
Until we meet again

Baekhyun stormed out the house banging the door behind him in a rage. "I can't believe they would do this to me!" he cursed out loud. He took a moment to catch his breath before he pulled out his cell phone and dialed his bestfrind's number.


"Hey Kai it's me" Baekhyun answered trying to calm himself down.

"Oh, Bacon why you calling so late isn't it past your bed time" Kai joked followed by a dorky laugh which  soon ended  when he noticed Baekhun wasn't laughing. "Hey are you okay" Kai asked now concer.

"No, you wont believe what i just found out"

"What?" Kai was almost scared to find out judging by Baekhyun's tone of voice.

"I'm getting married"

"What! Youre getting married and you didn't tell you bestfriend"

"No idiot, ijust found out i'm getting married"

"Wait I'm confued" Kai said scrating his head.

"My parents arranged for me to get married"

"What an arranged marriage, that "

"Tell me about, I just eft the house i'm too angry to talk to them right now"

"Why don't you spend the night here at my place until you cool down" Kai suggested. He knew his freind was very calm and gentle but when  angry he can be a hand full.

"Are you sure" Baekhyun asked not wanting to be burden on his friend.

"Yeah, my parents won't mind" Kai reassured the older one.

"Okay i'll be there soon" Baekhyun hung up. He couldn't go back home and get his cloths so he decide to head over to Kai's place. He managed to find a taxi and on the long ride to Kai's house he had time to think to himself. "How am I going to get out of this one" the thought. When ever he was in trouble he usually  managed to weasle his way out. But this time was different.

First of all he didn't do anyhting wrong and secondly there was no way of getting out of this one. The date was set and tommorow afternoon he will be meeting the evil girl he was supposed to spend the rest of his life with. "How does that even work" he said out loud. "Excuse me" The taxi driver said thinkig Baekhyun was talking to him. "Ah nothing" He answered.

He couldn't help but wonder how she was like. Would she torture me and make me sleep outside or maybe she was some carzy person who will watch him when he slept." Ah Snap out of it" he mentally slapped himself. "We're here" The taxi driver notified him. Baekhyun paid the man and headed inside the apartment building.

The security guard was fast asleep so he just walked into the elevator slowly not wanting to disturb him. He was about to press the level 5 button when "Hold the elevator" a female voice said. He thought he was alone never the less he held the elevator open for her. "Thank you" she said as she slowly came into his view. He couldn't help but stare her. "Are you okay" She noticed he looked a bit pale.

"Ah no i'm fine" he answred looking the other way. That was the only thing he could do to stop stearing. He attemped for the second time to press the button but little did he know she was thinking the same thing and as he was about to do so their hands met for a splint second before they both pulled away. "Sorry" he said scratting his head. "It's okay" she replied as she pressed the button.

The elevator was silent for a fe seconds before it started shaking and the light started flikering. "Oh no" she said as she was thrown across the elevator and landed in his arm. He held onto her tightly. Partly because he was scared but also because he couldn't help himself. "We're stuck" she said. "What?" he asked still holding on to her. "This elevator does this all the time". "Why didn't you say anyhing ?" he asked now looking down at her.

They quickly pulled away when they ealised they were in each other's arms. "Beacuse they said they would fix it" She looked away from him. "Great this day is going from bad to worse" he whisperd loud enough for her to hear. "Tell me about it" She added. They looked at each other for a few minuets before hey burst into laughter. "So what do we do now" he asked looking around for a way out. "Well, we press the emergency button and wait for help" Baekhyun did as she said and sat down.

"I'm Tiffany by the way" she said sitting next to him. " Baekhyun" he said letting out his hand. She gave him one of her famouse eye-smiles as she shook his hand which made his heart skip a beat.  Baekhyun slowly looked tiffany up and down. From her red hair down to her perfectly maicured toe nails sneaking out of her expensive looking shoes."So what brings you here" Tiffany asked trying to break the silence.

"Ah" he tought for a second "Family issues" The best answer he could up with. He wasn't about to pour his heart out to a complete stranger no matter how hot she was "Same here" Tiffany said stearing  into nothingness, Baekhyun could see she was in deep thought. "are you okay?" he asked snappingher out of the trance. "Have you ever felt like your life is being waisted away and you can't do anyhtig about it" she said now looking deep into his eyes.

"All the time" he answred looking back into her eyes. They both sighed. "Sometimes I feels like running away"she said. "Is there room for two" he joked placing a smile on her face. "Don't be sad your are so beautiful when you smile, No matter how bad things get just keep smilling" Baekhyun said. Tiffany felt her heart go all mushy, she was taken back by Baekhyun's words. Little did she know he was even more suprised at his words.

"Sorry" he felt his cheeks go red "Don't be".  Tiffany put her hand on his shoulder then it slowly made it's way around his neck and started playing with his hair. He leaned in closer and put his hand around her waist and pulled her towards him. Their lips where about to make contact when the elevator door opened. They both pulled away. They were free to go but they didn't want to.

"I have to go" Tiffany said. She stood up grabed her bag and coat and was about to head out the elavator when Baekhyun gently grabbed her hand and said "How can I contact you, i need to see you again" he looked deep into her eyes." If it's ment to be then it will be" she smiled at him before she was gone.


Baekhyun had talked things down with his parents and agreed to meet his future wife. He sat between his parents in a luxurious living decorated with expensive looking furniture and priceless artwork as they waited for his future wife to come down the stairs. He couldn't help but look around at how the other half lived. "Damn" he thought to himself.

"She's here" Mrs. Byun said breaking Baekhyun's chain of thought. When he turned his attention to his future wife he was almost in tears. He couldn't believe it. That red hair even the same shoes.

"Tiffany" He let out a soft whisper.

"I guess it's ment to be" she smilled at him.


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Chapter 1: So cute~ can't stop fangirling~^^
ShineeStar4ever #2
Baekfanyyyyy <3
Chapter 1: This was totally great author!
Hehehe xD they're so romantic and funny....little did I know,
Can you make athr sequel for this story?
Bcos I'm freak in love it!