Chapter 10

Melting A Vampire's Heart
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It is the sight of an unknown figure, smirking handsomely by the edge of your


“Who are you?” your voice trembles when you speak, terrified. “What are you

doing here? How did you even--”

“I climbed through the window.” the man cuts you off. His voice is alluring,

tinkling beautifully like a bell at the same time.

He just blinks at you, and you take a good look at him from head to toe.

His eyes are equally as mesmerising as his voice, but there’s something odd

about the colour, you notice. His pupils are red when they look like they should

be naturally brown. Odd enough, you find yourself questioning his choice of

contacts  in your mind. *Who the heck would choose red of all colours. It looks

so scary~*

“I’m Luhan,” the man says simply. As if his name is supposed to mean

something. “I’m here to claim what’s rightfully mine.” His doe-shaped eyes glint

dangerously under the streaming moonlight from your window.

You gulp. “What is it? This lamp over here?” you nervously point to your

bedside table. “I-is it one of the coats in the cupboard?”

Luhan lets out a laugh. “You naive, naive girl,” he shakes his head, walking

closer to you.  “I’m here to claim YOU.”

You start backing  away towards your door, but his quick reflexes are an

advantage. Before you know it, he’s already grabbed both of your wrists with

cold fingers and pinned you down gently, but with force, onto your bed. 

“Y-Yahh! Let go of me!!” you struggle in his iron grip. Luhan ignores you, placing


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Chapter 54: Awww! Took Yoonmi long enough and she didn't even confess properly... Eh, I'll take what I can haha
I'm really sad that this story got to an end, I enjoyed reading it, every single chapter! Melting A Vampire's Heart is a really nice story, it was really pleasant to read. I hope my comments didn't annoy anyone haha But yeah, thank you for all your hard work put in this story!! <333
Chapter 53: Oh my, the ending! Hahaha I can't with Kai >< SFDfSDfdsfsygfsyg SHE DID IT! I'm so happy now T^T But I'm so sorry for Luhan... :/
Chapter 52: Hey, wasn't it the first time that Kai called Yoonmi 'noona'? I found it so cute, and the whole scene in her room (maybe not the ert one tho) haha. I'm sure that Yoonmi figurede out her feelings in the previous chapter, but damn. I'm still scared she'll choose Luhan ;_;
Chapter 51: I know that violence and all that is bad, but someone should punch Hana so hard that she would lose consciousness. She's seriously so freaking infuriating ;;
Poor bby Lu, he won't die, right? TT
Chapter 50: Oh, . Noooo! Yoonmi can't die! She's probably terrified and I bet that Baekhyun feels the same. Why Hana is so cruel, she doesn't love BAekhyun any more after all. If she was still in love with him, she wouldn't enjoy torturing him... :(
Chapter 49: Hana is such a . She was the one who turned Baekhyun? Wow, I didn't expect that to be honest. But I hope Daehyun will turn his back on her and help BaekMi. ._.
Chapter 48: Yoonmi and Baek might be dying right now and all Kai cares about is getting Zelo ... The hell, man? Hahaha But I hope it's not too late for them to save the two lovebirds!
Chapter 47: Rrrr, I don't like Hana so much! Why she had to come and ruin everything? Maybe at least Yoonmi finally realise her feelings now... She will probably have a lot of time for that XD
Chapter 46: Yoonmi hurt her skin from the handcuffs *cracks knuckles*, who's first to receive my punch? HUH!?
So what if Luhan met her in her sleep if she have no idea where she is... At least she has some moral support, because she can feel like she's not alone ;-;
Chapter 45: Sehun's ability had to disappoint everyone when it's wanted the most, huh? I'm praying that the boys will help Yoonmi as soon as possible before anything bad happens T^T