the letter T_T

My precious Friend


Hyoyeon arrived home and party poppers welcome her.

“Happy B-day Hyoyeon!” everyone greeted her but her father was not yet around. All of her friends were there but there’s someone missing.

“Oppa I thought you didn’t plan a party?”

“Honestly this was not my idea. It the couple over there.” Kangin pointed at Sunny and Sungmin.

“Yah are you 2 together now for real?”

“of course if not why would we be here.”

“since when huh?”

“4 days ago, I think”

“oh………….anyway thanks guys.”

“You’re welcome here’s our gift.”

“Aigoo you should have too. You already gave me a gift since you planned it for me. Well anyway thanks…….by the way where’s junho? I haven’t see him this pass few days.”

“we also don’t know. We tried to contact him but he’s not answering his phone.”

After a moment Butler Yoon came to their mansion.

“Ms. Kim young master Junho wish you a happy b-day and he told me to give you this.” He handed her a blue velvet box and she takes it.

“Thanks Mr. Yoon, where is he anyway? He usually the 1st one to greet me.”

“I’m sorry Ms. Kim but young master told me not to tell anybody of his where about.”

“Including me Mr. Yoon?”

“Neh, including you Ms. Sunny.”

“Oh, is that so……..Anyway send my thanks to him Mr. Yoon, come and join us.”

“No need Ms. Kim I have lots of work to do. Happy b-day again.” He immediately leave and Hyoyeon was staring at the velvet box.

“Hey Hyo, wat did my cousin gave you?”

“I don’t know. I’ll just open it later.”

“Aish where did that brat went to? He didn’t even contact us.”

“Yeah right. You guys have fun first. I’ll just go to my room for a while.”

She went to her room and call Junho. It keeps on ringing but no one answer it only the voice message.

“Junho-ah, why are you not answering my call? I’m so worried please answer it I want to hear your voice, please. I have a bad feeling about it Junho, please answer my call.” She said to herself as she keeps on calling him but it’s no use.

“Aigoo Lee Junho are you hiding from me? You better answer my call or else I’ll hunt you.” She said as she was about to cry and lose her temper. She drop her phone and sit on her bed. She reach Junho’s gift and open it. It was a necklace and a bracelet and she saw a pice of paper beside it. She took the paper and read it.

Junho's Gift's (Junho is really rich kekeke ^_^)

Tiffany & Co. Open Heart Toggle Necklace and Bracelet Set $135.00 Pictures, Images and Photos

LITTLE FLOWERS Pictures, Images and Photos

Teddy Bear Jewelry Necklace Stterling Silver Hugs Kisses XOXO Pictures, Images and Photos


To my precious Hyoyeon,


Happy b-day my one and only best friend. Sorry if I didn’t able to greet you personally. Hope you like my gift. I know that you love bracelets and necklace. When I always give you some you always ask me how much is it. Don’t worry about the price anymore, i just want you to give these. I think this will be my last give for you together with our picture.(A/N Just imagine the picture of them because i'm really not good in editing pictures sorry.) This will be my last memory for you.

 I’m going to tell you something, you may find me crazy but it’s true. You know what, when you told Eunhyuk that I was your boyfriend during the party even it’s just a show, I’m really happy. When you told me that you decided to be with him again I feel hurt and I think I want to die. I almost commit a crime because of it. Do you know why? Because I love you Hyoyeon, not as a friend or a sister. I love you Kim Hyoyeon, I love you so much since where young. Even though I had a relationship with Gyuri you’re still inside my heart that’s why when she broke up with me it doesn’t hurt at all.

 My life won’t be completed by you and your sweet smile or your voice. You always try to smile and pretend nothing happen when you’re hurt. You’re a tough girl Hyoyeon that’s why I have fallen for you but you’re with Eunhyuk now and you’re getting married to him. You don’t need me anymore, so I’ll leave you to him; wish you all your happiness with the one who you really love.

I’m such a stupid person right Hyo? I didn’t even tell my true feelings for you when he broke your heart. Sorry if I don’t have the courage to tell it to you face to face. Don’t worry I won’t be a 3rd wheel on your relationship with him. Just pretend that I Lee Junho didn’t exist on your life and say all those things but I’ll still love you and no one can replace you inside my heart even though it hurts a lot to see you on other man’s arms.

If ever that we’ll see again in the future I want to see you happy on your life, but I think we won’t be seeing again, maybe in the next life of ours we’ll see again.

Goodbye Kim Hyoyeon, love of my life.


Hyoyeon was crying as she read the letter and she still can’t stop it. Tears are keep flowing from her eyes.

“Junho-ah, why didn’t you tell me about it? You’re so mean; you said that you’ll always be there for me. Who told you that I don’t need you anymore? I still need you Junho. You’re always there to cheer me up and it’s only you who can understand me very well. You should have told me your feelings for me and I’m sorry if I didn’t notice it. It was me who should call a pabo not you. Junho why did you leave without telling me?” she cried and cried and she can’t stop it. She was crying silently but as time goes by it became louder and she sobs really hard. She stared at the gift and if it will continue it will be soak by her own tears.

The others heard her cry and everyone rushed into her room.

“Dongsaengnim what happen to you. You should be happy because it’s your b-day.”

“How can I be happy oppa if someone leave because of my stupidity and that someone is my precious friend whom I treasure a lot and always there for me when I’m down. I didn’t even notice that he has feelings for me. I was blinded by my love for Eunhyuk and I was so stupid.”

“Yah what are you…….” Kangin was cut when he saw the letter and what it was written on the last part of it together with the gift.

“Dongsaengnim may I read the letter if it’s alright with you?”

She handed the letter to him and everyone get near him to read it. After they read it Sunny immediately hug her and everyone followed. She was still crying really hard and she can’t stop herself. They just let her cry because they didn’t know what to do or say to make her feel better.

“My instinct is right. Junho has feelings for my sister. He even sacrifice his love for her just make her be happy. But Junho you’re wrong you shouldn’t have leave, you should have fight for her. I don’t want Eunhyuk for her, it was you who make her happy every day and even you’re far away you always make sure that she’s alright. I know that you can be a good husband to her but you just let that jerk to take care of her. Junho make sure you’ll comeback I know that my sister feels guilty because she was blinded by her love for Eunhyuk but I can feel that he isn’t the right person for her.” Kangin said to his mind while he was still hugging her. 

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ditaprmtsr #1
Chapter 40: nice story
love JunHyo couple^^
ditaprmtsr #2
Chapter 40: nice story
love JunHyo couple^^
JunHyoLover #3
toldyah .. i love this fanfic .. JunHyo is better than HyoHyuk ... JunHyo forever ♥
PigeOnx3 #4
ur story VERY AWSOME !!! can make a new story about Junhyo?
bakekoq #5
hopefully is not only one shot.. hehe..
onairosnma #6
thanks for this!! i'd love to read more fics from you. :D
bakekoq #7
Junho doesn't know the pregnancy testing tools?<br />
haha.. lol.. it's too funny, he's too pure.. haha..<br />
Yeah,, I want SuperGeneration.. Hopefully, it's for HyoHyuk as the main.. hehe..
awww thats so cutee^^im glad juhho and hyoyeon are happy together:)
Aww~ That was cute!!! Especially at the part where Hyo gave Junho the pregnancy test! LOL, that was so so so very cute!! How naive of Junho! It was also funny. Hahaha. The test turned into a new thermometer! LOL. Anyways, i like how it ended. But a oneshot sequel would be very very nice! Just about them having their second baby. xD I'm sad too that this story already ended. ..
yayy hyoyeon and junho got married:)<br />
im so sad the story's going to end soon D: