
My 13 Surprise Husbands?!

 [Alexander's POV:]

We were all eating but Kaeli and Kevin weren't down yet sow e sent Dongho up to get them. Dongho finally came back after 10 minutes and had a look of confusion on his face. I asked him what was wrong.

Xander: What's wrong Dongho? Did you see a ghost?

Dongho: No....Um hyung?

Xander: Yeah?

Dongho: Well I was on my way over to Kaeli noona and Kevin hyung's room when I stopped outside their door.... i heard something wierd...

Eli: What did you hear?

Dongho: I heard Kevin hyung and Kaeli noona and Kaeli noona was screaming.... I also heard creaking noises it sounding like they were jumping on the bed....

Eli: No they can't be......

Eli suddenly stood up and ran to their room, curious, we all followed him. When we got the door we could hear Kaeli and Kevin. Omg please let my erted brain be wrong!!! Soohyun kicked the door open to reveal a Kevin and Kaeli having on the bed!!!! I don't think they noticed us because they kept going at it. Ugh who just bumped into my chest!? I looked down and it was Dongho his eeys glued onto Kevin and Kaeli. He looked really pissed. He suddenly pushed us aside and ran to his bedroom. When I looked back they had finally finished. I took this chance to rush in there and make our presence known.

Xander: What the hell do guys think you're doing!?!?!?!

They looked extremely shocked. They quickly covered themselves in the blanket.

Kevin: X...Xander h..hyung.... how long h...have you been s...standing there???

Xander: Long enough! What the dude!?!?!? She's your sister for christs sake!!!!!

Kaeli: You don't understand Xander oppa!!! I was just helping him relieve himself from what happened earlier.... >.>


Kibum: Now Eli calm down a little. They are still young.... they need to experiment.... lord knows what you and Xander hyung did last year.....

Eli: Yah! that's different!!!

Kiseop: YEAH IT'S WORSE!!!!!

Everyone instantly shut up. Of course they would Kiseop finally talked out loud. Of course everyone would be surprised.

Xander: Ok why don't we just le tit go for now. Come on now everyone we're gonna be late to school.

Kaeli & Kevin: We're not going today.

Soohyun: The hell you aren't!

Kevin: But Soohyun hyung....

Soohyun: No buts Kevin! You and Kaeli are going to school today no if's, and's, or but's!

Kevin & Kaeli: Fine....

Xander: Ok now come on you two get dressed already.

We all left the room to let those two get dressed. I looked at my watch....holy it's already this late!?!?! We'll be lucky if we make it to school on time!!! Just then Kevin and Kaeli came out looking all fresh and pretty for their first day of college... well technically it's only Kaeli's first year it's Kevins second year since he failed last year. We rushed them outside and into the car as I got in the driver's seat. We drove to school and miraculously we all made it to class on time. Even Dongho, who for some reason was sulking the whole ride to school.

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junnosuke1 #1
Please update soon!!!!
Please update soon!!!
georgina #3
Update soon!!!!!!
ill update after i get at least 4 or 5 new comments on this asking questions or making statements for the boys....
butterfly555 #5
omg they got caught but also they still made it to school wow lucky lol BUT STILL EWWWWWWWW
ahhh~ kevin-oppa u ert~ trying to have with ur lil sister~ (me) lol vy brother. but xander-oppa is a too~ lol
butterfly555 #7
this story's hilarious.i'm really like it.update again soon!