Fish-sticks and Kim-chi


Chapter 1


Kyungsoo ran furiously towards a small distance which he didn’t even know, it was like he was chased by a mad dog from the back. His adrenaline made his heart beats much quicker and faster than a real human should. He almost lost his breathe while running a while ago, but, whatever was in his hands, was what he has to kept safe at all times.


“Yah! STOP! I said stop!” The old man screamed at the top of his lungs. His voice echoed throughout the small alley he was running in.


The small alley was still welcoming a running bald man. Chasing that small petite male, that has no morals at all. Is there even such boy who would exist these days? Thought that bold-old man.


Kyungsoo ran like there was no tomorrow, forgetting everything else but that one thing he was holding onto. That thing was his ultimate possession. He forgot how many times he did that thing. He still doesn’t regret it. What’s the most important thing was, his stomach, grumbling like a dying whale at that moment.


The marathon continued until there, he saw people, lots of them at the other side of the streets. He starts to run through the crowded ground, making it easier for little Kyungsoo here to escape himself from that bold ahjusshi.


He doesn’t care, what happens, let it be. What’s more important? This thing is going inside my throat and my dying stomach, Kyungsoo deadpanned on the inside, as he eyed the ‘item’ he was holding. He could even daydream even though he was running for his life at that moment.


Because of his ‘neglect’ of focus on his way, he became obsessed on thinking about that ‘thing’ he’s holding onto, he forgot to look at the front and yet his feet kept rushing on the way. His body kept swaying its way, trying to avoid any circumstances of hitting someone.


How could it be like this? Today is my UN-lucky day. Like the usual, Kyungsoo would avoid getting caught at what he is used and like to do, but this time? He failed. And yet, he was now being chased!


Like the old and hairy Apes in the jungle, Kyungsoo! Watch out where you’re going!




Kyungsoo almost flipped to his back. He fell on his bum when he hit a suddenly opened car door right in front of him. Only god knows how much his bum hurts that second.


“Ouch!” He yelped loudly. He looked at the item or so called the ‘thing’ he was holding onto all this time, “Thank goodness it didn’t fell. If it did…” Kyungsoo mumbled to himself but he kept a smile on his face. He starts to get up. His anger begins to boil.


A young looking man walked out of the fine car, wearing a loosened pink with blue stripes long sleeved shirt, a long black slack and a shiny black shoe to get along with.


“Miss, are you okay?” The other male asked, with a concerned look.


He looked a bit shocked. Well, who wouldn’t? He was just opening his car door, when suddenly his innocent door got smack hard from the other side. Thank GOD he didn’t let his left leg out, if he did, he would now be crying of his lost leg.


Kyungsoo fixed his t-shirt. The small baseball-cap he was wearing was fixed too. Kyungsoo, with his small temper, stabilized his chest pumping up and down. “What the hell, dude?!  Are you blind or what? Didn’t you see I was about to run here? Why is it, do you happen to have to open your door when I have the sudden urge to run? You’re lucky I’m not hurt! If I was, I would sue you a million won’s, dude!”


Kyungsoo spluttered every piece of word that he could think of. He knew it was HIS own fault, but he put the other one to blame. Well, let’s pretend he’s the one to blame, okay?! Kyungsoo left no sorries in his long angered speech. No civilization.


The other one looked terribly sorry but then.. His reaction changed. What the hell?! Wasn’t she’s the one that hit my innocent baby?! Why the am I here to be blamed for?! And I was the one being punished in front of this crowd. Who could stand this? He thought.


“Eh, Miss! You’re the one who bumped or a.k.a hit my baby. Why are you mad at me? Anyways, this is a parking space, Mister. Everyone, who is just everyone will park their car or a.k.a their vehicles outside this building.” The male said with a stern yet cocky voice, His hands sturdily shoved at the building right next a few feet’s from him and Kyungsoo.


“And plus, there are a lot of places in South Korea that you can train your tri-marathon at. Why did you even pick the place that is right in front of my company? Huh? If you want to play tag, why don’t you go join the kindergarten kids? I’m sure they would love to have you company.” He added with much sinister in his tone.


Kyungsoo. Shocked. Omo, he looked like the shy one at first. But when his mouth’s is wide open, Mighty Mouth Shorry would even fit in there. My beautiful ears… Omo, did he just call me a ‘Miss’? Kyungsoo brushed his front hair to the side, with his gangster ‘style’.


“What the? What’s your problem, Mister? Why the hell are you calling me a ‘Miss’? What? Do you think you’re good enough wearing PINK today? What the hell does a guy would think he would be a very much handsome in pink?” Kyungsoo muttered the last sentence slowly, more grumping.


The other male bit his lip, holding his anger in.


“What are you? A guy, or a girl? Or are you a -“Before he could finish his sentence, a beautiful punch was dedicated to his delicate cheeks, compliance from Kyungsoo himself.


The male’s face went to the right side, hard. His hands quickly went its way to his left cheeks. His sight went blurry for a while there, and his cheeks stinged like hell. What th- He freaking hit me? This small kid HIT ME?! This is by far too much! Before he could respond back a much more physical attempt, he was stopped by a scream from the back.


“Young man! Please hold that small girl for me!” Hearing the scream made Kyungsoo’s eyes round and wide. With all that is left in him, he starts to walk away, before he could even get a few steps away, his wrist was grabbed by the shy-but-arrogant man.


“YAH! WHAT THE- LET GO OF ME! LET GO!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. Kyungsoo rebelled, hitting the other’s hand on his. The other laughed sinisterly.


Just now this person is an towards me, and now? Almost crying like a girl. Wait, is this a guy or a girl? If I would say this little kid here is a girl, I don’t see any s on her.


Kyungsoo stopped struggling as the other male was deep in his thoughts. He had no choice. Yes, I have to do this! He crossed. With all that he has in him, even if there was a bit sympathy towards the male in front of him, he had to do this! This was the only way of him to be freed my this guy! Kyungsoo swinged his knees upwards.


The grip on his arms loosened as suddenly his arms were freed. The other male’s face was flushed red and his hands were getting hold of his trouser, holding in the pain. With that, Kyungsoo quickly jogged himself away, quickly.


Before he can take any more steps,




Kyungsoo yet fell again on the cement floor. He looked up, yet, he hit another opened car door. He cursed himself on the inside. He stands up, but it was too late. The old ahjusshi that chased her through-out her ‘marathon’ got hold of him.


“Ahjusshi! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to steal at all!” Kyungsoo shredded out loud, as the old ahjusshi starts to get hold of his shirt’s collar. Kyungsoo did the same.


“What the- Yah, you little Schmitz. I’ve counted a lot of times, you’ve got hold of my fish-stick more than 30 times already! Give it back!” The old ahjusshi rammed away the stick Kyungsoo was holding onto all this time.


“Aish, ahjusshi! I didn’t even took that much! It’s just one stick. Don’t be so selfish, ahjusshi. You didn’t lose any proportions of money at all.” Kyungsoo said back in a much more ‘diva’ tone. The old ahjusshi looked at Kyungsoo with narrowed eyes.


“Yah, ahjusshi! Bring her to the station.” The other male who Kyungsoo just ‘knocked’ before, said from the back with his angered look. “Huh? Station? The bus station?” Kyungsoo asked with a confused look on him. The other almost face palmed.


“The police station. Go rot in jail for what you did.” The other male replied.


Kyungsoo’s eyes widen. “What?! The police station?!” Kyungsoo almost screamed. “Don’t tell I’m going to jail because of this ahjusshi’s not-so-tasty-fish-stick-at-all food? He said this is a fish-stick. I don’t taste any fish at all.” Kyungsoo continued, not realizing he just criticised the food he stole.


“Why you little- If it’s not that ‘tasty’, why did you even steal them on the first place?! Let’s go, you’re following me to the police station!” The old ahjusshi said coldly. The other male laughed sarcastically at Kyungsoo.


“Krystal help mee!!” Kyungsoo cried between tears.



“What you did really embarrassed me, you know that?” Krystal deadpanned and turned her head towards Kyungsoo rapidly. She knocked Kyungsoo’s head with her knuckles.


Kyungsoo sniggered impatiently and mumbled something quietly. He rubbed his pinkish-red neck after he was almost got choke to death by that old-ugly-bald ahjusshi a.k.a the owner of that fish-stick stall. His neck still stings at that moment.


“Since when have you started doing these horrible things?” Krystal started before humping her bum beside Kyungsoo harshly. “There’s plenty of things you could do around here, why the hell do you have to steal that freaking prawn-stick?” She continued. “Since when does it involve a prawn-stick?” Kyungsoo replied, his intention on correcting Krystal’s sentence made him receive a knock on the head instead of an applause.


“My mouth, my words.” Krystal muttered under her breathe, hiding her embarrassed face. Krystal gazed at Kyungsoo again, “If you want to steal next time, you should try stealing some fried chickens, some bottle of Soju’s or heck! Even Ice-cream would do. Oh and what did you steal? A piece of fish-ball stick that cost 1,000 won’s each. Each! And then run away. Which you make it look like you’ve just stole a freaking billion won from the country’s bank. And now you’ve got caught. Thank goodness that, that old ahjusshi agrees to compromise with me. I paid 40,000 freaking wons for your freaking behaviour.

If he didn’t agree, there you go, rot in jail until New Year’s Eve, with me, visiting you while bringing some ty soju and Kimchi for you.” Krystal paused for a bit after seeing Kyungsoo almost dozing off beside her. She nudged his waist, making the older eyes shot open.


Aish, this kid, with her nags and all… My gawd, my beautiful ears… But it was my fault though, I should just listen, Kyungsoo blinked ‘innocently’ in front of Krystal.


Kyungsoo opened his mouth, “It’s a freaking fish-stick! Not a freaking fish-ball! How many times do I have to tell you? What the- You’re over-reacting, sis. The hell does jails have to do with what I did? Why, do you really want to meet up with a prisoner? What I did never involve billions of won, Heck, it was just a 1,000 won food. If I did get into jail, it wouldn’t go that far until New Year’s, right?” Kyungsoo’s voice suddenly softens at the end of his words.


Krystal sighed heavily and turned towards the television screen a few feet’s away from her.


“Oh yeah? I over-reacted, right?” She said slowly remembering what she said about the prisoning stuff until New Year’s. Well, that was kind of stupid too. She puts up her weird and creepy smile up.


Kyungsoo looked at her and glared coldly at her. Annoyed.


“If you want to know, it has been more than 30 times I’ve stolen the fish-stick at that old ahjusshi’s stall. You paid 40,000 wons, right? That means you’ve paid back all the payments of the food I took.” He explained with a small grin, his eyes turned crescent moon and his cheeks rose. Krystal bit her lower lips in anger. She trapped the feeling inside, knowing that Kyungsoo would always find a way to answer back whatever she has to say. She knew what that male is capable of.


“If you want some money to buy food, you can always ask me for some money, Kyung. Who am I in your life? Kyung, you’re an orphan. We both are an orphan. If anything bad happens to you, I would be in trouble. You are my obligation. I’m your obligation. Well, until you get married, of course. We live together for almost 15 years now. Don’t tell me you’re still awkward around me.”


Kyungsoo looked forward. He started to have this small flashback about his life. He let out a soft sigh. Kyungsoo knew he was a Do, he was never a Jung. Kyungsoo became an orphan when he was age 8. He was adopted by the Jung’s when he was 9, The Jung’s had two beautiful daughters. The oldest was named Jessica, while the youngest was named Krystal. Even though they were never blood-related, Jessica and Krystal welcomed Kyungsoo with open hands.

Kyungsoo preferred Jessica more than Krystal because the oldest as she would always say wise things. But after the Jung’s parents died in a small car-crash 8 years ago, they left three children behind as an orphan. The three moved to Seoul a few years later, when Jessica got an offer to one of the high-class University there. Jessica used her savings and rented a small apartment that has three rooms and two bathrooms, a kitchen, one living room and a store. Kyungsoo tried to work to add up the family’s statement, but Jessica didn’t let him, as he was just 17 at that time.

Now, Jessica is busy with her newly opened boutique, and Krystal is now also busy, working under a big company, unknown by Kyungsoo.


Krystal felt guilty as she saw Kyungsoo’s expression turned sober. She cleared and asked for Kyungsoo’s attention. “Kyung, I’m so sorry if what I’ve said hurted your feelings. I just wanted you to know that we are in the same position. Umma and Uppa left us. I want you to be somebody useful. If you don’t have any money, you have to say it to me. I can give you some, if I have enough money of course. What about your favourite ramen? I just refilled new stocks in the cabinet last week, why didn’t you cook or make some ramen for yourself?” Krystal leaned closer to Kyungsoo.


Krystal knew, without Kyungsoo’s bright smile, her life would be empty. Her foster-brother was everything she had after her own sister, Jessica. Even if Kyungsoo is a bit of a nagger-harsh-hot headed-tempered (isn’t that the same?) Krystal still loved him. Krystal knew what that male is feeling.


“I’m ashamed of you, Krys. You always helped me. I’ve been out of job since three months ago. And to add it all, I’m your oppa.” He replied softly, eyes on his lap.


Krystal smiled and suddenly she stood up with a few sways on her body. Kyungsoo stared at her in disbelieve.


“What the-“


“ *Lyrics to Change* “ Krystal danced to the song she was singing following with a few sways on her . Kyungsoo’s eyes turned big. Krystal kept jumping in a hyper mode. Kyungsoo knew how Krystal can dance well, but what she was dancing of HyunAh - Change was too sloppy and creepy.


“Guys I’m ho- What the-“Jessica was flabbergasted as she saw her own sister dancing like a crazy girl in the living room. Kyungsoo quickly raised his hands and shake his head. “I’ve had nothing to do with this.” He said, gushingly and shoved his hands to the side many times.


Krystal ignored his sister’s appearance and continued dancing anyways. “Sis! Come and join meh!” Krystal shocked her body in a vibrate mode. Jessica’s eyes were big enough to even pop out of her beautiful face. She walked to the couch near Krystal, took a small pillow and threw it at her younger sister. “Stop dancing, you’re creeping everyone out.” Jessica quickly left as she knew Krystal would chase after her.


The pillow perfectly hit Krystal’s face; the girl frowned and stopped dancing and singing.


“Yah! Unnie! That hurts!” She starts her marathon followed by Kyungsoo’s adorable laugh. Jessica was pulled back when Krystal grabbed her waist-height blazer. The older took it off and ran to the living room, hiding behind the standing Kyungsoo. Krystal grabbed a pillow and urged Kyungsoo to move.


“Nuh-uh! She’s your Unnie!” Kyungsoo said sternly, it was pretty hard for him to keep his laugh. Krystal snorted and wrinkled her nose. She hit Kyungsoo with the pillow she was holding.


“Hah! Pillow fight!” Jessica suddenly yelled from the back and starts to grab as many small shaped pillows that she can find.


Kyungsoo continued to chase after Krystal when Jessica was busy hitting Krystal with the pillow she was holding as well. They continued on the pillow fight until mid-night. They forgot everything about their anger and sorrows. Everything they knew about the Fish-sticks was long-forgotten. That’s how they live in. Even though a few sadness lives in them as they recall themselves as orphans, but the happiness that locates in their hearts are still expressed and remembered.



Kai walked into his office, slightly limping. His eyes kept glistering as he bit his lip in pain. Why is he so unlucky today? After having his lunch with a few clients of his, he met up with a person whose gender is still unknown. From the tone of the other person, he thought of it was a guy, but with that small petite body of his? Kai sighed slowly, setting his slowly on his office chair as the pain wouldn’t go away.


“That freaki- In so many freaking places, why does she have to hit at that place? No, that person must be a ‘She’, a ‘guy’ would absolutely know how much it farking hurts hitting at that one place. Yes, she’s a ‘she’.” Kai deadpanned, confident with his conclusion, he smiled in excessively.


Kai turned his head as he heard a few knockings on the door. “Come in.” He commanded.


“Dude, is that the way you greet your friend?” Joonmyeon walked in with a smile. “Ah-Suho-sshi, come in!” Kai said with a smiled. Joonmyeon didn’t have to hear it twice as he walked in, and sat on the sofa set placed in the middle of the office.


Kai was about to stand up and walk up to his friend, but he stopped on his tracks and sat back down with an expression unexplainable by his friend. Joonmyeon or known as Suho walked up to him. “What happened to you?” He asked suddenly when he saw wrinkles formed on Kai’s forehead. Kai shook his head.


“I’ve just met an awesome human-being downstairs in front of this company. With all that that person has, she hit my ‘manhood’ using her knees. The happened to moral kids these days?!” Kai said back with a hurtful look, still in pain. The other just chuckled. Suho walked Kai and himself to the sofa’s placed in Kai’s office.


Kai placed his slowly yet steadily on the soft couch there, while Suho took the sofa the opposite side of Kai.


“So… why did you come here? It’s been almost a month now since you’ve visited me. Why, did you miss me?” Kai said with a small playful smirk which gains a pillow being throwed in his way.


“What? ‘Miss you’? As if, ahjusshi. Better off me missing my own girlfriend rather than missing you. I wouldn’t get anything if I miss you.” Suho complied with a snotty facial. Kai laughed slowly. “Then why did you come? Don’t tell me you just came for a small tour around my office?”


“Dude, stop being such an idiot. I was out of the country for a few work deals at Japan. I just came back after a few weeks there. I came here just to ask you, I’ve heard about your active works on hiring nannies these days for your children’s. Is it true?” Suho explained. Kai led out a soft sigh, again.


“I don’t know, Suho. I’ve hired like almost 20 person to take care of those kids, not a single person could stand up to their behaviour’s. The longest was only five days, after that they would run away. Those kids really stressed me out.” Kai said before rubbing his nape and closed his eyes.


When he thought of his children’s ‘nannies’ problems, none of his stress would be relieved. His children’s are too hard-headed, thinking they’re old enough and starts of their pranks on every single nanny he hired just to get them go away. He was at a fix-end. He couldn’t think of a way to ease his children’s composure and behaviour’s as well.


“Haven’t you tried searching for their mother?” Suho asked with a raised eyebrow without noticing the question would shot across Kai’s heart.


Kai turned his head away; He himself didn’t know how this thing happened actually. All this long, he thought what he did was the best he could do to get his own happiness. But like always, the sunny day would always be shined off by heavy rain. The angel he thought who was perfect turned him down as what he built crashed. The ‘love’ he thought was lived through lies.

Everything, about love with engagement and marriage, there’s no need to ask.  Don’t follow up the rules on getting engaged and bring love after that, those are the bull-s in marriage. Kai stood still as a single-appa even though he was never married to begin with. Being a father, without the feeling of getting loved and being loved by somebody. That was what Kai had been through, he swallowed everything in and deemed them all.


Suho stared at Kai, waiting for an answer. But nothing came out from Kai’s lips as the other male was busy with his deep-thoughts.




How was it? a bit as it’s the first chapter. I’m so sorry! I wrote this when I got back to my village. Yeah. No internet reception here the hell out of meh. Anyways, feel free to comment or to dislike or whatever you guys do these days >.< The epic moments starts next chapter?



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I like this story!
Hurry up authornim!
platinumdrops #2
Chapter 1: Really interesting so far!
Can't wait to see how this story will develop!
lovelikerain97 #3
Chapter 1: Kai Ada anak Wei?
lovelikerain97 #4
Jgn la sebut pasal Kim in sook!!! Ko tau kn aq x than ngn dye!!!
sooooo, suho pon ada??
Chapter 1: deabak....
i like this story....
yeahhh , i'm looking forward for the next chapter love <3
this is fun!~
Chapter 1: Really good plot! First chapter and it's action already.
It sounds FUN :D
i cant wait for this...