-- hurt


. F L A S H B A C K .

"S-SeungHyun," G-Dragon froze in the middle of the street. It was their first year of high school, an average morning of the two walking together. "T-they couldn't save her..." His eyes watered and within an instant his knees collapsed and dropped to the ground. Top turned around. He bit his bottom lip as he put his book bag down and lifted the other boy into his arms. G-Dragon buried his face in Top's chest and wrapped his arms around his strong torso.

"Shhhh," Top pulled the smaller boy closer with one hand around his waist and the other tangled in his hair. He twisted the little pieces of hair into tiny curls with his pointer finger. "She's in a better place now, don't you agree?" GD sniffled.

"No! She's not here with me! She's not in a better place!" He exclaimed. "How can you even say that?! You don't even know what it's like to be alone!" He shoved Top away and turned to continue walking. Top on the other hand stood still.

"JiYong." The younger boy sighed and sniffled. He turned around to glare at Top. "What?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"You're not alone."

"Of course I am." Top took in a deep breath.

"Just because your parents are gone, you think that gives you the reason to forget about me?" G-Dragon stiffened. His eyes drifted to the ground. He felt tears rushing to his eyes again.

"I like you, GD. I really really do."



Top sprinted into the woods behind the school. Where the hell is she? Break is over in 15 minutes and Junjun is nowhere to be found. Crap, what if she got attacked by some wild animal and is hurt?!

"Junjun!" Top's voice shook with nervousness. He could begin to feel his pulse beat through his entire body, especially his chest. "Dammit, where is she?" He asked himself out loud. As he pushed through numerous long, thick tree branches, Top hadn't noticed an enlarged tree root on the ground. His foot hit it hard, and he tumbled face forward onto the ground. "!" He cursed as he turned over to see that his ankle was caught in the root, keeping his right foot hooked to the ground. He cringed at the shooting pain that traveled up his body when he tried to move. "JUNJUN!" Top yelled as loud as he could make his voice go.

"Top?!" A panicked, distance voice responded. His eyes widened. "Top!" Junjun's voice called again, sounding closer. "Where are you?"

"I'm stuck," He called. "I can't get up. Follow my voice." There was about a moment of silence until he heard nearby rustling bushes. "Junjun?" He called again. He looked up the second Junjun stepped through a pricker bush, quietly yelping in pain. As he saw her eyes water from all the sharp prickers jabbed into her skin, he felt his heart break from the guilt. He had ruined Junjun's first day in Korea completely, and now he had already gotten her hurt.

"Top!" Her eyes widened in shock at his uncomfortable position on the ground. Her worry about Top's safety overcame her pain from the sharp needles that were in her arms. She bent down next to his ankle. "Does it hurt when you keep it still?" She asked. Top shook his head.

"Only when I try to move it," He answered. Junjun softly wrapped her fingers around the root constricting Top's ankle.

"There's going to be a lot of pain when I try to get your ankle free, okay? Please try to bear with it as much as possible. I'll try to do it as quick as I can." Top swallowed and nodded. Junjun took a deep breath. "1, 2..." Top squeezed his eyes tightly shut and bit his bottom lip. "...3." She pulled on the root as Top dug his fingers into the dirt,clenching his teeth tightly together. "I've almost got it!" It sounded almost like Junjun was crying. Her last final tug hurt so bad that Top naturally had to yell out in pain. There was a quick SNAP!, and he felt the pressure from the root pressing down on his ankle release. Junjun stumbled backwards onto her back. She quickly got to her feet and helped lift Top to his feet. He wrapped his arm around the back of Junjun's neck for support.

"A-ah..." He bit his tongue.

"I think you should go to the hospital," Junjun said, glancing down at the swollen ankle as they dodged even more bushes, trees, and roots. Top's eyelid twitched at the word 'hospital'. Since he was 6 years old, Top developed Nosocomephobia, a fear of hospitals. His mother had taken him to the hospital when he got Chicken Pox for the first time, and the doctor attempted giving the frightened boy a shot in the arm, but missed the vain multiple times causing him to bleed profusely. Before ever getting shots after that, or even going to the hospital, Top had to take anxiety pills to relieve his fear.

"N-no," He stepped over a rock. "It's just sprained. I'll just go home and put some ice on it. I'll be as good as new before Taeyang's party this weekend.

// T O P P O V \\

Today is Wednesday. Taeyang's party is Friday night. That gives me...3 days. , doesn't it normally take around a month to heal a sprain?! Dammit, I need some super fast sprain healing remedy now!

// E N D P O V \\

By the time that Top and Junjun had arrived back at the courtyard, all the students had returned back to their classes a looong time ago. Junjun sighed deeply in exhaustion.

"I feel like the biggest jerk in the world for ruining your first day. Now I have to go ho..." His voice faded as he saw about over 90 pricker needles and numerous bloody scraped over Junjun's left side. "Junjun! Y-you're bleeding like crazy!"

"It's alright," She giggled. "I can just pull these out later." Top's eyes widened in horror at how badly her arm looked. He quickly unwrapped his arms around her shoulder.

"No! I need to get you home! Stop pretending it's alright! You're hurt!" He felt his voice shaking. "I need to take care of you, alright?! It kills me when I see you in pain!" Junjun looked at him.

"...fine," She mumbled. Top sighed.

"Please, just let me take you home. That way we can talk about everything." Without giving her a chance to speak, Top wrapped his arm back around Junjun's shoulder and began to walk home.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
Bigbang, top
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
teddiebears #3
love this, thank you
visiting old stories!
Chapter 9: You should really continue this :D It is a really great story ^^
Chapter 9: Agh. I really hope that Jun-Jun can accept him for who he is. I love your writing style.
keep it up author ^^
pignie1 #8
new subbie!

update soon!
supaluvTaemin #9
kagaki #10
You should continue this, I love every second <3