Chapter 2

Not Your Typical Love Story

Catherine's POV


"Wake up Ririn, it's time for school!" I slowly opened my eyes and saw my dad. Well this is unusual. My mother usually does this. Weeeiiird.

"Okay, I'm coming." I rose out of the bed. Sigh. I thought I'd be waking up in some sort of a new place. I guess I was wrong. Same old bedroom, same old atmosphere.

"Good morning world, very glad to see you." I sarcastically remarked as I opened my window.

"Mmmhm... What a beautiful view of the Namsan Tower."


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! IS THIS FOR REAL?!?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Mom came running to my room and checked if I was fine.

"Mooooom!!!!! Pinch me! I must be dreaming!!!!!!"

"What? But you're wide-awake, hunny!"
She smiled at me.

"B-but... Home... Philippines...School... Nicole..." I teared up.

"You're talking nonsense. Now go shower or you'll be late." My mom tossed my towel and left.

This must be a dream. Yeah this is a dream. I searched for our bathroom and surprisingly, it's in the same place as where it was at our house in PH.

"Could it be?" I gasped. I went on my knees and prayed.

"God, I hope this is your answer to my prayers. Please please please Lord!"

This is sooooooo happening! I gleefully showered and dressed.

"Wait, what about school?!"

I'm afraid. The thought of school made me tremble. I take my words back. THIS. IS. SO. NOT. HAPPENING!

"Ririn! Hurry up! Nicole's waiting for you downstairs!"

"Whatev - wait. Nicole?!"
I dashed towards the door and opened it. Joy filled my heart as I saw her.

"NICOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLE!!!!!!!! I thought you were gone forever!" I cried as I hugged her.

"Gone forever? I won't be gone, silly!" She laughed as she hugged me back.

"By the way, how did we get here? Yesterday, we were in the Philippines and suddenly we're here in Korea. This is insane."

"Huh? What Philippines? We had lived here since we were born!"
Nicole stared at me weirdly.

You have got to be kidding me. I can vividly remember everything. The bullying. The feeling of unwantedness. And now?

"Hi Rin!" A girl waved at me.

"Uhh hi!" I awkwardly waved back.

"Do I know that girl?" I turned to Nicole.

"Are you having alzheimers? Of course you know her! She's our classmate!"

This day is getting weirder and weirder. First, dad woke me up. Then I find out that I'm in some place called Korea. Then suddenly people recognize me. What's next?

But wait, shouldn't I be happy? Ugh whatever. I went inside the room.

I gasped. This is the place I painted last night!

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Chapter 3: hmmmmm..!

I'm so confuse....really really .!

Please update.
Chapter 2: she's really weird O.O


Please update =)
Chapter 1: wow! 'o' ....

You have a nice story....

Please update: C: