Chapter 35

Blood of Love and Hate

Raymond was incapable of breathing as he stared at Tavia.  Not wanting to believe what she was saying as an empty coldness filled him.  "Are you sure?" he asked hoarsely, wishing that the floor would open up and swallow him whole so that he didn't have to hear the answer he knew she would be giving.

"Of course I am!" Tavia responded cheerfully.  She turned to Dominic and with the smile of a delighted child announced, "Uncle Lam, I'm carrying your grandchild!  Isn't this happy news?"

In his usual cool manner, Dominic smiled in return and stood up from his chair.  Patting Tavia on the shoulder he said, "Of course it is.  And now that you're pregnant you should be careful with everything you do."

"I will Uncle Lam," Tavia said softly.  She returned her gaze to Raymond and seeing his pale expression asked sarcastically, "What's wrong Raymond?  I thought you would be happy with the news, not look like I just served you a death sentence."

Knowing he had to chose his words correctly, Raymond met her gaze and putting on a small smile said, "I am happy but... It's just that I didn't plan on having a baby so soon."

Pursing her lips together, Tavia asked forlornly, "Are you telling me to have an abortion?"

"Absolutely not!" Dominic roared out with agitation.  "You're carrying my grandchild and I will not let you do that."

Tavia turned sad eyes to Dominic and in a soft, pitiful voice said, "But Raymond isn't ready for children."  She then lowered her head and mumbled, "I shouldn't have told you guys.  It's my fault for letting this happen.  I should have been more careful."

Hearing her mumbling, which Tavia knew he would, Dominic strode towards the bed and looked directly at Raymond.  In a harsher tone than he normally used on Raymond he said, "Raymond, now that Tavia is pregnant, it's time you guys make it official and get married."

"Married?" Raymond said numbly, still unwilling to believe what has just been thrown in his face.  How can he marry Tavia when it was Charmaine he loved and wanted?  But the baby was innocent and even the word abortion made his stomach clench in revulsion.  There was no way he would allow Tavia to do that.

"You don't want to marry me?" Tavia asked quietly, her eyes beginning to shimmer with unshed tears as she looked expectantly at Raymond.

Raymond had never felt as trapped as he did now.  Turning his back on Tavia when she is carrying his child is something even he knew was wrong.  The decision had been taken out of his hands.  He knew what he needed to say even though it wasn't what he wanted.  "Tavia, I…"

A soft tap sounded on the door interrupting Raymond's words and the three of them turned towards it.  Charmaine stepped into the room and at once felt uneasy.  Her eyes flitted to Raymond's pale guilt-ridden face and then to the woman sitting on his bed.  She didn't recognize her but by the way the woman was perched with familiarity by Raymond's side, indicated to Charmaine that they were close.  Intimately close.  Returning her gaze to Raymond she said softly, "I stopped by to see how you're doing."

"How is Power doing?" Dominic asked at once, stepping up to her.

"He just woke up and is feeling fine.  The doctor said he'll need to remain hospitalized for a couple of weeks for physical therapy but should be back to normal in a few months."

"That's good."  Touching Charmaine's arm gently, Dominic vowed, "I'm going to get Michael Miu for what he's done to your family.  You and Power don't worry about a thing."

Overcome with gratitude for his kindness, Charmaine said, "Thank you Uncle Lam."

"No problem," Dominic said and the beeping of his phone turned his attention away from Charmaine.  Looking quickly at the screen on his phone he said, "I have something to tend to," and walked to the door.  As he opened the door he turned back to look at Raymond, "I'll come back later to visit."  As soon as the words were out he was gone.

Charmaine remained standing idly by the door unsure of what to do.  The tense silence in the room made her skin crawl and she had a feeling something was about to happen that she would not like.  She waited for Raymond to call her over or say something but he didn't.  He continued to look at her from his place on the bed.  It wasn't so much the silence that bothered Charmaine.  It was the remorse and misery on his face that made her heart pound madly in fear.  Fear for what, she didn't know.  But she knew it had something to do with this woman who was still sitting on the bed beside Raymond and who was now looking at Charmaine with a smug smile.

Tavia's eyes harden as they looked at Charmaine.  The smile on her face was cold and brittle as she stood up from the bed and walked over to Charmaine.  "Hi, I'm Tavia," she introduced herself with a warmth in her voice that she didn't feel.

Charmaine looked past Tavia at Raymond and wondered about his strained expression.  He hasn’t said a single word to her since she walked in.  It was only out of common courtesy that she be polite to whoever this woman was.  "H-Hi," she said uncomfortably and accepted Tavia's handshake.  "I'm Charmaine."

Playing every bit the friendly hostess, Tavia plopped back down beside Raymond and said with more feeling than necessary, "It's so nice to meet one of Raymond's friends.  He hardly introduces me to them and I've been his girlfriend for so many years."

Charmaine's gaze flew to Raymond and the look she gave him was full of angry accusation.  Controlling her emotions, she smiled coolly at Tavia and said, "I wasn't aware that he had a girlfriend."

Appearing surprised by the remark, Tavia pouted her lips at Raymond and said sweetly, "It's all your fault Raymond.  I don't mind you flirting with other women but that doesn't mean for you to lead them on to believe you're single."

Charmaine looked between the two of them and felt her heart constrict.  Locking her eyes on Raymond she asked shakily, "Is she really your girlfriend?"

Tavia felt Raymond stirring beside her and knew she had to act fast if she was to get rid of this woman once and for all.  Turning her head to look lovingly at Raymond, she immediately said, "I'm going to be your wife soon aren't I?"  When Tavia saw Raymond's gaze still fixated on that tramp instead of answering her question, rage filled her.  "You don’t want our baby being born without a father do you?"

Charmaine felt as if someone slapped her on the face.  Baby!  Raymond had never told her anything about having a girlfriend or expecting a baby.  She wondered how much more was he keeping from her.  With tears filling her eyes she looked at Raymond and asked in an achingly soft voice, "Is she telling the truth?"

"I can explain," Raymond quickly said.  He tried to get out of bed but realized he can't move his leg.  "Let me explain," he pleaded weakly.

Knowing fully well that Raymond was handicapped to the bed, Tavia sauntered over to Charmaine.  Looking frostily at her she bent and whispered snidely in Charmaine's ears, "All you are to him is someone to pass time with.  There have been many others before you.  I am the one he's marrying.  I suggest you save some of your pride by just leaving right now."

The truth of Tavia's words hit Charmaine hard.  With tears blurring her vision she took one last look at Raymond and fighting against a sob, she said quietly but firmly, "I hope I never see you again!"

"Charmaine!" Raymond shouted when she disappeared out the door.  With his own tears burning his eyes, he slumped back against the bed.  So distraught was he that he did not see the self-satisfied smile on Tavia's face.


Sheren walked out of the room, her eyes red and teary as she hurried over to where Dominic stood.  "She's gone," she said hollowly.

Dominic muttered an oath and clenched his fists.  "What happened?"

Swallowing a sob, Sheren responded softly, "A servant.  She found Mary lying at the bottom of the stairs.  She tried calling Power but he wasn't picking up.  She remembered me as being one of Mary's good friends and called me instead."

With a shattering breath, Dominic looked up at the ceiling and groaned, "How can I tell Power and Charmaine that their mother is dead?  They've suffered too many losses already."

"I know," Sheren wept beside him.  "What are we going to do?"

Taking Sheren's hand in his, Dominic led her towards the elevator bank.  "We have to tell them sooner or later.  Let's break the news to Power first and take it from there."

Nodding her head in agreement, Sheren followed quietly beside Dominic.

Charmaine who was passing by on her way out of the hospital overhead Dominic and Sheren's conversation.  With a muffled cry she fell to her knees.  "Mom," she whimpered with agony, "Mom, please don't leave me."

"Miss, are you alright?" a nurse called out when she saw Charmaine sitting hunched over on the floor.  "Miss?"

Charmaine lifted her teary eyes to the nurse and as she was about to answer blackness took over and she fainted. 

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Chapter 2: just one chapter into the story and i love it already! :-) i can really imagine it as i read on.... <3 thanks
lunafxstar #3
Congrats on the feature!
Congrats !
bietvui #5
Great story, thank you very much !
charray #6
Thank you Simcon, another great story about our lovely Charray!
mewmew #7
woohoo an update, missing your updates lately :)<br />
Love Raymond's determination to see if Charmaine is alright, but I feel that he would slow everyone down if they were to make a run for it. I actually thought that Tavia would be done with her silly games, but she continues to come up with useless ideas for someone to pity her, she's like a yo-yo that keeps coming back, what the heck O_0 I really hope that Raymond does not fall for her trap again, shame on him if he does, as if he didn't learn the first time around. Thanks for the update Simcon :D
mewmew #8
At last, the truth reveal, thank goodness Dominic has an eye for distinguishing the good from the bad. Ugh..I'm just utterly disgusted by Tavia's actions. Charmaine is once again caught in middle of the family affairs. Where is Michael's right hand man, Moses when you need him. Sheren and Michael sure does have a history, if he really loves Sheren, he would stop the crazy, lunatic act. But I do wonder if Sheren loves Dominic for the right reasons. Thanks for the double update :)
mewmew #9
Messing with the enemy, does Tavia even know how dangerous Michael is and how much of a threat he poses to the family. Tavia is such a joke, hope that Dominic and Raymond see her true colors soon. Looks like trouble is headed their way, not a good feeling. Thanks for the update :)
mewmew #10
Oh my, at this point, I am uncertain as to whether or not Charmaine and Raymond will ever get back together :( I didn't like the fact that Tavia had the nerve to visit Charmaine and played like she is the victim in this whole thing and that Raymond was at fault. However, I do agree that Raymond was at fault for leading them on, but Tavia had no right to play this type of dirty game and mess with their minds. Thanks for the update :)