::chapter three::

You Are My Love

::chapter three::

The bell rang, indicating that school was over. Jiho was still sleeping on the couch located in the priniciples room. Mr Woo packed everything up before walking over to his son to wake him up.

Jiho grumbled incoherent words before getting up.

"It's about time you woke up young man." Mr Woo chuckled. "Schools over. Come on, let's go home."

Jiho absently nodded his head before getting up and following his father out of the office and the school building. The new transfer student accidently bumped into Jiho when he tripped over his foot.

"Aish!" Jiho hissed as he shoved Yukwon off him and glared at him.

"Jiho, be nice." Mr Woo sternly said to Jiho and helped Yukwon up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. Thank you." Yukwon bowed before running off.

"Woah~ You sure don't like the new kid." Jihoon said as he laughed along with the other five boys.

"Hello Mr Woo." The boys greeted.

"Hello boys. I'm hoping you are staying out of trouble right?"

"As long as they don't make any troubles with us, it's all good~" Kyung said as he grinned.

Jiho rolled his eyes and kicked Kyung in the leg. Kyung yelped in pain and glared at Jiho, which had no affect on Jiho.

"Shut up you cucumber." Jiho muttered and sighed.

"Jiho." Mr Woo called out and placed his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Yeah?" Jiho replied codly.

"Would you like to go visit her today?" He asked softly.

Jiho nodded without any words. Jiho's friends asked if they can also tag along, which earned them a smack from Jiho himself, telling them to go home and worry about themselves. Jiho's friends sulked for a good minute before waving goodbye to Jiho and went separate ways.

Jiho followed his father to the car and sat in the back. Mr Woo drove off to Seoul Hospital. Throughout the whole ride, inside the car was completely silent. Jiho was gazing blankly outside the car window. His mind wandering off to his mother who is in coma.

It's my fault she's in coma. It's my fault that I didn't listen to her when she was right. I should of never doubted her. I want to say sorry to her when she wakes up.. but when?

Jiho heaved out a sigh and rested his head against the window. Mr Woo glanced back at Jiho and his expression softened. The car came to a stop as Mr Woo parked the car and got out. Jiho snapped out of his daze and came out of the car. He blankly followed his father to the VIP room that his mother was placed in. Every step that he took, his heart felt extremely guilty of what he did. Jiho wished if he had the power to go back in time, he would believed his mother and did what she told him to do. But thats impossible.

Jiho had hesitated to enter the room, but with his father encouragement, he was able to enter the room. Jiho approached his mother slowly until he was finally beside her, staring down at her with guilt.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as he held onto her fragile hands.

The beeping machines was heard as the room was quiet. It was just Jiho and his mother. His father had gone out to buy food for dinner, leaving Jiho alone with his mother.

"Please wake up. Wake up so that I can apologize to you. Mum.." Jiho spoke softly.


An hour passed and Jiho was seen sleeping beside his mother His head resting on the bed beside his mothers hand. Mrs Woo's finger twitched as her breathing became faster as the machine beeped louder and faster. Doctors and nurses rushed inside to check what was happening.

Mrs Woo's eyes fluttered open as her vision blurred. When her vision cleared, the first thing she saw was the white room and her son's head. The doctors and nurses left the room after doing some check up on her. Mrs Woo slowly moved her hand and Jiho's hair. A smile appeared on her face.

"Soojung?" Mr Woo said in shock as he sees his wife awake.

Mrs Woo smiled and nodded but made sure her husband is quiet so that Jiho won't wake up from his sleep.

"When did you wake up?"

"Just now." Mrs Woo answered softly, her hand still Jiho's hair.

"How's... Jiho?"

"He's changed. Because of they way he's acting, it's only a cover up of his loneliness."

Jiho stirred and sat up, yawning as he stretched his arms up. Jiho stopped his yawning mid-way as he stared at his mother in shock and guilt.

"Y-You're awake?" He asked softly.

"Mm." Mrs Woo nodded slightly.

Jiho's eyes brimmered his tears of guilt. "I'm sorry." He repeated.

"Jiho-ah. Don't blame yourself okay? Just focus on the present. Not the past. Do that for me?" Mrs Woo asked softly.

Jiho nodded and wiped his tears with the back of his hands.

"Go home. You can visit me again tomorrow." Mrs Woo said and patted Jiho's head with a smile.

"I'll be waiting."

Jiho smiled a little as Mr Woo watched his son. His heart felt a little lighter after seeing his son smile. His first smile in 15 years.

"Let's go home Jiho." Mr Woo said, patting Jiho on the head.

Jiho got up and hugged his mother and pecked her on the cheek before leaving the room.


Jiho sighs as he laid on his bed. His eyes closed.

I promise you this time, I'll listen to every word you say so that this won't happen again. I wouldn't know what to do if you leave me.


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MinJuHyun #1
Chapter 6: Omg!!!OMG!!! I hope zikwon moments are coming soon*^*
Chapter 6: awesomeeeee..., poor MBLAQ ;-;
can't wait for the zikwon moments <3
Chapter 6: Update soon :D This is awesome, Author-nim!!! <3
ToppKlassxxx #4
Chapter 6: This is an amazing story! I hope you find a chance to update it soon because it is getting really really good!
Chapter 6: Im so excited! OMG OMG OMG! My feels. My feels. My feels. <3333
Chapter 5: Wahahahaha! U-kwon! Woah! <3 Waaaaa! <3
Chapter 3: :''''> Aww. Jiho <3
Chapter 2: Awwwww :( Poor Jiho </3 He's been through a lot... I guess? XD
Chapter 6: Yay! Yay! Yaaay! You updated~~! Kamsahamnida!! I have this feeling that only U-Kwon will know how to calm Zico Down!! XD HEHE~ update soon authorniim~ ^^