Prove It [Sequel to Breathe]

Prove It [Sequel to Breathe]


You adjusted your bag on your shoulder as you walked towards your school’s courtyard, deciding to take a shortcut home. You shivered a little as a breeze of cold air blew in your face but smiled as you passed by the tree that you and Suho were hitting with orbs of water just a few days ago.

But your smile instantly fell when you turned your head and were met with a smiling girl with Suho’s arms wrapped around her.

You instinctively ducked behind a tree, your heart threatening to beat out of your chest.

You peeked around the trunk and looked at the couple. It appeared that Suho was helping her master another skill, one similar to the one he helped you with. You felt your heart drop when you saw him give her one of his smiles.

You let out a breath that you were unconsciously holding when he released her. But you couldn’t help but notice the way that he was looking at her as she did the motions he just taught her.

‘I don’t think he’s ever looked at me like that,’ you bit your lip, looking down at the ground.

“I did it!” you snapped your head up when you heard the girl scream in happiness.

You bit your lip when you saw Suho swinging her around in a circle, just like he did with you.

And you felt your heart break when she reached up and pressed a kiss to Suho’s lips.

Even though the two of you weren’t officially a couple, you always thought that it was implied that you were together.

Your vision started to blur as you realized that the two in front of you weren’t going to pull away any time soon. A branch on the ground snapped as you took a step backwards away from the couple.

You looked up and your eyes met Suho’s which were widened in horror.

Without another word, you turned around and ran as fast as you could.


“______-ah, you have to eat,” your mom said in a concerned voice.

You lifted your face from you pillow, “I’m not hungry.”

You looked at the door when you heard your mom sigh and walk back down the hall. You threw yourself onto your back and stared blankly at the ceiling, your eyes tired from crying.

“I shouldn’t have assumed,” you mumbled to no one, “Just because he kissed me doesn’t mean that he actually had feelings for me. I mean, it could have just been an in-the-moment kind of thing.”

“______-ah,” you heard your mom’s soft voice again.

“Mom, I said I’m not hungry,” you said in a tired voice.

“I know, but can you please just come down and have something to drink?” she tried reasoning, “I don’t want you to get sick.”

Yu sat up at your bed and walked over to the door. You opened the door and your mom had a small, sympathetic smile on her face.

“That’s my girl,” she grinned as she placed an arm around your shoulder and led you down the hall.

Your mom looked at you in concern. She could tell that you had been crying but you were never one to burden others with your problems. As the two of you descended the stairs, she could tell something was on your mind, but of course, you didn’t say anything.

 “Can I just talk to her?”

Your head snapped up and you stopped in the middle of the staircase. You saw Suho standing on your doorstep, talking to your dad.

“Sorry, but she refuses to come out of her room right now,” your dad told him, “I don’t know what’s wrong with her.”

You stood frozen as Suho let out a sigh. You noticed that his eyes didn’t have the same shine that they usually had and a smile was not to be found on his angelic face. Your mind was telling you to run back to your room, but your body didn’t seem to want to listen.

“Please, can you just-” Suho cut off midsentence as his eyes looked over your dad’s shoulder and fell on you.

You instantly shook off your mom’s arm from your shoulder and sprinted back up the staircase and to your hiding spot.


“Do you want to talk about it?” 

“Not really,” you mumbled.

Your mom let out another sigh, “______-ah, I know your father and I have always respected your privacy, but if something is wrong, you have to tell us. So we can help you.”

“I don’t think you can help me with this problem, mom,” you told her.


“Mom,” you cut her off, “I can handle it, okay? You don’t have to worry about me.”

You knew your mom cared, so did your dad. But this was something that you did not want your parents to be involved with.

You forced a smile and grabbed her hand, giving it a light squeeze.

She opened to say something but a knock at the door interrupted her.

You both looked to see your dad poking his head into your room.

“That boy refuses to leave,” he said in a concerned voice, “He’s just sitting on our doorstep. I don’t think he’s going to leave until you talk to him.”

You took a deep breath and looked out your window. You noticed how it was slightly fogged up, the temperature outside obviously colder than in the house.

“I’ll go talk to him,” you muttered, standing up from your bed and walking out of the room.

When you reached the front door, you slowly unlocked the door and turned the metal knob. True to your dad’s word, Suho was sitting on your doorstep, his back facing the door and his head hung.

He quickly turned around and stood up when he saw you standing the in the doorway.

“______, I can explain,” he started.

A silence hung between the two of you and you stared at him with dead eyes. The temperature might have been cold, but the atmosphere between the two of you was definitely colder.

“What do you want me to say?” you asked in a monotone voice, “‘I don’t want to hear your explanation’? ‘You don’t need to explain’?”

Suho was taken aback by your tone. You were always so happy and full of life, the total opposite of what you were now.

“You don’t need to say anything, but just hear me out,” he said slowly.

The silence returned.

“Please,” he whispered.

You bit your lip and looked at the boy standing in front of you before giving him a little nod.

Suho's eyes widened at your response and furrowed his eyebrows a little as he collected his thoughts.

"I-I can't believe I'm actually going to say this, but it wasn't what it looked like," he started, "I was seriously just helping her with her technique, I didn't think that … that was going to happen."

You saw a flash of pain sweep across Suho's features.

"Okay, to be honest, I kind of knew that she liked me, but I didn't think that she was brave enough to do anything!" Suho took one of your hands in his, "What you saw … I was just shocked. That's why I didn't pull away. You're the one that I really care about, ______. You're the one that my heart belongs to."

Suho bit his lip as he firmly held your hand in his. You looked into his eyes and saw nothing but sincerity and honesty. But for some reason, you just couldn't find it to be enough.

"Prove it."


"Prove it," you repeated, "Prove to me that your words are true."

Suho stared at you as your words sunk in before quickly nodding his head.

"I will. I promise."

You nodded your head, "Good. Well, it's getting late. You should start heading home, Suho."

Suho released your hand and gave you a small smile, "Goodnight, ______."

"Goodnight," you whispered back. 

You watched as Suho walked down the pathway to your house and to the sidewalk. You smiled a little to yourself when you saw that he no longer hung his head, but held it up high like a man with a mission.

You your heels, the small grin still on your face, and reentered your house, closing the door behind you. 

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so i added a little more to the ending of this story, please check it out ^^


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Chapter 1: oh cmon.. what a cliff hanger.. haha.. update! update!.. hehe.. =D
Chapter 1: omg >< update pls :D
MonkeylovesFishy #3
Chapter 1: OMH please more >< please make a sequel to this sequel yeah ? :'3
pleaseee q.q
Chapter 1: MORE xDDDDDD
Chapter 1: So is there a trilogy?
Chapter 1: So cute! Go Suho~
Hey guys! I added a little more to the ending of this story so it didn't seem so abrupt. Please check it out if you haven't! d"b -Admin Kelc
Chapter 1: *Cough*
hojyasynamelia #9
Chapter 1: Another sequel pls!
Chapter 1: There's gonna be more!!!! Am I right?? ehehe