I Won't Forget



I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
And I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
>>Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson  
Pairing: Sehun x Luhan=Hunhan
 Luhan rested his head on Sehun's shoulder as the two of them watched the sun set at Han River. 
"Sehun, you love me right?" asked Luhan. 
"Of coarse I always have. Why?" 
"I'm just making sure." Luhan smiled, and kissed him on the cheek. Sehun smiled back at him and stared straight at the river, turning a little pink. Luhan yawned and stood up, surprising the maknae. He pulled him up and they both walked back to the dorms hand-in-hand.  Once they got in, they went to their room and prepared for bed. 
"Sehunnie, i'm cold. Sleep with me."
Sighing, Sehun listened to his hyung. He climbed in, hugged his lulu, then thought to himself, 'might as well do what he wants before the time comes'. 
/15 days ago/
"Sehun, are you ok? Do you have to go to the doctor?" 
Sehun fainted before he could answer that. Chanyeol quickly brought Sehun to the hospital. A few hours later, the doctor came out and said that he had a heart disease, and would live for 30 more days until it was time. 
Sehun didn't want to make his Luhan worry, so he and Chanyeol kept it as a secret. But of coarse DO, Kai, Baekhyun, and Suho found out. 
'15 days left till I check into the hospital.' He thought. 
/Day 20/
Sehun walked to the park across the street. It was early in the morning and he was already crying. Trying to hold back his tears he thought of how he would tell Luhan or spend his last days with him. After ten days he was going to have to leave all his memories. So he might as well make the best of those last ten days. Then an idea popped into his mind. He was going to take Luhan to a very, very special place tomorrow.
/Day 21/
Next day, Luhan woke up to emptiness in his bed. 
"Lulu, get up. I want to take you somewhere special." 
"Where?" He asked as he climbed out of bed and got dressed. 
"It's a surprise." To Luhan's surprise, everyone was waiting in the car already (It's a huge van..?). Everyone chatted casually while Sehun stayed quiet, 'maybe he's concentrating on driving' Luhan thought. 
"Here we are." Baekhyun and Suho chimed. All twelve of them were now standing in front of a flower garden park, breaking into pairs. Of coarse it was how they were usually paired: Sehun+Luhan, Chanyeol+Baekhyun, Kris+Tao, Suho+Lay, Chen+Xiumin, and Kai+Kyungsoo. As the couples skipped off to different paths, Sehun dragged Luhan to where the most beautiful flower was. 
It was a cherry blossom tree which, instead of pink blossoms, it had purple blossoms. (http://kochis.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/cherry-blossom-inversion.jpg) .Luhan, amazed, stared at the flowers as Sehun stared at him. 
"This is so beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as the angel in front of me."
Sehun kissed Luhan before he finished his sentence. 
/Day 28/
"Karaoke night tonight." Lay and Chen yelled in delight. It was around 7pm and everyone was at the karaoke house already. Everyone sang/rapped/fooled around, one song each and when it came to Sehun's turn he sang Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson. 
"I'll spread my wings and i'll learn how to fly. I'll do what it takes till I touch that sky and i'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change, and breakaway..." At the end he left everyone speechless, with tears in their eyes. 
/Going home/
"Sehun-ah, that was beautiful. Sing it for me again." Kai chirped. 
"Not now hyung." 
"Didn't you hear? I have one day left and then I have to check in the hospital and then I might die there!" Luckily EXOm was in a different car. 
"Lets take your mind off things and rest tomorrow." Kyungsoo said, breaking the silence. The car stop. 
"We're here-" Their manager sang. Sleepy, everyone said goodnight, walked into their rooms and slept. 
/Day 29 at noon/
'Where's everyone? What day is it?' He stopped in front of the kitchen. Everyone was eating silently, Luhan, slightly crying still. Sehun, trying to brighten the mood, skipped in. 
"So what's for breakfast, hyung?" Sehun sat himself down next to his Lulu. Luhan sighed and walked out, small sniffles here and there. Sehun got up and followed after him. 
"Hyung?" Luhan slowly turned around. 
"Why what?"
"Why didn't you tell me about your heart disease?" 
'Crap he's crying'
"I didn't want you to worry about me. I wanted you to have a good time."
"When were you planning to tell me?"
"Chanyeol said he would tell you when I was at the hospital. How did you find out?"
"Last night, from Kris, when we were coming home. I wanted to talk to you last night but you were already sleeping." He turned and started walking away from him. But he stopped and without turning around he asked,
"How long do you have left?" 
"This is my last day at the dorm. Tomorrow I might have to go to the hospital. Hell knows if i'll live after." Even though Luhan didn't turn around Sehun could tell he was crying. 
"S-stay a-away from m-me."
"What? We should spend this day together. It's our last time we can see each other happy."
"I don't want you to die. I can't live without you. Don't leave me." 
"Hyung.." Sehun wrapped his arms around his waist. 
"I'll wait for you. I promise. Besides you will visit me at the hospital, right?" Luhan smiled. 
"Of coarse." 
"What movie are you watching guys?" 
"Sherlock Holmes and the Game of Shadows."
"Oooooh." They all laughed, forgetting about  what was going to happen. As the movie neared the end everyone was quiet with a few screams here and there. 
"That was a good movie."
"Scary a little but good." 
"Yeah, but the part when-" Luhan pushed Sehun into the closest room he could find. He pushed him against the wall there, crashing their lips together. All of a sudden Tao walked in with Kris. 
"I see you guys are having fun in little Tao's room."  
"Oh. K-kris. I didn't check the room. I'm sorry." Luhan stuttered. 
"Go do your business in your own room." Tao pouted. They did as they were told but instead of continuing they slept. 
/Early next morning/
Sehun was at the table writing a note to Luhan. When suddenly he felt his heart aching. He ran to Chanyeol and Baekhyun's room waking them up, but instead of telling them he out again. Waking up at the hospital, he saw a red-eyed Baekhyun and a sniffling Chanyeol. 
"What happened?"
"You fainted just when you woke us up." Chanyeol was still crying. He was scared because of what the doctor said. He spoke up. 
"B-baekhyun, tell him."
"I can't. It's hard.."
"It's alright guys. I know I have to stay here for a while."
"Sehun. You have a week left. If the doctors can't help you in that week then...." Chanyeol started crying again.  
"Everyone will come later today, just for a visit. We will all visit everyday but Luhan will stay here at night with you." 
Sehun was now heartbroken. He knew that it would be hard for luhan to loose him, for Luhan always got too clingy to things he loved the most. 'How's Luhan gonna take what they just said?' 
/before operation (next week)/
"Luhan, if I don't make it. I want you to promise me you'll never take off your couple ring."
"I promise. I will always love you Oh Sehun. Even though it looks like I like someone else my heart will always belong to you. But you have to promise me something."
"What is it?"
"Wait for me. Stay strong. Try to live, for me." 
"I will try my hardest hyung." They shared one last kiss, then Sehun was pushed to the operating room. Luhan was now in the waiting room with the other members, praying that Sehun's life would be back to normal. Hours of waiting past, when finally the doctor came out. A sad look on his face. 
"I am deeply sorry, but he didn't make it." They all broke into tears, even Tao. 
"Thank you for your help." Kris replied. Once the doctor left, Chanyeol spoke up. 
"Luhan, Sehun wanted you to have this." He handed him a small, white box. 
"W-what's this?" He opened it. Inside were pictures of him and Sehun and a note. The note said,
'Dear lulu, 
So I hope this gets to you. I guess if you did, it would be after you find out about...it. So all I wanted to say is that I love you very much and I want you to remember that. I hope you will find someone who will return your love ^_^ 
Hehe, I guess I wasn't meant for you. I love you Luhan I can never stop loving you. I know you'll be able to move on and find someone else. I guess we were never meant to be. If I died it could be a sign that you deserve someone better.  Love, Sehun <3' 
Luhan started to cry. 
"I-i never knew he thought that way." He handed the note to Chanyeol. He read it out loud. 
"Luhan, I know how you feel." Suho brought him to the hall. 
"H-how? I n-never knew you l-loved someone."
"I know you feel like Sehun never loved you, but he did. He never liked the idea of EXO living in different dorms, and when you went to China he and I would always cry. "
"Y-you're dating someone in EXOm??"
"My point is I used to think that Lay didn't or couldn't return my feelings for him because he was straight or something, but when I told him I found out he liked me too. Anyways, didn't Lay tell you?"
"Hmph. And he said he told everyone already." Luhan sighed and walked back to the room where EXO was. 
"Yixing you never told me you were dating Suho." Lay blushed. 
"Well you never asked." Suho walked in. 
"You said that you'd tell them."
"Baby i'm sorry." He walked over and kissed him on the lips. Then they started to make out.
"Hey guys I think we aren't supposed to kiss in the hospital." Chen mumbled. "Shut up Jongdae." Lay yelled back. Everyone laughed. Their manager showed up. 
"It's time to go back to our dorms guys." 
/back home Luhan's P.O.V./
Once we got back, I felt like the place was empty. Looking into MY room I saw all of his stuff on his bed. Tears flooded my eyes. Just looking at his things reminds me of all our good times. That's why I ran to that certain spot that we had our last date. The sun was setting like it had a few weeks back. It made the clouds glow a beautiful orangey-pink color. 
"Sehun why did you leave me??" I cried out. I don't care if people see me now. I want them to know that I love my Sehun very much. 
"I hate you, you stupid boy. You messed with me and now you think it's okay to leave?? I loved you and I still do. Don't you realize that?! Why did I have to fall in love with you? Why did you leave me? I need you so I can live. You can't just think i'd forget about you easily. I loved you. I still ing love you but you're not here to share my love. How am I supposed to move on when I can't let go. Let go of my times with a beautiful angel. All the times when we'd have secret dates. All the times when we sat around and do nothing. They're all gone now that you are too. I hate you for leaving me." A few tears staining my shirt, the others staining my once happy face. "I hate you so much. You told me that I should look for someone else, that you don't deserve me. But I can't. Because I can never let you go. Now i'm telling you, that you could've spent your life with someone else but you didn't. That means you were actually willing enough to stay. I don't think i'll be able to find someone like you. That's why you'll never Breakaway from my heart."
*hides in a dark corner* I wrote this a loooooooong time ago. About 1000000 years or so. The plot is....you know..
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Chapter 1: ........................
sick =_=
what kind of sick
asinmen #3
please don't let sehun die, jebal