
Rock, Paper, Scissors



With a nod from Tao, the older man continues.


Kris clenches and unclenches his fist as he brings his gaze up to the other’s eyes.


Tao returns the gaze back in full force, never backing down from a challenge.


Hands shot out from behind backs to reveal one hand closed in a fist and the other with hand opened, palm facing up.

Tao couldn’t help but grin as he watches the previous confident looking Kris deflate and is replaced with a shoulder slumped man burying his head in his hands.

“I don’t want to go.”

“You can always try aegyo.”

Head quickly snapped up and a glare was sent at the smirking male sitting next to Tao on the sofa.

“Don’t you have Chinese homework to do, Chen Chen?”

Tao helped me finished it all last night.” The smirking boy answers in perfect Chinese slinging an arm around Tao’s shoulders. Kris narrows his eyes at the other’s not-so-subtle movement of scooting closer to the younger male.

“Chen has improved a lot, duizhang.”

Tao blinks in confusion at Kris who has just suddenly stood up and is making his way towards the front door.

“Where are you going?”

“Didn’t you say the loser has to pay for the other’s drink from Starbucks? So, let’s go.”

Tao quickly follows the older man and starts putting his shoes on.

A voice then called out from the living room, “Hey, buy me a drink too while you’re out.”

After checking for his wallet, Kris guides Tao out the door from behind with hands on the shorter one’s back. He calls out over his shoulder right before the door slams closed.

“Maybe next time.”



A/N: I had a pairing in mind when I started writing this but after finishing it, I realized that it's not as clear as I wanted it to be. Oh well. I like any Tao pairing including OT3s so it's all good. xD

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arianapetrova #1
Chapter 1: Love your short drabbles :D