
Happily Ever After

Your POV

I start pacing back and forth in my dressing room as my friends tell me to just sit down and let them finish getting me ready for my wedding that’s in half an hour.

“How can I? Oh man Kevin and I have been planning this for four years. Four years! We thought it’d be earlier than this.”

“I know sweetie but realize you two found out you were pregnant the next month and then the trial against your dad and his men lasted far longer than it should of.”

I sigh as I nod.

I hear a slight giggling then a knocking at the door as my almost four-year-old daughter walks into the room with a bouquet of beautiful white roses with small blue bells to add more color.

“Mommy, daddy told me to give this to you,” she hands me the flower and as I lean down she kisses my cheek.

I look at my shy little girl, “Did he ask you to give me a kiss as well?”

She giggles and laughs as she nods her head.

I smile and fix it so that her hair is inn cute long curls. I pick up a blue bell and place it in her hair so that you would notice anywhere. I take out another blue bell, place it in my black curly hair, and smile at my daughter pointing to it.

She laughs jumping up and down, “We match, mommy.”

“Yes, we do.”

She giggles more and point to me and asks, “Where are your wings and halo?”

“What do you mean sweetie?”

“Mommy is an angel. Where are your wings and halo?”

I chuckle and pull her close to me, “You can’t see them just like no one can see yours.”

“Mommy how did you and daddy meet again?”

I look back at my daughter and then the time in seeing that I have enough time to tell her the story. I sit down and tell them that they can finish my makeup and anything else.

I look back at my daughter pulling her into my lap, “Let’s see me and daddy met years ago when we were still kids. Right away we knew we loved each other but it was a forbidden love.”

“Like daddy’s song?” she asks me excited.

“Yes,” I chuckle, “Much like Forbidden Love.”

She smiled up at me and gives me the look that says continue.

“We met when I was on a trip visiting some people that my father knew in California. I remember I was in great trouble with my father that day and your daddy helped me hide for a while.

I needed to hide. I looked around to see a cute glasses wearing boy who looked Korean walking down the street with a few friends.

I ran up to him and asked him in Korean, “Can you help me?”

“What why?” he answered in English.

I looked behind me to see my bodyguards/babysitters running down the sidewalk, “I’ll give you a hundred dollars.”

The boy looked at me and said, “You’re kidding right?”

I pulled out a hundred dollar American bill, held it out, and stated in English, “If you help me you get this.”

I looked behind me to see that they are getting closer and soon it wouldn’t matter who’s in front of me I’ll be doomed. He looked at me and I think he had seen the panic written on my face because right away he takes my hand and pulls me along yelling for his friends to follow.

We raced all the way to the harbor that was four city blocks away. We spent the entire day there until soon everyone started to leave and all was left was Kevin and me. I had learned his name earlier and I had yet to give him my name.”

It’s cute when my daughter gives me a disapproving glare.

“Finally he asked me what my name was. I sat there in the sand playing with it. Slowly I tell him my first name and say that I’d rather not say my last name.

He looked around and sighed, “Sorry but I have to go. I hope to see you again.”

I look away ashamed, “Sorry but I’m going back to Seoul tomorrow. Today I was finally able to have fun well I was here.”

I smile as I run up on the dock and smile back at him and put a finger to my lips, “If anyone asks you have no idea who I am, okay?”

I handed him the hundred dollar bill that I had promised him and smiled. He nodded as I slipped into a boat and jumped around until it looked like I was a safe distance away from him.  Slowly I tried to make my way to the other side of the harbor that way but my foot had slipped causing me to fall in the water.

Back then, I didn’t know how to swim back then so all I could do was try to stay afloat and grab a hold of one of the boats next to me. All I remember after that was your father jumping in and pulling me out of the water. I surprised him when I simply took the jacket he had handed me and walked away after thanking him.”

“But mommy how did you two meet again? You said you went back home leaving daddy here.”

I laugh and again check the time sighing still have enough time to tell one short story on how Kevin and I became just that.

“Well when your dad was 15 he had tried out to become a singer. They had accepted him so in doing so he had moved to Seoul to train. When he had showed up at school, I remembered him right away but of course, I had changed from the little girl that I once was to a troubled teenager.

I was getting in fights all the time because people didn’t like that I was different and who my father was. Still that was something we could agree upon since I didn’t care for my father either.

I had looked after your father as I saw how he had changed from the shy boy into what still was a shy teenager.

I stayed hidden not wanting him to be pulled into my life. It seemed to take far longer than before to be pulled together again.

It wasn’t until our last year in high school where he had finally noticed me. I think he might have dealt with how I had worn my hair up one day showing my face so that everyone could see. Since my entire high school life, I had worn my hair down and in my face.

He had come up to me and said, “Do I know you? I feel like I know you from somewhere.”

I laughed in his face, “Well we’ve been going to the same school for the last how many years.”

He shook his head, “No that’s not what I meant. Had you ever been to America?”

Before I could lie my only friend Tasha answer for me, “Yea that’s surprising. She left for an entire month and spent it in Cali.”

I almost wanted to hit her but instead I keep calm and just settle for giving her a look, “Tasha shouldn’t you be in detention.”

“No, Mr. Kim is passed out drunk again.”

I sighed and looked at her, “Great beginning of the year and I already want to hit you, Tash.”

She laughed and skipped away probably to find her boyfriend. Still I stood their worried about what he would say.

“So you were in California? Which city?”

I couldn’t lie to to him. I told him which city in California I had gone to and finally it seemed that he had a light bulb flash above his head.

“Oh you’re the hundred dollar girl?”

I laughed in his face and told him, “Yes and I don’t think I can bribe you to leave me alone can I?”

He shook his head, “Nope, not this time.”

Again, I laughed and smiled, “So what can I bribe you with?”

“I don’t know how about a date?”

“A date… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Please” I remember wanting to pinch his cheeks since his start doing aegyo.

“Alright one date.”

It’s hard to believe that I had agreed knowing the dangers I was putting your father in. Still I’m glad I agreed since I wouldn’t have had you and be happy as I am right now.”

“Mommy I love you.”

I kiss my daughter’s nose and she giggles kissing my nose. I look in the mirror.

I pat one of my friends shoulders, “Can you take a picture of me and AeSook together?”

She nods her head taking out a camera and snaps a few pictures of my daughter and me together. Then we get pictures together. Soon there’s a knock at the door. I open the door to see Kevin’s father standing there looking proud.

“You look beautiful, ____.”

“Thank you, Mr. Woo.”

“You can call me dad you know that right?”

I nod blushing a tad bit, “Yes, I do its just a little weird for me.”

He laughs and looks to see Ae Sook standing behind me like a good little girl that she is.

“Oh hi there are you here asking your mommy to tell you stories?”

Ae sook nods well she grips on my dress with her small hands.

“Well I’m here to tell you guys that the wedding is about to start.”

The girls squeal making me want to tear out my eardrums even if it means never hearing my soon to be husbands sweet voice again.

Slowly the girls start walking down the aisle with U-Kiss who are Kevin’s best men. When the bride’s march starts playing slowly my little girl starts walking down throwing flowers as she walks down the aisle we decided that she would also be the ring barrier so the rings are in a smaller basket hanging from where she’s holding onto the flower basket.

As I make my way to Kevin, I feel lighter and lighter.

(Skip to Vows)

Kevin pulls out a sheet of paper and slowly opens the paper.  When he unfolds his vows, Ae Sook reaches up and connects our hands together.

Clearing his throat, he starts reading, “I never thought that I would be this nervous again, but here I am on our wedding day feeling like I might faint. It’s not like a first performance or a test. No this is a nervousness where I realize I’m about to jump and down in joy because from today forth I’m going to spend the rest of my life with the woman who I love. It’s more then when I first met you or even when I asked you out on our first date. In through the thick and thin we’ve always stuck together show others how much we mean to each other. I’m glad that today I get to call you my wife. For there’s been nothing else I’ve ever wanted to call you.  Even when we met when we were ten I know that I had fallen in love with you. When we met again when we were 15, I was afraid for a long time that you didn’t realize it was me until we spoke later when we were almost done with highschool, to think that I could have missed out at being with you. So today you have now stolen my heart but my last name where we get to give it to our pride and joy, Ae Sook.”

I smile and almost want to jump over to him and give him a kiss. I stick to covering my mouth as tears of happiness overflow.

Its now my turn to read my vows, “Today we add a happily ever after to our Romeo and Juliet story. To many our love is forbidden but like Romeo and Juliet we did not care for all we felt for one another has always been deep love.  What people need to realize that in every love story forbidden love does not lead them to love each other but a red string that connects us together as soul mates. I had never believed in that when I was growing up but as I had grown to know you I wished for this to be nothing but the truth. Now here I stand happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Here I stand with you now my loving husband and our little girl. This is the end of just a small part of our story and a beginning of a new. You may be famous and travel around the world, but I’ve always know that with you in my heart I’ll never be alone and without your love. I had fallen in love with you when we were 10 because all I saw was a cute kind young boy who wanted to help me. I had never thought we would see each other again but when I saw you when we were 15 I knew right away that you had become tied to my life. I had worried about it for years soon I had stopped caring and let us be pulled together. So here I stand today to become your loving wife. Here I stand agreeing to be your wife and love only you and our daughter for the rest of our lives.”

Someone shouts, “Hey what if there’d ever be more?”

I answer them without thinking, “Then I’d love how many children we have just the same.” I laugh slightly and blush as I speak.

Kevin smiles and pulls my hand up to his lips kissing it.

(Okay so fast forward to the Pronouncement of them as a married couple)

“I now pronounce you husband husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

We smile and I lean forward and kiss my husband. I hear my daughter make fake gags as I look down at her she runs up to us and take a hold of our hands. She looks at the rings and gushes over them. I laugh since she helped us pick them out.

Everyone sits at their designated tables in front of the table Kevin and I are sitting at with his parents and our daughter. Also with the bridesmaids and the grooms men.

Soon its time for us to cut the cake since we had it so that would be first. As we cut the cake more pictures are taken and we simply go along with it. I pick up a piece of cake with Kevin and we go to place it on the place as we do I notice I have some frost on my hand so I wipe the frosting on Kevin’s nose. He scrunches it up and I laugh at how cute he looks. He wipes some on my nose and we laugh at each other. He reaches foreword to take my face and kisses the frosting off and then I do the same.

After we cut the cake and everyone is served Kevin takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor where we will lead everyone with our first dance. We picked out for this occasion because it was in a wedding in ballet we went to see on our very first date and it was simple and beautiful dance. As the dance ends everyone is in awe and I’m smiling into Kevin’s chest as he looks down at me and gives me a sweet kiss on my lips.

Ae Sook runs up to us and says, “I want to dance with mommy and daddy like that.”

I laugh and shake my head, “Not that that but you still can dance with mommy and daddy.”

She pouts but still nods her head and takes a hold of us and we lead her into a slow and simple dance.

Today the three of us become a real family.

Today I’ve become Kevin’s wife and him my husband.

So Kevin's married now so no more Of this guys:

Kiseop's patting Kevin's for some reason

JK keep on shipping to your heart's content

Thank you for Reading this Story

Bye for Now


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Chapter 1: So sweet! Loved the gifs!
asinjud #2