
Just a Letter


Dear Hyukie,

You'll probably think it's strange to find this letter among your stuff, why would I write to you if I always see you, everyday? I even saw you few minutes ago. The question is that I thought it would be better if I told you this way, since I don't think I could gather enough courage to tell you the next words by looking directly at your face. And I couldn't let one of the few opportunities I have to be alone and express myself somehow, and that was the best I found.

Calm down, don't worry, nothing has happened to me. This letter's only one reason is simply telling you I love you.

Yes, I know you've already heard that a lot, but this time I want to make sure the real meaning and intensity of these three words for me. I love you, HyukJae. I love your expressive eyes, I love diving into them and getting lost in the depth of this dark oceans every time my eyes find yours. I love your pinky cheeks that blushes even with my softest touch. I love your red lips and your unique smile, that makes me want to smile too, even though I'm just looking at it through a simple picture. I love your defined jawbone and the way your soft blonde hair falls on your forehead.

I love your silly, stupid and playful personality. I love your jokes that make me laugh when I'm on my worse days. And it's even better when you laugh with me, so I can be pleased by hearing your laugh that I love so much. I love your voice, too, may it be your normal way to speak or your whisperings who make me feel goosebumps. I love the way you dance, graceful and y at the same time. It seems like there's nothing around, only you, making your perfect moves.

I love the way you hug me, caress me, take care of me. In your arms I feel protected and the world could end if I were hold on them, and for me that wouldn't be the end. I love the way your body warms mine, and your lips touch my skin. I love how you give me your time, I love your caresses, I love when you say you love me too. I love the sparkle in your eyes when you're happy, and I love even the sweet way your crystal tears go on your face, even though seeing that breaks my heart.

I love when you trust in me, falls to my arms and let yourself cry or smile. I love the moments we talk nonsensely, we just spend time together, talking or in silence. I love when you play with me. I love each moment I get to have by your side. I love the way my heart beats faster when I'm next to you, the way my eyes sparkle, the way I catch myself admiring the most casual of your attitudes. I love being nervous when you show any single affection towards me, I love when you're jealous, and I love the hope that fulfills me, that makes me believe that, just maybe you love me that way too. I love thinking of you. But, overall Hyukie, I love loving you.

And even everything I just said can't show you not even the third part of everything I feel for you, because I've already understood and accepted words aren't enough for that. My love for you is much more than concrete, than what's possible to imagine. I love you much more than it's possible for me to measure, and I love you each day more.

Wait, please, I don't want you to misunderstand me. I'm not hoping you feel the same, or even to have an answer, better, I prefer you not to say a single thing. I'll respect your silence, the same way I respect your feelings. I only ask you, Hyukie, not to change your way towards me after reading this letter, because that's the only thing that would hurt and break my heart. That's my biggest fear. Fear of ruining our friendship, fear of losing you without even really having you. I don't know what I would do if that happened, I would be completely lost.

Well, I think I wrote too much, didn't I? It's better for me to stop here, it's already too big. But at least now part of my heart is relieved, because I couldn't keep this with me anymore. I just wanted you to know a little of what's on my mind, a little of my most sincere love for you.


Always yours,


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anchofish15 #1
Chapter 1: sequel pleaseee!!!! i want to know hyuk response or maybe he will write a letter to reply hae's letter (?)
i wanna know what hyuk reaction after reading this hae's letter so please make another chapter ><
Chapter 1: this is really really cute! do you plan on having another chapter?! like hyukkie's response?!