〈 `❃ welcome to riverdale. 〉— au, third pov aff roleplay┆not accepting.


( welcome to riverdale ) ;

Riverdale is a relatively large city, divided into four equally sized towns: Greendale, Midvale, Pembrooke, and Riverdale, a town named after the city itself.
Each town has its own type of people, places, and available activites to offer, with Riverdale being the 'capital town' of the entire city; and the people of each
town are generally on good terms with one another, though are each other's "rivals" in some aspects, especially surrounding school activity.
It may be a rather normal city, but no matter where you are, there never really are any dull moments in the city of Riverdale.



( rules and regulations ) ;

( `001 ) up to two accounts per resident. you'll have to be mighty active to be allowed this privilege, though.
( `002 ) brackets should be used when speaking out of character (ooc).
( `003 ) no out of character drama / no bashing of other players. 
( `004 ) and yuri is allowed, but limited. and  are also allowed. no pregnencies/marriages (yet).
( `005 ) no adding of anyone outside of the roleplay.
( `006 ) be active. try and be on at least two or three times a week. inactive for more than twenty one days, and you're out.
( `007 ) this is a third point-of-view para au roleplay. remember that. 
( `008 ) try and talk to everyone, don't ignore people.
( `009 ) tell the admin through pm when you're going on hiatus / deactivating

( this is our playground ) ;

( `001 ) subscribe to the story using your roleplay account. personal is optional.
( `002 ) check out the masterlist for available characters. instructions on how to apply can be found there.
( `003 ) wait for approval before making the account.
( `004 ) comment upon your arrival.
( `005 ) add the admin and all the other roleplayers, do not wait for them to add you.
( `006 ) if someone gives you a couple of well-written paragraphs, try not give them just a few sentences back. 
( `007 ) further instructions can be found on the pages listed below. please don't apply until you've gone through them all.

( find the fun ) ;

+ masterlist / application form.
+ about the towns.
+ how to roleplay at 'welcome to riverdale' (!!!).
+ who's who in riverdale.
+ deactivations / on hiatus.
+ activity checks.
+ the wishing well ( wishlist ).
+ admin ; — kim taeyeonnot looking for assistance at the moment ).

( admin's notice ) ;

I might be a little slow updating all the pages at times, but the masterlist remains a priority, and I will try to keep that regularly updated.
If a 'special position' is marked available and isn't, I'll try and pick up on that before accepting your application.
Sorry for the inconvience


〈 `❃ rvd; 〉mod will be on a semi-hiatus for about a week or so. happy holidays, residents!


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T^T I miss this place
-Chaejin's roleplayer
Chapter 1: Hi admin! Well, since it's 2013 and school has already begun, I don't really have much time to roleplay these days. ;; Msy I request for a hiatus that lasts for about.. a few weeks, perhaps?
i'm back c:
i'll reply asap.
〈 `❃ checked, not updated. 〉
Hey I'm still here. so i haven't been on, my mom confiscated my laptop three long weeks ago. I've barely got it back. but I'm still on damn computer ban, so I can I go on a hiatus. I should still be on every once in awhile (hopefully), but I want to call hiatus just in case my mother goes ballistic again -.-
Chapter 2: name of character: Nicole Jung/Jung Nicole
group: KARA
occupation(s): Waiter at Utopia and daughter of the Ssang Yong Pa family and student at Greendale Academy-University
where they live: Midvale
writing style: Semi-Para
timezone: EST

This is just for my second acount~^^
Chapter 1: name of character; park jiyeon
group; t-ara
occupation(s); basketball instructor ( morning : greendale : community basketball courts ) e ( night : pembrooke : the blossom country club )
where they live; greendale
writing style; mirror.
timezone; gmt +8
+ please reply via comments.