it's for real now

My precious Friend

kekeke i just want to have a title on this chapter ^_^


Sungmin search in every club but he still can’t find her.

“Sunny-ah, where are you? I’ll die if you still won’t show up. I’ll also be insane if something happens to you.” He said to his mind and he’s now in panic.

He arrived at another club and hoping to find her inside. He searches everywhere but still there’s no sign of her. Some of the girls inside and trying to have him.

“Could you all let go of me?! I’m not interested to be with you guys, so get away from me.”

After he said those things he notice a girl dancing at the dance floor, wearing a very short revealing dress and dancing with someone. He immediately approaches the girl and held her hands.

“What do you think you’re doing Lee Sunkyu?”

“Why do you care and what are you doing here? Let go of me.”

He smelled her and she’s already drunk.

“you’re already drunk. Let’s go.”

“No way I’m not going with you.” Someone also grab her hand on the other side when Sungmin pulled her.

“Yah she told you that she won’t go with you, so let her go.”

“Stay out of here and let go of her hand if you don’t want me to beat you to death.”

“Who are you anyway and you told me all those things?”

“Well I’m her husband. Got a problem with that?”

The guy release her hand and without a word he drag Sunny out of the club and she keeps on escaping from his grip be he’s too strong. They first went to a place where they could talk.

“Yah why did you bring me here and what’s wrong with you huh?!”

He calm himself first before answer her because he’s really mad.

“did you know that I’m worried about you? Why do you keep clubbing? Aren’t you afraid that something might happen to you because of it?!”

“It’s none of your business anymore. I told you not to see me after that night. I’m doing this thing so that we’ll be free that use less wedding. So stay out of my life!”

“Why do you want to stop it so badly? If you want to slap me then go. I don’t want to see you like this.”

“You don’t know why? You’re really stupid aren’t you? If you want me to slap you I won’t do it because I can’t. I will tell you why I want to stop it so badly. Did you know that since young I’m in love with you but you won’t notice it? It’s always Cyndi that is always inside your heart. When she became your girlfriend I decided to forget my useless feelings for you. I really envy Cyndi because you love her so much even though she’s already gone. Sometimes I wonder if I was in her place will you also love me the way you love her. Or will you also fall for me if you never met her. Now that our parents’ wishes to have an arrange marriage for us, instead of being happy about it, I feel so ashamed because Cyndi is also my friend and I don’t want to steal you away from her. I’ll just be a burden to you if we got married and maybe we will also be divorced after that because I know that never in our life would love me at all like the way you love Cyndi and it’s better for me to destroy my now than to expect so much from………………………………” Sungmin kisses her before she could finish it.

 He can’t take it anymore and he’s feeling guilty of all what sunny have said to him, she’s now drunk and she can’t control her words. Sunny tried to escape from his kiss but the more she struggle the deeper the kiss that Sungmin is giving her. Sungmin’s right hand travel to the back of her head and the other one was on her waist. While sunny wrap her hands on his neck voluntarily. She kisses him back and the 2 were kissing like they don’t want to stop. Sunny was still crying and her tears are still flowing from her eyes. Sungmin feels her tears in between the kiss so he pull away for a while and wipe her tears using her thumb.

“Sunny-ah, I’m so sorry for the pain that I’ve caused. I should’ve realized it before for you not to suffer for so long. I love you sunny not as a friend or a sister but a woman whom I want to share my life forever.”

“Stop kidding around. I’m not the one who you truly loves. It was Cyndi, she’s the right person to have you not me.”

“Do you think I’ll be worrying to death and kiss you like that if I’m lying? You’re the one who knows me well Sunny. Just give me a chance please. I know that it will be hard for me to correct my mistake. Cyndi is just a memory now. You’re the one I really love and the person who I want to be for the rest of my life.”

“Sungmin, could you wake up from your little dream? I don’t want to expect too much because it will only hurt me more.”

He kisses her again and hugged her really tight

“I’m not dreaming Sunny. It’s true; I want to be with you forever.”

Sunny’s tears keep on flowing and she didn’t know what to say.

“Sungmin-ah I don’t know what to say. Is it really true or you’re just making fun of me?”

“No I’m not making fun of you do you still want me to prove it.”

“if it’s really true Cyndi will be mad at me. I promised her that I won’t marry you because you deserve her than me.”

“No she won’t she’ll be very happy about it. She’s the one who made me realize my true feelings for you. I want you to marry me, not because of our parents wish but because of……………….” He was cut when Sunny loosen her hug and tip toe to kiss him on his cheeks. He was shock of her action because he was expecting that she would walk away when she release herself from his hug.

“is that………..”

“Why you don’t want it, then I’ll just stop the wedding again.” She was about to leave but Sungmin pulled her closer to him and kiss her again.

“Do you think I’ll allow you to stop it? No way Lee Sunkyu, you’ll be my wife whether you like it or not, and I won’t let other guys touch you even a single thread of your hair or else I will go wild and I might not control myself to do it, you know what I mean right? Also I will also pursue our wedding in just a month.”

“Araso. So I can I still go?”

“Aniyo you’re mine and no one can have you aside from me.”

“Aigoo, so you’re a possessive type of person.”

“yes I am so beware of it I’ll really do it if you’ll be naughty. I’ll send you home now and I’ll tell auntie and uncle that our wedding will take place.”

He drive her to her home and while inside the car Sunny remembers something.

“Oppa, you left Hyoyeon and Junho at the restaurant?”

“Neh, because I have to search for you, but I think they already left.”

“try to call him.”

Sungmin called Junho’s phone and good thing that he answered it.

“Junho-ah did you already left the restaurant?”

“Of course pabo. It’s already close. Anyway have you found my cousin?”

“neh, she’s with me now. Where’s Hyoyeon?”

“Aigoo, she already drunk and I didn’t able to send her home but I already called kangin-hyung that she’ll sleep at our place.”

“ok, same thing here, your cousin is also drunk but she’s still with her senses.”

Sunny immediately grab Sungmins earphone that is connected to the phone because it’s not allowed to use a hand phone while driving.

“Yah Junho, don’t do anything to her or I’ll kill you with my own hands.”

“Araso, I’m not that kind of person.” They both hung up the phone and she give back the earphone to him.

On the other hand Junho watches Hyoyeon sleeps because of the drug that Gyuri gave him. He laid  next to her and caress her face.

“Now you’re in my hands no one can have you except me. I’ll make sure that you won’t be with Eunhyuk after this night.”

He kissed her cheeks down to her lips and turn off the light.

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ditaprmtsr #1
Chapter 40: nice story
love JunHyo couple^^
ditaprmtsr #2
Chapter 40: nice story
love JunHyo couple^^
JunHyoLover #3
toldyah .. i love this fanfic .. JunHyo is better than HyoHyuk ... JunHyo forever ♥
PigeOnx3 #4
ur story VERY AWSOME !!! can make a new story about Junhyo?
bakekoq #5
hopefully is not only one shot.. hehe..
onairosnma #6
thanks for this!! i'd love to read more fics from you. :D
bakekoq #7
Junho doesn't know the pregnancy testing tools?<br />
haha.. lol.. it's too funny, he's too pure.. haha..<br />
Yeah,, I want SuperGeneration.. Hopefully, it's for HyoHyuk as the main.. hehe..
awww thats so cutee^^im glad juhho and hyoyeon are happy together:)
Aww~ That was cute!!! Especially at the part where Hyo gave Junho the pregnancy test! LOL, that was so so so very cute!! How naive of Junho! It was also funny. Hahaha. The test turned into a new thermometer! LOL. Anyways, i like how it ended. But a oneshot sequel would be very very nice! Just about them having their second baby. xD I'm sad too that this story already ended. ..
yayy hyoyeon and junho got married:)<br />
im so sad the story's going to end soon D: