Chapter 2

Will You Be Mine?

Sitting there listening on and on to the teacher, who is teaching the lesson on th board. Taemin passes a note to Jinki but he was obviously ignoring that piece of paper that Taemin threw to him. As naive Taemin was, he didn't even notice that and nudged the older with his elbow. "Aish, will he ever leave me alone..can't he take the hint? I don't want to talk to him!" .

After the few more nudges from Taemin, he gave up and read the damn thing.

Hey Hyung,

After class let's go and meet my friends! You know the ones I was talking about earlier? Then we could hangout at lunch! The lunches are kind of bad.. but I'll share my lunch that my umma made for me. I can't wait for lunch! Ah, we can even go home together too! I just can't wait anymore... how about you?! :D


Jinki was so annoyed just by reading the note. "Even by note he's annoying as hell. Don't he ever shut up? And when did I will do anything with him?" Jinki let out a irritated sigh and wrote back to Taemin.  He threw the note by his foot and direct his attention to the board, as he heard something fall onto the ground. Taemin purposely drop his pencil to pick up the note from the ground and started to read it. A frown grew on the boys face and looked over to the older with such sad eyes.

Jinki's eyes were glued to the board, until a note fell on his desk.



Why don't you want to meet my friends? Did I do something wrong? I'm sorry, if I did something to hurt your feelings.. Please, forgive me. :(

"What? Wait, he didn't do anything wrong. Why do he think that he done something wrong?" Jinki sat the looking at the note. He didn't want him to feel this way, he just wanted to be left alone. He was in deep thought of what he should do and the only option he had was to do things on the note. Jinki didn't like it but he didn't want him to feel upset. He passed it back to the blonde and saw his face brighten up in happiness. Taemin got up in the middle of class and hug Jinki, squealing like a school girl. And what was suprising is Jinki actually smiled as well. "Lee Taemin! Sit down were in the middle of class. If you pull that stunt and you'll get a detention understood?!" He nodded with a slight pout. All he wanted to do is hug his friend, he didn't mean to disturb the class.

Few seconds later, a group of boys entered the room, the muscular boy looking for someone. Then turned to the black headed boy, asking him something before the black headed boy pointed to Jinki.

Changsun looked at the direction that the boy was to and smirk heading over to Jinki's way. The whole class fell into complete silence, while Jinki and Taemin were passing notes to each other. "Changsun, were in the middle of--" The teacher stop after seeing the glare from the muscular boy. Changsun went to Jinki 's desk and slammed his hand to the desk.

Taemin jumped and Jinki just stared a him with a blank look on his face. "So,   you're the new student that my friends were talking about?" Jinki sat there not a peep came out of this boy's mouth. "Let me enlighten you to how thing work around here. I run this school and everyone in here, I get what I want when I want it. I'll let you off with a warning.. don't you dare step up to me or my crew, unless you want your face pummeled to the ground. Do you understand?" The older stared down at the boy waiting for a reaction from the younger. And to the older's surprise, Jinki wasn't showing any fear but what did do was...laugh. "Should I take some notes too?" Jinki said sarcastically, earning a glare from Changsun.

Jinki stood up and looked Changsun in the eyes, while the younger was urging him to sit down. "Do you think I'm scared of you?" He scoffed. "Pfft, don't ing kid yourself. I don't care if you do run this school or not keep you distance away from me got it!" I swear there were sparks coming from both of their eyes.

"H-hyung please sit down." The younger tugging on the Jinki's shirt. "Did I tell you to speak !" Pushing the boy onto the ground, Taemin started to cry and whimper at the pain. And you would of thought Jinki would have back down after a while but no he didn't instead he shoved the older causing him to stumble backwards. "Don't you put your hands on him, he's done nothing to you!" Rage began to grow within Jinki, which made him question himself. Why am I so mad? He isn't even my friend.

But he didn't care about that right now, he just want to set this guy straight. The whole MBLAQ crew gang up on Jinki. Believe me when I say war was about to start when they heard screeching coming from the door. "YOU MBLAQ BASTARDS STAY AWAY FROM MY BABY!" It was a feline looking male being held back by a dino like male and frog like male holding him back.

Of course he the feline boy would listen to the MBLAQ crews demands on regular bases, but if you mess with Taemin best believe you're in for a new awakening.

The crew was waiting for the order from Changsun on what to do. Changsun stared at the furious feline male and the raging boy in front of him then made his decision. "Let's go now! We're not finished here punk."

"I'll be waiting for you return, Sir." He said to the older before helping the boy up.

Taemin was still crying for the feline boy who seem to go by the name Kibum. "Baby are you okay don't cry umma is here" Then he started to look Jinki and it wasn't an welcoming stare either. "Were you part of this?" Looking up and down at him. "No, Kibum umma he didn't do anything he's my friend. He actually helped me."

Kibum studied Jinki some more and accepted the fact that this person help Taemin. "I'm Kibum, nice to meet you." He held out his hand to him but Jinki didn't move a bit. "Sorry Kibum umma he doesn't warm up to people too easily. Please give him some time to adjust to everybody. He's a very good friend to me. Oh! Umma let sintroduce him to Jonghyun appa and Minho! That's okay with you right?" Before he could respond ty him, he was pulled to the two boys standing by the door.

Don't this boy know when to give up damn it.  "Jonghyun appa, Minho hyung this is my new friend Lee Jinki, he saved me from the MBLAQ crew." He began to hug Jinki tightly, earning a glare from Minho. Jinki realized that and pushed Taemin away from him. Why was he glaring a me for?  Damn frog. "Ehem, can I start class now?" The teacher interrupted.

"Ah! Yes Mr. Kim!"

MBLAQ's Meeting Room

"Aish! That damn brat thinks he could talked to me any kind of way!" Throwing things around room and punching the walls. Changsun never thought that he would get so mad over this one boy. Nobody and I emphasize NOBODY ever talked that way towards him and to top it off the feline boy called him a bastard. "That's it we'll get and teach him some manners when speaking to us any kind of way."

All the boy nodded their heads at the leader. "And if you guys dare to let anyone step you again I will beat the hell out of all of you. You got it!" They all nodded their heads once more to the leader. Lee Jinki, I promise to show you and that feline freak no mercy.

"So, what do we now?"  Changsun tapped his chin with his fingers while thinking.

"We will get both Kibum and Jinki during lunch break. It'll be their last time stepping up to us."


Chapter 2 here you go I'm getting tired from staying up all night doing it. Good bye!

Hope you guys love this chapter!

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Chapter 2: I hope you will update soon
Chapter 1: Hi just found your story and I love it so far. Hope you update soon.
Chapter 2: update soon please
really curious what happen next
niezz15 #4
Chapter 2: can you please update soon ? ^^
SweetyMilk #5
Chapter 1: Awsome story lol I hope you update soon :)
Chapter 2: Author-nim I like this story soo far!! Update soon!!^^ <3 Saranghae!!-SaranghaeyoKpop
Chapter 1: Wow this looks really good! Update soon Author-nim! <333
ChibiWynnee17 #8
Hope you update soon Unnie!!
AjLee_Azy #9
Number one subscriber (^_~)