They Appear

Her Many Destinies

"She rubs me the wrong way." Boa said looking at Jihye.

"Chanyeol was a little weird also. I better make sure he's alright." Jihye said looking worried. "Something is wrong." She said looking at Boa. “I’ll ask him after we finish up at the museum.”


"Have you seen my comb?" Luhan asked looking at Sehun.

"Nope, I'm also looking for my hat!" He explained.

"You guys are also missing things?" Daehyun asked walking in.

"It would seem we have a thief!" Yongguk shouted.

"Now let's not jump to conclusions." Suho said looking at him.

"Then you explain how all our stuff has suddenly vanished!" Himchan shouted.

"Calm down." Kris said looking at him.

"There has to be some explanation." Xiumin said sitting down on the couch.

"Things don't just sprout legs and walk away by themselves... Do they?" Tao asked looking at Zelo.

"I don't think they do." He said looking at him.

"What's going on?" Jihye asked walking into the room.

"Some of our things have gone missing." Chen explained.

"What kinds of things?" Boa asked.

"A few of our personal items like Luhan's comb and Sehun's hat." Lay explained.

"Things that contain strands of your DNA." Boa said looking at them.

"Do you think it was Prof. A?" Jihye asked.

"Who else?" Boa said.

"But why does she want our DNA?" D.O asked.

"I'm not sure, I'll look into it." Boa said walking out of the room.

"Chanyeol I wanted to ask if you were alright." Jihye said looking worried.

"Yeah, I just." He said as flames surrounded his hand. "I couldn't bring my power out." He explained.

"There is something strange about her. What exactly is her goal?" Youngjae asked.

"For the time being let’s forget about it. I have an announcement. We are moving out." Jihye said smiling.

"What!?" They all shouted.

"Where are we going?" Zelo asked.

"To our own place. We can't keep sponging off of Boa and the others." Jihye explained.

"True, but where are we going to get the money?" Kris asked.

"I already took care of it." She explained.

"Jihye you could have asked us for help we." Suho said looking at her.

"None of you currently have jobs so..."

"Men tomorrow we look for jobs!" Kris said looking at them.

"It's not necessary. With the "artifact" I donates we won't have any money problems." Jihye explained.

"What artifact?" Tao asked.

"Just some money from earth."

"Why would that be an arti- oh... Sorry." Himchan said looking at her.

"No worries it’s in the past. We don't have anything besides clothes so we can move tomorrow." She explained.


"How'd you're trip go?" The scientist asked looking at Prof. A.

"Here." She said handing him a bag.

"What's this?" He asked pulling out random things.

"We needed a DNA sample so I got it from their stuff." She explained.

"You seriously creep me out sometimes." He said looking at her. "How did you even sneak into their place to get this?"

"It was easy. I was even able to get the Mato's DNA sample also."

"So are you ready to begin?" He asked.

"Yes. Let us begin.” She said with a smile.


A few days had passed and everyone was getting used to the new house. It was a four floor house equipped with all the necessities.

It was large enough for each husband to have their own room. Jihye had her own room, but they would sometimes sneak in the middle of the night.

The group had decided to go to a nearby park for a peaceful afternoon. Everyone was enjoying the peace until a strange guy appeared before them.

"Can I help you?" Jihye asked looking at him as she leaned against a tree. The guy looked at Jihye as his hands began to glow.

He tried to grab Jihye but missed as his hand touched the tree as it disintegrated.

Jihye was in shock as the guy looked at her.

He lunged towards her trying to grab her once again but this time he was punched into a tree by D.O.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at her.

"I'm fine, but that guy." Jihye said looking at him as he stood up.

The others ran towards Jihye and stood in front of her as the guy walked towards them. A strange aura appeared around him as he walked towards them. Each step he took the grass around him withered away.

"What is he?" Baekhyun asked.

"It looks like whatever he touches dies!" Zelo shouted.

"It's the exact opposite of Lay!" Luhan said looking at him.

"That ring!" Jihye shouted pointing to it.

"What about it?" Daehyun asked.

"It looks similar to the one Prof. A. was wearing." She explained.

"What! Does that mean this is her husband!?" Chen shouted.

"Most likely, but something is wrong." Youngjae said looking at him.

"What?" Xiumin asked.

"Infintia's people don't have power like this." He explained.

"Then how did he get it!" Jihye shouted.

"Watch out!" Lay shouted as the male charged towards the group.

The male placed his hands on the ground as it began to decay. He looked up to see Chen who pointed his hand at him as a bolt of lightning came down towards him. The lightning was reflected as it hit a nearby tree.

"What it didn't hit him!?" Chen shouted.

Mirrors were surrounding the male as another male appeared from inside the mirror.

"He's also wearing the ring." Suho said looking at him.

"I don't know what's going on, but these two want a fight." Yongguk said getting excited as he surrounded the two with gravity spheres. "I was getting bored of not being able to fight anyone, thanks for curing my boredom!" He shouted as the spheres smashed into each other pulling the two males into them.

"That was easy." Zelo said laughing.

"Did you really think you defeated us?" One of the males asked appearing behind the group.

"When did he-"

"Is this all the so called guardians and knights are capable of?" The other male asked.

"Who are you?" Jihye asked.

"Well since you are about to die, I guess it couldn't hurt to know our names. People call me L and the one behind you all is Sungjong." He explained.

"How are you still alive!? You were into a gravity sphere!" Yongguk shouted.

"Were they?" A voice asked snapping his fingers as the world around them began to warp. "The moment you entered this park you were in my reality." A male said with a smirk.

"Oh Woohyun, it’s about time you showed up." L said looking at him.

"The main must make a dramatic entrance." He explained.

"Who are you all and why are you here?" Jihye asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sungjong asked. "We've come to kill you all." He said with a smile.

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Will be updated tomorrow sleepy~


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se_xing #1
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 24: Wow i love it when the children show up,the fight intense and the power awesome too ^3^
Chapter 4: Youngjae kissed her.
Don't faint.
Chapter 3: Okay. *deep breath*
Himchan and Yongguk.
Kissed her.
sangmee #5
Chapter 15: author-nim your so amazing!! i've read it again and again haha
Chapter 23: hahahah they are funny
Chapter 16: So they are THEIR children....................waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The feels!!!!!!!!!!!MY feeeeeels are exploding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!help meh please!!!!! *BOOM!BLOOD SCATTERED EVERYWHERE*
Chapter 12: HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!this chapter is funny!!!oh!you y Jihye!!Tsk!Tsk!
Chapter 11: so..Prof.A resurrect her husbands...then...her husbands are....ZOMBIES?!!? or another creature??*confuse*'\(@0@)\
daym gull!!it has sequel!!i'm excited!!