S.W.A.G.(secretly we are gay) (Discontinued)

I'm sorry, ya'll probably have seen this coming. I'm planning to delete the story but the memories with it were too precious, I just can't find it in my heart to do so. I held on to it this long because I thought I can still do this but unfortunately I can't (obviously). The story makes me cringe now and ugh I can't do this anymore. 


Thank you to all who had been a part of S.W.A.G. Thank you to all those who have been my friends because of this story. Thank you thank you thank you!

S.W.A.G over and out!

P.S. I'd still write though, so you'd probably still see me lingering around aff. 



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Fire_trek 340 streak #1
Chapter 3: The denial is strong in the midget, uh I mean Taeyeon lol if they keep on people(Tiffany and Jessica) are going to believe that Yuri and Taeyeon are into each other
Fire_trek 340 streak #2
Chapter 2: “Trickster Yul monkey” that made me laugh seriously. It seems like Yuri’s accusations were tru about Taeyeon
Fire_trek 340 streak #3
Chapter 1: lol this was a great and funny first chapter! I can tell Yuri is going to be my new favorite with this story.
mascott #4
Chapter 40: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahaha. Anyway I'm willing to wait hahahaha
madel29 #5
I came back here just to see it's discontinued... :'( it's okay Author-nim, you made one of the bestest storyline I've ever read on. Gonna re-read it again! :')
Author!!! I'll wait for your updates!
petenocchio #7
Do not delete this wonderful story authorshii!!! :( I'll wait 'til you update :)
El_thegreat #8
Chapter 9: Lol this fic made me realise i was gay back in 2013 when i was 13 and now fast forward 2019, i realise how blind i was to not realise i was gay