Mission 3 pt.1

Competition of The Hidden

It was 3 in the morning when Taeyeon got back from the trip with Onew. She hurried herself to the kitchen to get a glass of water and calm herself down, because they need to do the mission as soon as possible. "Unnie? Why with the hurry?" ask Sooyoung who was snacking in the darkness of the kitchen.

"Whoa! You scared me! We need to prepare..Now I know what in the hell is wrong with us. We're going to finish this task immediately" Taeyeon pulled off her scarf, takes off her gloves, and sit in the couch, rushing to get into her mac and checking the e-mails. "Gather everyone around" she ordered. Her voice is cracked. Her mind is blank. She didn't know what exactly they need to do. But the most important thing, she needs to gather some clues about their mission, and just forget about the enemy, The Shining Five. "But unnie, it's 3 in the morning, I bet Jessica won't wake herself up. And even Hyoyeon, she drinks some yesterday" Sooyoung pleaded her leader, but in returns, she's getting 'no-excuses' look from Taeyeon. She practically dragged herself upstairs to wake her sisters up.


Gosh! Do I really need to wake up and grabbing some oreos in the middle of the night?! You should've just stay still in your bed, grabbing the licorices that you keep in the drawer. Not searching for something else. This is what you've got! Sooyoung thought.

"Unnie~~ Wake up~~~~~~~~" She played with the switch. Making the light goes on and off and on and off. All over again. "Sooyoung!! Will you please stop that?!?!?!" Tiffany groan in annoyance. She tugged herself inside the comfortable blanket.

"Won't do until you wake up!!" She screamed, and rushed to the others room. After struggling for 45 minutes, she finally made it through. "What makes you so long, Sooyoung?" Taeyeon asked, she's in a panic mode, so she's a little bit tense that day. That really makes Sooyoung rolled her eyes. "Do you think waking Sica and Hyoyeon is easy?"

"I know, I know, so, let's just get this straight. Starting from tomorrow, we're doing this mission. I just don't care about the so-called enemy. Who do they think they are? And we can do better than them, right? We're the Nine Power, no one can beat us!" 

"YEAH!" the other chorused, even if they're not that awake yet. 

"Tomorrow, the Shining Five..are going DOWN" she told the others.


The next day, Taeyeon sent herself, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Yuri and Jessica to the opening of their mission. If they can work it out, it'll be easier for the rest, right? Taeyeon will be out first, she is the only one undercovering to be an insidewoman. While Yuri and Jessica will blend into the party. It's a Fundraising Gala for the new tech for kids. Hyoyeon, is going to be with Sooyoung, because the mansion is HUGE. Plus full of system that they both need to cleaned off.

"Are you guys ready? Tiffany, take care of the others, okay? You're in charge of the house, tonight. Don't go to any club or even shopping" Taeyeon growled at Tiffany over the phone.

"Unnie, we're all set" Seohyun is the one who's answering from the phone.

Taeyeon walk through the backdoor, and finding herself inside a bar, with another 2 man and 1 girl. "Are you new here? There's some order, you know?" The old man who's holding a bottle of whiskey scolded her. Then a hand appeared in front of her, a familiar hand she can say. "New here? So am I. He's a strict one, so you better hurry the drinks, or he'll sent you off like Mischa, to deliver the drinks, not making it." And a familiar voice greeted her. 

"Oh.My.God" she awed for seconds long.


"Yuri? Why are you here?" I spotted Yuri, the one that I met in the cafe before meeting with James Hyung. She was so beautiful with her hair tied up, and wearing a one-shoulder dress that fit her body perfectly. I almost jaw-dropped at her sight.

"Minho? You here too?" she asked me. A disbelief tone can be heard. I should've let her think that it's me and my friend's social event, so she won't think that this is some spy activity. "I'm here to replace Key, you?" I know why she's here actually.

"I'm here...to replace Sooyoung. Are you alone?" she asked. "Yea, pretty much. Jonghyun hyung is missing, and leave me here all alone" I answered. Another lie. I know that Jonghyun hyung is in the other side of this ballroom. "Do you want a drink?" I asked, and she gladly nods.

"One gimlet and.." I waited for her order, but she keeps on glancing at the girl bartender. "One margarita" she finally decide. I can see that the girl bartender is the one that met Onew hyung first, and I can see Onew hyung is making a shot for other person, but he notices me with Yuri.

"Can we go sit down on the table? A little too crowded here" she whispers, right in mye left ear. And her whisper stoned me. I nod frequently "Sure, sure, whatever"


15 minutes after the awkward sit, Minho decided to take Yuri for a dance with him. And Yuri, who's too excited to be with him, agreed instantly. A couple of steps, and Yuri hear a high frequency noises from her earpiece. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon, in the van is confused, their power runs out all connection is a mess. 

"OUCH!" Both of them shouted at the very same time. And they know what's going on. "A sabotage. Is that from yours?" Right after they said that, Jonghyun, Jessica is gathered around. "You guys are here too?" both asked in sync.  A couple of seconds after that, Onew came with his tray "What did I miss?" and Taeyeon also gathered with a bottle of red wine, "Is there anything wrong?" 

"SOOYOUNG AND HYOYEON!" "KEY!" 6 of them screamed at the same time. But it was too late. The power on the mansion also went out. And they can hear a loud noises come, plus a gun triggers. A lot of guns being unloaded. "RUN!" Onew drop his tray, and covered everyone up. "Taeyeon! Hurry!" he yelled at Taeyeon who's still mindblowed by the incident before. Hearing noises from distance and darkness, figuring what in the hell that's going on. 

BAM! One bullet has been launched, to Taeyeon's body, but Onew notice that, so he pulls Taeyeon closer to him, and let the bullet scratch his arm. "GOGOGOGO!!" He ordered the others. Once they reached the fresh air, they hear a light explosion from behind the wall. "KEY!!" the boys ran out to reach their gadget maniac. Yuri noticed the blood stain on her leader's arm. "Taeyeon! You're bleeding!" she squealed. But then, they saw Key with lots of his gadgets, walking with burned hair and a messy face. "Thank God you're safe!!!" Onew hug him. "But we've got no vehicle, and all I can save are these" Key  pointed at her arm, full of wires, 1 laptop, 1 ipad, 1macbook pro, 1blackberry, and 1iphone. Plus a headset still on his head, and a bag full of his things.

"But you're safe,that's the most important thing!" Taeyeon followed Onew to hug him. "You are?" Key asked. But another bullet has been sentenced to hurt all of the agents. "Let's go to our car, it's more safer!" Taeyeon grabbed Onew's wounded arm to their car. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon is still stabilizing the things. The noticed the ticking sound, and gladly Hyoyeon can take care of the bomb. 

"Unnie!" Sooyoung reached out for Taeyeon. "Seohyun called us not to go back home! They're being attacked too!" Hyoyeon is being hugged by Yuri. "Who are they?" she asked in the end. Pointing at the Shining Five, minus Taemin. "Oh...my...Taemin is home alone.." Minho's eyes widened.

"What are we gonna do?" they all chorused.







Back!!^^ Sorry ><

I was finishing filming for my short movie for a festival (wish meluck><) at my friend's house. His older brother's room...AWESOME! All SNSD's posters are being hanged, and he has all our girls' albums!! Even he make a separated place for each of our girls, that's.just awe me. So I stayed there, a lil bit too long with my crew to watch SMTown in Paris's dvd, and AAGG  Paradise in Phuket. Too bad 4/6 person there (including me) are all boys :( They vote for Sunny and Taeyeon, kkk^^ they also said that Jonghyun is good too ^^

Enough for today, wish that this is one good update. Will try another update on friday :) 

Plus, can you tell me? Should I make this a rated one, or non-rated one?

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taecyoon is coming up. yehey.
i'm getting super excited in this. ^^
glad you've updated..thankk you so much..update soon!! :)
aww. they got attack.
but i know they can handle that since they are expert in that forte right.

i'm happy that you've updated.
i'm waiting for Minyul moments~
hmm, i like the plot of your story.<br />
it nice.<br />
<br />
i wonder what will happen to their mission and so called enemy.<br />
<br />
please update soon. ^^
ok..so why aren't my favorite writers updating their stories anymore? im sad..huhuhuh..update soon!.i'll be waiting..HWAITING! :)
super duper love your update..and we're verey thankful for at last updating your fanfic..i love it..update soon!.FIGHTING! :)
Qpids_oreo #10
great update~ the end of the chapter was cute~<br />
sooyoung and key hacking into each others systems haha