
Chocolate Hazelnut


Its raining outside, and I'm sitting here... all alone. Wrapping myself with thick jacket, I went to kitchen to make myself a hot chocolate. It's so heavenly, sipping on hot drink while my finger keeps on wiping my reading glass. And I don't even read. Haha. My glasses is for fashion purpose only... really. Just because once he mentioned, he love seeing me wearing glass.




I can't imagine his face. Never. Ever. His smile tears me apart. His laugh broke me down. His touch... kills me inside. I hate this feelings. It always bring tears down to my cheek. We separated for good... since he admitted... He was cheating on me and his confession....keep lingering on my head. I shook my head to remove those painful moments of my life and wipe my tears up. Rather than crying over that useless guy...I choose to be happy. Slamming myself on bed, and start google-ing all kpop idols with abs. I better be drooling than crying. But I couldn't find any good abs. I've scrolled everywhere but none mesmerize my eyes. I closed Google and starts to check my FB when I saw his smiling face on my profile picture.




I didn't remove it yet?


I felt dejected. I felt weak.


I can't even remove his picture from my page.


How can I remove him completely from my heart?


My eyes starts welling up. I might be blind crying over you stupid! I can't stop myself from sobbing. I feels so... broken... inside. In midst of crying, my house bell ringing. I quickly grab tissue to wipe my face and run to the door.


When I opened up the door.... He's standing there..with his white and wet shirt. Water dripping from his hair. My heart starts pounding crazily seeing him in front of him. He looks at me, smiling. But I can trace sadness on his eyes.




"Don't baby me. What do you want?!"


He's staring at me shockingly, as I jerked out my anger at him. I tried hard not to cry. I don't want to look like a weakling.


"It's...our three years anniversary...happy anniversary baby.." He grabs my hand and put a gift softly onto my palm. Chocolate hazelnut wrapped in thin wrapper with cute pink ribbon. I can't feel my knees anymore. He remembers!


"I know you hate me...but I never stop loving you..." His hand slowly grazing my cheek, he leans forward and kiss my forehead. I can feel his tears flowing. I want to hug him so bad. But my ego suppress me.


"You won't cheat on me if you love me!" His face turns sad. Guilt crawling all over me, but I won't let him stepping over my dignity again.


"......... I know I was wrong. I know you won't forgive me... I know." He hugs me tightly, and I got feeling... this weird feeling that I won't be seeing him again.


"Take care baby... I'm so sorry... but I really love you.." He slowly let me go, and walk away without looking back. I can't stop crying again. Why is this so hard?


I notice there's a small note on the chocolate he gave me. I unwrapped it and start reading the note.


"Happy anniversary baby... I never cheated on you... its just.. I only have 2 months to live... I'm so sorry I kept this... I love you" I can't pull myself together anymore. How cruel I am... I can't even trust the one I love... I don't even gave him chance to explain... I was too busy jumping into conclusion and slapped him.


I can't even believe how delicate my heart was... my own ego just destroyed me.


I need to find him.


To say..I'm sorry.


I'm guilty.


I'm not understanding.


And I love him.


I couldn't care less about my appearance now. I run under heavy rain barefoot... I just need him now. I don't need anything else.


My feet stopped.... When I saw blood streaming down the road and the chocolate hazelnut slipped from my hand.


-The End-

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