A secret concert and a secret love

A secret concert and a secret love





  Lee MinHee entered the small club as soon as the security guard let her go in after seeing the invitation she was holding.

  The main hall was underground and there were stairs like a spiral leading there. MinHee went down them and finally walked into the premise. There were only a few weak lights on so people could see where they're going. The rest of the illuminating was from the thousands lit candles placed all over the place. It was creating a romantic and a somehow a cozy feeling.

  MinHee really liked the choice the manager of the boys made. The place was perfect for tonight.

  Till now B.A.P had a lot of concerts and performances, but this one was the first of it's kind. It was a secret one. Only selected people were invited to it and it was not one of these performances where you can see crazy screaming fans. There were mainly close friends of the boys or people with a high-ranking social status.

  MinHee had been to almost every concert of B.A.P since she was dating Junhong for two years now. But she had always been backstage, supporting the boys from there. It was actually her first time going to their performance like an audience. She was really excited...and somehow nervous about it. She didn't know why though. Maybe she had the same feelings that her boyfriend had now. Junhong wasn't afraid of the scene, but this time the things were really different. He didn't show any nervous feeling earlier, but MinHee could feel he wasn't completely calm about this performance. And she could totally understand him. Usually she would be there for him to wish him luck before he starts performing, but now she couldn't. Because she was just a part of the audience. Now she couldn't act as his girlfriend because their relationship was still a secret. B.A.P and Minhee herself didn't want some kind of scandal to occure and that's why only a few people knew that Junhong and Minhee are a couple.

   Slowly more people walked in the bar and soon the whole premise was full. MinHee was sitting alone on a little table, sipping on her cocktail and looking around. Tonight she decided to wear the dress she has been waiting to wear for a long time. Now the timing was perfect. There were a lot of men in the bar who were curious to know about the mysterious girl sitting all alone, but none of them actually had the courage to approach her. That's what MinHee wanted. Tonight Junhong was the only who mattered and she didn't want anyone else to bother her.

  Finally the concert had it's begining. All the boys went out on the little stage.All of them looked extremely good - they were all wearing black pants, but the colour of their shirts were different. They bowed and the hall was filled with sound of clapping hands. Bang Yongguk reached for the microphone.

"Hello, everyone! We're glad that you all gathered here to hear our little performance tonight. We hope you're going to enjoy it!" - The leader said with his deep voice.

  He countinued with his opening speech, but MinHee stopped listening him and focused on her boyfriend instead. He was wearing a dark purple shirt which looked great on him. Though he was smiling really brightly, Minhee spotted how tense he was. She was on the verge of going on the scence to tell him that everything's going to be alright. But she didn't move from her place, just observing Junhong.

 He also saw Minhee and smiled a little wider for her.

  After Bang Yongguk finished his speech, B.A.P sat on the chairs prepared for them on the stage. Tonight they weren't going to dance. It was only a vocal performance and it was all with acoustic guitars to accompany them.

  They started with "It's All Lies". It sounded extremely beautiful. She was mermerized by Daehyun and Youngjae's voices. She had heard them a thousand times, but now it seemed like they're finally unfolding all of their talant. Everyone sang their parts incredibly well and now it was Junhong's rap. When he begun Minhee could hear how his voice was a little shaky, but then she was how he closed his eyes and after that his rap sounded even better. Junhong opened his eyes right when he after "No, I can't let go, girl" and directed his gaze right at Minhee. She smiled. It was one of the few times he was actually singing to her. Most of the time he refused to do it because he immediately started laughing after singing something more "cheesy" in his words. 

  Everything was going smoothly and the boys had no mistakes. The acoustic versions of their songs were sounding even better than the originals. Minhee saw how all of the boys were more relaxed than in the begining.

  "Voice Message" made the audience crazy, everybody were clearly enjoying it. It was like there was no end of the clapping of the people.

   After the acoustic version of "Unbreakable" the boys stood up from their places and bowed down to the audience. But the people were not ready to let them go and were asking them for more. Bang Yongguk looked at the other members like he was questioning them. They all just nodded and then the leader took one of the microphones and said:

"We weren't planning on singing this one tonight since our sunbae from Secret, Song Jieun wasn't able to perform with us because of her busy schedule. But since you're asking us to sing more we cannot refuse your request. We're going to sing "Secret Love" for you, ladies and gentlemen!"

   The hall filled once again with sounds of clapping and approving exclamations.

  B.A.P took their seats once again. The guitars started playing and soon Daehyun also raised his beautiful voice.

  That was Minhee's favorite B.A.P song. It was pretty much describing her relationship with Junhong. They had to hide from everyone. She couldn't do anything she wanted to when they were out being afraid someone might expose them.  She couldn't kiss him or even hug him. Because she knew what was going to happen after that.

  Bang Yongguk rapped his part:

 "We got nervous and scared in case someone figures out our secret"

 Junhong finished the rap session with:

 "What's so important about that? You are next to me.

  And our time together is more precious"

   He didn't take his eyes off Minhee while he was singing this. His eyes were filled with something Minhee couldn't recognize. Was it....guilty? Junhong looked like he was saying that he's sorry that they're forced to hide from everyone only because he's famous. It really looked like that.


   The concert was over and most of the people were already gone. Minhee was waiting outside the club at the back exit. She was rubbing her hands against her freezing body. It was really cold and even snow was begining to fall.

  Soon B.A.P went out the club laughing at something with their manager. The group spotted the girl and went towards her.

 "Minhee-ya! We were awesome right!" - Jongup screamed and happily danced around her.

 "Yes, yes, you were!" - She said and laughed at his silly dance.

 "My singing was daebak? Right? MINHEE, SAY IT WAS!" - Daehyun put his hands on the shoulders of the girl and started shaking her.

 "Daehyun, seriously leave the girl alone!" - Bang Yongguk said, but he didn't do anything to help Minhee get rid of Daehyun.

 Finally Youngjae pulled him away from her. Himchan smiled as he was passing by Minhee not missing the opportunity to pinch her .

 "Kim Himchan, if you touch my girlfriend again I'm going to shove you in the washing machine." - Junhong proclaimed.

 Himchan frowned, but he finally walked away with the others leaving Minhee and Junhong alone.

 "So did you..."

 "You were amazing! The best!" - Minhee said and hugged him before he could say anything.

 Junhong was surprised, but he also put his left arm around her and with his right hand he caressed Minhee's hair.

 "I'm happy you liked it." - He whispered.

  Then Minhee pushed him away gently so she could look him in the eyes.

 " Look....about the secret relationship. Please don't torment yourself. I'm alright with this. As long as I'm with you I don't care if we have to hide."

 Junhong smiled a little. She got the message.

 "I'm happy you think the same way. But don't worry. Sooner or later I want everyone to know about it." - He said.

 Minhee smiled at him. Then Junhong pulled her closer to him and locked his lips with hers while the snowflakes were making their strange, but pretty dance around the couple.


* I hope you liked it, guys! I apologize if there are any mistakes and that made the story hard to read. Please leave a comment if you liked it! ^^ * 

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Chapter 1: to shove someone into the washing machine... haha. nice fic!!! love how you related the song and Zelo's situation with his girlfriend!
Chapter 1: Love it! Dudee its seriously really awesome! :DD <3333 write new stories more often, don't be lazy like me XDD <333
Chapter 1: Aww so cute! Love it! :) BTW for dialogue, there's no need to put a "-" after each line. Just quotation marks are enough.