thanked that wasn't Kyuhyun.


When Sunny and Yoona still staring at Kyuhyun. Someone came and called Sunny's name.

"Excuse me, are you Lee Sunny?" He asked politely.

"Yes, I am." Sunny and Yoona turned back.

"Are you?" He looked so surprised.

"Ahjussi?" Sunny and Yoona equally surprised.

Mindlessly, Yoona went from there. And occupied a seat that is not far from Sunny.

"You really Lee Sunny?" He's still not believe

"Y-yes." Sunny replied hesitantly regardless the face of the man standing before him.

"It's really driving me crazy." He was immediately seated without Sunny's permission.

"What do you mean?" She asked quietly.

"How can I paired with a child like you?" He made ​​her irritable.

"What?! A child? "Sunny repeated

"Yes. It's really funny, you know?"He laughed sarcastically

"Yeah, this is really funny. my grandfather really have the heart to fix me up with a old and ugly 'ahjussi' like you. "Sunny started to raise his voice.

"Old? Ugly? You should look in the mirror first, before saying that. "He also began to raise his voice.

"If you're not ugly, your grandfather will not likely find a pair for you. I knew there was no woman wants you, it's because you're ugly and bad temper. Yeah, isn't it? How many women who turned you down? Am I going to be the hundredth? "Sunny talked endlessly, because very annoyed.

"Aish, you're talk a lot. Listen, I have absolutely no interest with you. You're short, childish and also ugly. Your future will be difficult, you have to believe it. "He replied Sunny's insult and make Sunny grow annoyed.

"Ajhussi!" Sunny balled his right hand, and prepared to beat the man in front of him.

He quickly hold her hand, before Sunny managed to beat him.


"Let go of my hand." She pulled her hand away, but he kept strengthen his grip.

"How can you get this ring from?" He asked when he saw a beautiful ring wrapped around Sunny's hand.

"None of your business. Let go of me! "Sunny still tried to pull his hand.

"I'm going to release your hand, if you tell me where you get this ring."

"All right, all right. I found this ring. are you satisfied? " Sunny kept trying to release her hand.

"When and where?" He asked once again

"In jeju island, I think it was two years ago." She explained. He quickly release his grip on Sunny's hand.

"Can I see the ring for a minute?" This time he spoke in a lower voice than before.

"For what?" She still looks fierce.

"Just a quick look." His attitude changed from before. Sunny could see the sadness of his face,

"Here it is." She felt pity and then she gave the ring.

He turned the ring.

Etched 'J love J' on the inside of the ring. He also looks so surprised to see it.



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Fourth and Fifth chapters will Update soon ^^


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Chapter 6: Update soon~~
x3trxn #2
Chapter 3: I love SunKi!
Chapter 6: Let's all keep the SunKi fever alive shall we, authornim? Update~ annyeong, buingbuing! :3
Chapter 6: Update soon ^^
D-Felicita #5
Chapter 6: update soon author-nim!! keep spreading sunki's love ^^
Kyusun's fine, but sunki?
I'm blew by the wind of love!
Authornim, hwaiting!
fa6o0om #7
Chapter 6: it is very exciting you have to update very soon i will be waiting :) :) :)
Chapter 6: update soon!
SungHaJoon #9
Chapter 6: Update soon please ;A; Sunny hwaiting!
You can do it! <3.