Please Wake Up

Wide Awake

Leeteuk moved as quickly as he could through the hospital. He had gotten a call half way through class from Heechuls parents and only moments later an ambulance drove into the school grounds. Leeteuk didn't even listen to what Mrs. Kim was saying, he simply watched out the window as the ambulance took his best friend away.

Leeteuk had to wait until school was over to go and see Heechul, but finally school ended and Leeteuk begged his mother to drive him up to the hospital so he could see Heechul sooner, he didn't expect to see Heechuls mother outside of the hospital room crying.

"Mrs. Kim, what's wrong?" Leeteuk asked stopping next to the older woman. Heechuls mother was a short woman, her hair was short around her face and she wore a pretty red coat, but her eyes were puffy and matched her coat in colour.

"My Heechul... They said he may not wake up!" She erupted into sobs and fell into Leeteuks arms, Leeteuk wrapped his arms around her, the same way he would when comforting Heechul. He looked over Mrs. Kim's shoulder and met Mr. Kim's eye. He nodded to the man in acknowledgment and He nodded back, the sorrow quite obvious in his eyes. Even with  other children Heechul was their son and they were deeply wounded by the fact that they may never get him back.

"Can I....Can I go see him?" Leeteuk questioned, slipping away from Mrs. Kim but still holding her at arms distance.

"Yes you can, but I think one of his other friends are still in there with him." Mr. Kim said sitting down on one of the benches. Leeteuk knelt beside the older man, who was so obviously tired, and took his hand.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, then stood again and headed towards the hospital room that was labeled with Heechuls name. He pushed the door open slowly and peeked into the room then froze in horror and anger.

"You! Hankyung! What the hell are you doing here?!" Leeteuk shut the door and marched up to the boy, his hands in fists at his side as he tried to restrain himself from punching the bastard that had tortured his friend for years. Hankyung turned and smiled.

"I'm visiting my boyfriend, seeing as he is hurt and in the hospital."  Leeteuk grabbed Hankyungs collar and hauled him out of the chair, Hankyung gritted his teeth and grabbed Leeteuks shirt.

"You're probably the reason he's here, you ing sadistic bastard!" Hankyung balled one of his hands into a fist, aiming to hit Leeteuk in the jaw, but Leeteuk was faster, his fist, coiled tightly, s out and made contact with Hankyungs gut, the extra force and lack of height helped and sent Leeteuks fist up and into Hankyungs liver. Hankyung reeled and fell to the floor, gripping the side of the bed in an attempt to support himself.

"If I find you anywhere near Heechul again it will be you in the hospital bed not him!" Leeteuk threatened in a yell. Hankyung staggered to his feet with a cruel laugh.

"Yeah, I won't go near Heechul again, if he ever wakes up." Hankyung laughed again. Leeteuk, angered even further, charged at the man like an angry bull, Hankyung scampered to the door and shut it quickly, causing Leeteuks fist to hit the door. Leeteuk calmed himself then turned to his friends prone figure on the bed.

"Chul-ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you. I should have been there." Leeteuk dropped to his knees beside the bed and grabbed Heechuls hand. He brought his friends hand to his face and kissed the knuckles.

"I've never told you how I truly felt Chullie I was afraid that if I did you would hate me...But, Chullie I love you, please come back to me, even if it is to tell me that you hate me." Leeteuk sobbed against Heechuls hand. Slowly Leeteuk dropped Heechul's hand and left the room with a small whispered 'I love you'. Leeteuk didn't notice the slight twitch Heechuls hand gave as the words reached the boy on the bed.


For days Heechul was floating, it seemed to be an out of body experience, he watched as every day Leeteuk came to his room at the hospital and sat next to him, telling him about his day and talking about what was happening at the school. He also talked about how he had taken care of Hankyung for him.

At first Heechul had tried to talk back to Leeteuk, but as it became obvious that it wasn't possible he gave up and settled on listening, something he didn't often do. Leeteuk talked about their memories and he talked about old friends of theirs, but what really made Heechul want to talk back was those times, just before Leeteuk left the room, Leeteuk would whisper his usual love confession, It made Heechul want to jump up and hug the older boy, and kiss him, and tell him that he loved him too, but his body wouldn't move. What neither boy expected was that Heechuls parents couldn't afford to keep him on life support, and whether they wanted to or not, they were going to have to remove him from the machines and he would slowly die from lack of everything the machines provided.

The day Leeteuk heard about it, was the day that they were going to pull the plug on Heechuls life, and he found himself running once again through the hospital to get to Heechuls room, this time to get there before the doctor could.

Leeteuk once again fell to his knees at his friends side, this time his tears were a finality, a knowledge that after this Heechul would never wake up, that Leeteuk would never wake him up again. Leeteuk stared at his friend.

"If only you were snow white, then a simple kiss could wake you." Leeteuk murmured, his eyes shifted to Heechuls lips and he got the stupid thought that, perhaps, a kiss would work, that just maybe if he did kiss Heechul then he might wake up.

With these thoughts Leeteuk moved closer to his friend hovering over his prone figure and leaning in slightly, his eyes trained on Heechul's lips. Then slowly he brought his mouth over Heechul's and pressed his lips to Heechuls in a slight kiss. Leeteuk paused there a moment seeing if there was any reaction, when none came he pulled away and let out a bitter laugh.

"What was I expecting?" Leeteuk muttered shoving his bangs out of his face and turning away.

"Teukie..." The voice froze the older boy in his tracks. It couldn't be, it hadn't worked, Heechul hadn't responded, Heechul was still lying in the hospital bed awaiting his death. Even so Leetuek turned around to look at Heechul.

The boy was sitting up slightly resting only on his right forearm, staring in worry at Leeteuk, his long hair cascading over his shoulder and curling gently on the bed.

"Was it true? All those times you said you loved me....and this kiss, are you telling the truth?" Heechul questioned. Leeteuk stood, staring at the boy in shock and disbelief, and hope, a deep hope that begged this to be true and not a hallucination his sorrowful mind had created.

" was true." Heechul smiled, a happiness that Leeteuk hadn't seen since they were kids entered Heechuls eyes and made his smile radiant, even as his eyes welled up with tears of joy.

"Teukie." Heechul reached out to the boy his arms spread wide, Leeteuk stepped into them like it was the most natural thing in the world. Heechul hugged Leeteuk tightly, before pulling away and allowing Leeteuk to press light butterfly kisses all over his face.

"Are you finally awake Heechul?" Leeteuk asked between kisses, his own tears of joy soaking into his words and his kisses, leaving Heechul's cheeks wet with salty tears.

"Yes I'm awake, I'm wide awake." Heechul answered pressing his lips against Leeteuks in a passionate kiss, that tasted of tears and felt full of love.

So here it is~ the almost last chapter. I have one more aftermath chapter that I may write after I re-read the rules and find out if it was three chapters or less then three chapters.

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11 streak #1
Chapter 2: OMG!!!
11 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh no
Chapter 3: it's end already? How fast. But i like it. My teukchul xD
Chapter 3: so happy after read this
Aki_Hikari #5
Chapter 3: I'm so happy that everything end good. Lately I read to much bad-ending stories... TeukChul! <3
Aki_Hikari #6
Chapter 1: I think, that this is good story ;) Han as bad a*s... I'm totally ok with it xD ... Teukie, hurry up! Chullie is in danger!
Chapter 1: it's really good story. I love it! Will it be teukchul/hanchul? I want teukchul honestly lol. Update soon